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9 years ago


9 years ago

I couldn’t fall asleep until one last night. Then a yowling cat got me up at 4:20. I see a morning nap in my future!
So, today will be in the 105 range. Phoenix will be 106. Hmmm.
Dry heat or wet heat-as far as I’m concerned, it is a HOT heat.

I’m hoping for a day off today, but I fear we will think of something to run over to TMP to do. The only thing inside left to do (that we can do) is windows & floor mopping. I’m not going to bother mopping until the carpet guys are through. Oh yeah, BW has to plant her latest plants.
Hope y’all have a Blessed Day.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT!

Yes, Sven and Mrs. Sven are a blessing and Good Gerbils® and you and BW are deserving of all the help and prayers possible.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning and happy Sunday!

Glad that we brought some unexpected happiness into your day, Rabbit. You and BW along with the rest of the gerbil clan are never far from our thoughts.

Hi Paddy! Hope teh younger got off OK.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Good morning, Sven! Yes, Teh Younger made it back to college without incident, picked up his belongings from the storage unit and was settled in by Friday night. Good thing, because he had to be at the waterfront at nine the next morning.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Watching the news shows this morning, I feel the bile rising. The anniversary in Ferguson; the atomic bombs in Japan; Trump. I’m tempted to go full-Fatwa on all this lunacy, but think instead I’ll just get on with my chores.

Mrs Sven is in a maybe bad spot. She was approached by her boss a few weeks back about a new position that was finally approved and that she wanted Mrs Sven to consider taking. So Mrs Sven looks at it, considers it, is leaning towards it but like every spot in this company, a 4-year degree is required--something that she doesnt have. She brings this up to her boss who is shocked, shocked I say, that she isnt a college graduate. The boss goes to HR and they confirm that a degree is required (a degree, not “or equivalent experience” mind you) and so Mrs Sven is out as is her dirty little secret. Not that she ever misrepresented herself ever.

However, guess what? The position she currently holds as a project manager also requires a 4-year degree. As did her previous spots as an analyst, manager, buyer, planner, and master scheduler. They’ve moved her around the last 15 years like a pawn on a chess board and never batted an eye, but now it’s an issue because she was the one doing the choosing.

She’s nervous about her job. Close to retirement age, 15 years at the same place. Successful at every position they’ve put her in, taken on every task they’ve given her, destroyed her health working 50-60 hours a week for these people, and now this. It may be nothing or it may turn into something. Hard to say, corporations being what they are.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Prayers for you both, Sven. That’s a more than lousy position to be in. Many, many years ago, a friend who worked for Toshiba was in a similar position. They paid for him to finish his degree at night while working his current position. I don’t see that happening anymore.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Good morning / afternoon --

Paddy --

Glad to know Teh Younger got situated back at school.

RabBeet --

Thank you for all of the informative “slow typing” yesterday; very glad that the potential asking price for TCM has gone up after all of the hard work and money you’ve put into it. And that you’re getting help from some other kind folks.

So sorry that you’re in the position of having to care for grown-ups who are also fark-ups.

Sven --

I sure do hope that Mrs. Sven’s company does the right thing, given how successful she’s been for so many years presiding over the cleanup of their multiple clusterfarks.

What you two did for RabBeet and BW was lovely. But then kindness and generosity to fellow Wheelizens are hallmarks of this place. (I’m still touched over all the lovely things which arrived at CasaK around the time of our wedding.)

Iā€™m tempted to go full-Fatwa on all this lunacy…

Never go full-Fatwa. šŸ™‚

9 years ago

So, tomorrow is my son’s birthday. I talked to him earlier in the week & said I would call & make weekend plans for our out-to-eat. I was too tired Friday to talk when we got home. This morning, I called. He has his regular “all day gaming” thing that he does on Sundays, so I knew lunch was out. I told him that we could go for dinner tomorrow night if he didn’t already have plans and that he could pick the restaurant. He asked if I’d try one of those Brazilian meat places. I was hesitant, then he said “It’s what you always like, lots of meat!” Ha! So that is where we will go. After we hung up, I looked up the websites of the three in his city near him. Really, unlimited meat on a stick, what can go wrong? Ha!
I just woke from my second nap of the day. I overheard BW talking to an excitable Sis from the other room. I heard the words “ZS, hospital, Urgent Care.” By the time I got into the room, BW was off the phone. The report from a frantic Sis was that ZS’ BP spiked & Sis took her to the UC who is transferring her to the ER. BW said Sis was in a snotty mood saying, “I’m calling you so you won’t be mad that I didn’t call”. Bw just stayed calm & told her she did the right thing & to call us later when she has more info.
No, we are not flying up there to sit & wait. We are too worn out to play hospital today. BW said, ” I’ll feel guilty if she dies.” I said, “There is nothing we can do now anyway. Let Sis do this, since she was absent during the last one. ”
And with that, BW went off for a nap.
That sounds cold if you don’t know the history of the last few months. Or the last 50 years! Ha!

See ya later

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

RabBeet --

Glad you and BW let others step up to the plate today re ZS. You’ve been caretakers for a lot of people for the nine years we’ve known you and are doing all the heavy-lifting re TCM…and heaven only knows what else.


Sounds like you’ll be taking your son to a churrascaria; presuming it’s even halfway well-done, I think you’ll enjoy it a bunch. It’s very nice to have an endless parade of servers with meat on skewers visiting your table.

Based on experience, I’d recommend going easy on the non-meat items (even if they are delicious) and beverages, as they take-up valuable stomach space better filled by meat. (They’re best thought of as little palate-cleansers in-between courses of, you guessed it, meat!)


Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Caption: Passadores vie to have their meat chosen by RaBbiT.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Close, very close to going full Arbuckle over the commentary I’ve come across tonight regarding Mike Brown and Ferguson. No one mentions nor seems to care that Darren Wilson’s life has been ruined. For. No. Good. Honest. Reason.

Instead, I think I will wish you all a good night and go to bed.

Pleasant dreams and good rest, friends.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’m sure Officer Wilson’s union is coming to his full and complete defense.

Yeah, what was I thinking?