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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!

TeX --

Hope they get Blue Bell back onto your local shelves ASAP to help you beat teh heat.

Paddy --

Very much hope that an interesting opportunity comes to you out of left field. You certainly deserve it.

Sven --

Are you done with this round of de-clutterng?

Certainly aware of the perception this is going to be a wet winter out there. One of my clients contacted me on Monday re a large HOA project which Jim teh Roofer looked at Thursday. I’ve already started work on the bid package ’cause we definitely would like to win this one.


Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa.

Nope, more decluttering planned for today. It’s like a fire sale: Everything Must Go!

Just Sven
9 years ago

Watching the cable news shows this morning, it’s all Trump all the time. While I appreciate the entertainment value he brings to the 24/7 primary season, my take on him is that the enemy of my enemy isn’t my friend, he’s just my enemy’s enemy.

Trump supporters seem every bit as rabid as the Obamabots from the last two election cycles. A lot of fury and no substance, jumping to join that cult of personality.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven!

Very much agree with your assessment of Trump and his supporters. (Who are also a bit reminiscent of the PaulBots from the last cycle; fookin’ cults of personality.)

The fact that Trump and Sanders have gotten so much traction is more than a bit frightening. And the rest of the field is, to me, not substantially better.

I’d love to see every one of those azzholes asked how they’d “support and defend the Constitution”, given the clearly enumerated limits of the FedGov’s power contained in that document.

Because for me, that may be the single most important issue. (Being that I’m a dangerous, extremist wacko bird muppet and all…)

Just Sven
9 years ago

Yeah, I have the same sentiments regarding all the candidates. I’m not looking for someone who will get things done or is running to do good: I want someone that understand the Constitution and will defend it.

I can understand Sanders: if I’m a Dem and given the choice between Clinton and someone else, I’ll go with someone else regardless of who that is. On the Republican side though, you have more of a choice, so the fascination with Trump is bewildering.

What is fascinating though is that for the Republicans you have three nonpoliticians, Trump, Fiorina, and Carson, who are all doing better than the establishment candidates.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!

Good luck with the de-cluttering, Sven. I still have some to do at my folk’s house, but it will have to wait until the weather cools down. Speaking of my folk’s house, we’ve gotten bids from a real estate agent we know for fixing up the house, along with the estimated sales price, closing costs, net profit, etc. He put together four bids: as-is (don’t repair the water damage, etc.), minimum re-do (attempt to keep costs as close to insurance reimbursement without leaving it looking like a total fixer), moderate re-do (turn-key, but affordable), and max re-do (max. sales price, but more limited market). I’m trying to get together with my brother to go over the options, but he’s ignoring my messages on his cell phone and FB. I know he doesn’t want to spend any money, but if we do only what the insurance covers (new cabinets, re-install old appliances, laminate counter top, clean and re-install carpet, only paint the rooms affected), it will look like a total fixer-upper and a waste of money on the new cabinets. We’ve got options, but we need to discuss them, or he needs to give me the authority to make all the decisions -- which he won’t. He’s dragged his feet on everything having to do with my parents’ estate and has criticized anything I’ve done on my own (btw, my Dad still isn’t interred, even though we have his spot in the columbarium. It’s been 4 1/2 years). It’s more than a little frustrating, although no where near as bad as what RabBiT and BW are going through.

The cynical side of me see’s the whole Trump/Sanders circus as a way of installing Biden as the next President (beating Jeb).

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Mr. O’!

Sorry that your brother’s being a great big, uncooperative, erm, jerk.

…Trump, Fiorina, and Carson…

Rightly or wrongly, they’re not perceived as “Beltway insiders”. I think we’d benefit from a Chief Executive who’s significantly less beholden to the the Beltway scumbags (including the Mandarin class). Just don’t see how someone like that could possibly be elected without becoming seriously compromised, unless they run as an independent.

And that strikes me as spectacularly unlikely.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Hey Paddy. Waves.

Good luck with the house--never an easy thing working with uncooperative siblings.

I’m thinking Fiorina might be shooting for that VP slot.

Just Sven
9 years ago

105 in the shade. Doesn’t Gaia know we are trying to save her?

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Just think how hot it would be without all of Jerry Brown’s efforts.

Just Sven
9 years ago

I’ve probably violated the water usage guidelines and will be hit with a large $ penalty, but all the animals and birds in the backyard are sitting around panting. Turned on the water for them for half an hour. Poor things.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Good for you! It’s not like you’re maintaining some gigantic, lush, green lawn.

9 years ago

Next time you hear me trying to talk myself out of something epic, slap me. What was I thinking? This morning I woke up invincible and ready to go. The pier swim was magnificent! Warm water, good people and a harbor seal that met us in the foggy middle that was affectionately begging me for belly rubs! She was so cute. Must have been a previous rescue and fell in love with humans. 4 of us got up close and personal and she was brushing up against our legs like a kitty. Adorable. Yes, I said fog. It came in right in the middle of the “Trench” and we couldn’t even see the pier! 5 of us stuck close together navigating by the beach that was going in and out of visibility. We managed to avoid all “trench monsters” in the submarine canyon… Bonus! When the fog lifted, there it was, the pier, right in front of us in all its piling glory. Ozzy the Osprey was waiting to greet us on one of the towers. We all re-grouped and took some pictures for posterity. It wasn’t my camera so I have to wait. Best swim of the year! I am Mermaid, hear me ROAR!

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  TehMermaid

Congratulations on teh swim (and avoiding teh trench monsters!). I told Mrs. Paddy about the harbor seal and we all went “awwwww”.