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Just Sven
2 months ago

Happy Most-Important-Debate-of-Our-Lifetime Day! Should be entertaining tonight, but not, I expect, important at all for November. Unless, of course, Brandon has a complete physical breakdown and dies onstage.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 months ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

I wonder if Brandon’s doctors have put together the proper combination of drugs to keep him upright and active, or if they are still tinkering with the formula?

Just Sven
2 months ago

I hope they continue to tinker and get it wrong.

Just Sven
2 months ago

Well that “debate” was something. Sheesh. Trump did better than I thought he would -- a bit more restrained -- but I still still wish he’d dial down the hyperbole. Brandon’s doctors waited too long to jack him up. His first 15 minutes were terrible, but he got better comparatively speaking, for maybe 30 minutes.

My bet that Brandon isn’t the candidate is feeling pretty safe tonight.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 months ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I caught about 30 minutes of the debate while driving, starting about 15 minutes into the debate (assuming it started on time). Biden sounded angry at times, like it was an insult to even dare to contradict him. When talking about Ukraine, he kept swapping Trump and Putin, i.e. “He [Putin] told Trump to do whatever he wants.” I think pointing that out was a missed opportunity.