I will be spending Monday evening and night at the hospital with Elena. Her father was taken to the ER on New Years Eve and has had two heart attacks in there so he is in IC know. The four sisters have been running two sister shifts day and night with him but I will fill in with Elena that night. He is 93 so I don’t know what to expect. He was doing well but some months back he had pain in his legs that made it hard for him to get around and then he came down with shingles so he has been very restricted for some time. He is diabetic but HATES needles so by controlling his weight, remaining active around the house and yard, and strict diet control by his daughters, he has gotten by without insulin. Being bed ridden now his blood sugar is too high and they are giving him insulin in the hospital. At least the IV means he does not need injections but insulin is a rather blunt instrument and I worry about his use. I have not needed it for over three years now thanks to a drug I started using, expensive but effective.
I will post threads through the 15th and should get more posted later but may not be around so much. It depends how things go. He is awake and not in pain, but sleeps a lot and has little strength. We just don’t know what to expect.
The new year seems to be off to a rough start for everyone. Please take care of yourselves, my precious friends.
I echo Sven’s prayers. Please let your wonderful bride know that we are praying for you all. Be sure to take care of yourself while taking care of everyone else, Mac.
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Thread pic: sure. It starts out with one cat, then they bring their friends and family. Soon you’re that neighbor that everyone is talking about.
I slept better last night, but I’m nowhere near 100%.
Please take care of your good self, Paddy.
I’m trying, Mac. I’m trying.
What Mac said, Paddy. Get to feeling better.
I will be spending Monday evening and night at the hospital with Elena. Her father was taken to the ER on New Years Eve and has had two heart attacks in there so he is in IC know. The four sisters have been running two sister shifts day and night with him but I will fill in with Elena that night. He is 93 so I don’t know what to expect. He was doing well but some months back he had pain in his legs that made it hard for him to get around and then he came down with shingles so he has been very restricted for some time. He is diabetic but HATES needles so by controlling his weight, remaining active around the house and yard, and strict diet control by his daughters, he has gotten by without insulin. Being bed ridden now his blood sugar is too high and they are giving him insulin in the hospital. At least the IV means he does not need injections but insulin is a rather blunt instrument and I worry about his use. I have not needed it for over three years now thanks to a drug I started using, expensive but effective.
I will post threads through the 15th and should get more posted later but may not be around so much. It depends how things go. He is awake and not in pain, but sleeps a lot and has little strength. We just don’t know what to expect.
The new year seems to be off to a rough start for everyone. Please take care of yourselves, my precious friends.
Prayers for you, Elena, and her family.
Thank you, Sir.
I echo Sven’s prayers. Please let your wonderful bride know that we are praying for you all. Be sure to take care of yourself while taking care of everyone else, Mac.