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Just Sven
3 months ago

Happy Thursday, GN.

Teh bestest place ever held a townhall style meeting last week. Our president, a liberal/leftist type, talked about how well the corporation was doing and the challenges ahead; namely, Trump saying that he will impose a 60% tariff on goods coming out of China. No “if Trump is elected in November” qualifier. To mitigate that, TBPE plans to move at least half of all manufactured goods from China and Taiwan to other countries over the next two years and has begun that process.

My first thought was how even the threat of tariffs from Trump -- and I think that was a throwaway comment in some interview months ago -- had an effect and good on him. My second thought was even TBPE is planning on a Trump victory and both this guy and the owner/ceo are plugged into the dem party so perhaps the panic on the left is real.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

Sven -- that’s some interesting information. I wonder if Biden will still be the nominee when election day rolls around?

Just Sven
3 months ago

Hi, Paddy. I still say no on Brandon in November. I think the dems have made that call as well given the amount of msm and usually reliable leftist outlets now running less than stellar articles on him.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago

At school we use a database to record special education information and student plans. It’s a platform widely used across the state. Transactions in that database (SEIS) have to be uploaded to the state student database (CALPADS). Errors can occur during upload and must be corrected in SEIS before the upload can be completed. Once in CALPADS, additional errors can be found by running certain reports. When our previous SpEd director was moved out in favor of an old friend of the Principal, I was tasked with handling the database processes while the new person got up to speed. I was familiar with SEIS, but had never processed the uploads. I taught myself how to process the uploads, clear the errors, and how to run reports in CALPADS. These tasks were handed over to our new SpEd director two years ago, but she still struggles to get things right. She’s always saying “Nobody told me to do that” or “Nobody taught me how to do that”. In February, I let her know about a student who had fallen through the cracks and wasn’t in the SEIS database and therefore wasn’t receiving the services they deserved. She basically said how was I supposed to know. I said that’s why it’s important to run a particular report in CALPADS. Later, I get a phone call from the Principal, who chewed me out for not teaching her friend how to do her job. No, I was never asked to train her, although I did try to train her and one of the Asst. Principals a couple of years ago, but they always canceled the training sessions. A few weeks later we held a meeting where it was decided that I would handle the CALPADS side of things for the remainder of the year, and the school would look into hiring someone with experience in CALPADS to handle things next year. I guess having the SpEd director learn was out of the question.

Fast forward to the last week of May and I send the SpEd director a list of two students with discrepancies in the CALPADS database, along with what she needed to do in SEIS to correct the errors. BTW, this discrepancies were caused by errors she, or someone she delegated the task to, made in the SEIS database. On Monday of this week, she started asking why certain steps needed to be done. Yesterday she asked me to reach out to the people who run the database how to clear the error. They came back with the same steps that I did. Since her friend, the principal, was on the email thread, I refrained from pointing out that these were the same steps I had given her three weeks ago. It’s amazing how I can take the initiative to learn the things necessary for my job, but others can’t.

Just Sven
3 months ago

If it isn’t documented, it doesn’t exist. That’s my credo when it comes to procedures and all other process documentation.

It’s a different workforce than what it used to be. Not to say that there aren’t young college -educated workers that aren’t willing to roll up their sleeves, but it’s no longer the norm. If i had to guess, your SpEd Director is a youngest, college-educated person.

You’re a good egg, Paddy.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago
Reply to  Just Sven

She’s not as young as you’d think. She’s 53 and appears to be the postergirl for the Peter Principle, aided by some nepotism. She seems to me to be in over her head and doesn’t realize it.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago
Reply to  Mac

You were a good manager. I don’t think I’ve run across many of them in my career.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago

There was a 3.6 magnitude earthquake at 16:52 in Newport Beach. I didn’t feel a thing. 12 minutes later there was a 3.4 aftershock that I did feel. Interesting.

Last edited 3 months ago by Paddy O'Furnijur
Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Nah, it would have to be significantly stronger to cause any damage, even at the epicenter.