It’s 9:30 and 12 degrees now, but we should be heading back up to our high of 28 degrees around 4:00 pm, before heading back down to 12 degrees tonight again.
Thank you, Paddy. I have a small electric heater in the garage that keeps it in the upper 30s and I leave the hatch to the attic ajar so some heat gets up there. I did leave a trickle of water through two faucets because the temp was in the teens last night. All seems well.
They were predicting rain much of yesterday so I expected snow and ice, but there was only a light ducting last night and the roads are clear. As no snow/rain is expected for the next few days we will probably be OK.
It’s funny, I was telling Elena the door knob latch from the garage to the back yard was sticking because of the cold and she suggested it might need oil. I told her how oil can lock up things like gun actions in extreme cold. but said we did not get that cold here and she asked what I considered “really cold”. I told her about what our Russian friend had to deal with in Russian winters.
Sven, we are just North of Dallas, in McKinney. We are actually closer to Frisco. We don’t get hit by the hurricanes but we do get tornadoes and some of these cold arctic visits. It is colder here than we saw in California but nothing like the colder states.
Tom is Irish and became a US citizen about 6 years ago; his wife is Russian and also naturalized. He’s been in this country maybe 20 years -- he’s as MAGA as they come and was quite happy to get out of California. It took them a little time to adjust to Texas, but are happy now.
It’s 9:30 and 12 degrees now, but we should be heading back up to our high of 28 degrees around 4:00 pm, before heading back down to 12 degrees tonight again.
Happy Word Salad Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Mac!
Mac -- your weather sounds like my friend’s in northern Utah. I hope your pipes are okay.
Thank you, Paddy. I have a small electric heater in the garage that keeps it in the upper 30s and I leave the hatch to the attic ajar so some heat gets up there. I did leave a trickle of water through two faucets because the temp was in the teens last night. All seems well.
They were predicting rain much of yesterday so I expected snow and ice, but there was only a light ducting last night and the roads are clear. As no snow/rain is expected for the next few days we will probably be OK.
It’s funny, I was telling Elena the door knob latch from the garage to the back yard was sticking because of the cold and she suggested it might need oil. I told her how oil can lock up things like gun actions in extreme cold. but said we did not get that cold here and she asked what I considered “really cold”. I told her about what our Russian friend had to deal with in Russian winters.
Thread pic: Coons with more self-awareness than the former VP.
That’s some chilly weather, Mac -- if you don’t mind me asking, where about in Texas are you guys?
Hi, Paddy.
Sven, we are just North of Dallas, in McKinney. We are actually closer to Frisco. We don’t get hit by the hurricanes but we do get tornadoes and some of these cold arctic visits. It is colder here than we saw in California but nothing like the colder states.
My Irish friend lives there in McKinney on Sequoia St. They moved there maybe 3 years ago and like it.
That is about 9 miles from us, by the new DMV and Courthouse.
That looks like a nice area. How do they like Texas?
Tom is Irish and became a US citizen about 6 years ago; his wife is Russian and also naturalized. He’s been in this country maybe 20 years -- he’s as MAGA as they come and was quite happy to get out of California. It took them a little time to adjust to Texas, but are happy now.
Sounds like an asset to any community. It looks like that is a growing area, fairly new but with open areas around it, looking at the map.
So when do you join us out here?
One thing at a time -- we get Mrs Sven thru the next 4 weeks, see where we are, and then go from there.
Of course, Sir. You have a lot on your plate.