Several small things like not fully stopping before a limit line, turning the front wheels before coming to a complete stop when making a turn, driving too slow in a residential area, etc.. She also supposedly made an unsafe left turn, but that one’s debatable. I think it was mostly overall nervousness that failed her the first time -- she had too much on her mind and possibly losing her license really added to it.
She’s a good driver and has adapted by moving her head more to compensate for peripheral vision loss. I drove with her several times after she failed the first time and was confident that she could still drive safely and competently.
That’s what I suspected it was. It would be interesting to ride with a DMV examiner during their daily commute to see if they did the same things. I’m betting they would -- or more so.
Happy “Poe Kitteh” Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8 (and Harper!), and Sven!
The first full day of float decorating is in the books and I think we’re going to like working for this company. The people are friendly and things seem well-organized.
Teh Younger flies out today. It would be nice to have him out for longer, but a short visit is better than none.
Quoth the kitteh…
Hi, Dv8 -- good morning, GN.
Several small things like not fully stopping before a limit line, turning the front wheels before coming to a complete stop when making a turn, driving too slow in a residential area, etc.. She also supposedly made an unsafe left turn, but that one’s debatable. I think it was mostly overall nervousness that failed her the first time -- she had too much on her mind and possibly losing her license really added to it.
She’s a good driver and has adapted by moving her head more to compensate for peripheral vision loss. I drove with her several times after she failed the first time and was confident that she could still drive safely and competently.
That’s what I suspected it was. It would be interesting to ride with a DMV examiner during their daily commute to see if they did the same things. I’m betting they would -- or more so.
Our thoughts exactly.
Happy “Poe Kitteh” Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8 (and Harper!), and Sven!
The first full day of float decorating is in the books and I think we’re going to like working for this company. The people are friendly and things seem well-organized.
Teh Younger flies out today. It would be nice to have him out for longer, but a short visit is better than none.