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Just Sven
9 years ago

If Mrs Sven sees that, she’s going to want a pool now.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning and happy Autumn! Good riddance to this past summer--it’s been a miserable one.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning, GN!

Hai, Sven!

drunk baby photo Drunk-Baby-you-know-that-girl-dora-yeah-id-explore-that-482x317_zpsvv2rtguc.png

I got nothin’ else.

9 years ago

Autumnal Greetings!

Weird morning. For the past few days , I have spent a couple of hours early in the morning trimming branches and tackling the grapevine along the fence. Our house has a 4ft . high cyclone fence. The neighbors on either side have wooden fences. At the back of the yard, we have about a four-foot wide alley with a wooden fence on the other side from the shopping center parking lot. So, of course grapevine grows along the alley side over the top of our fence. And up through the ground on the wooden fence. In the alley at each end, I have telephone poles that are vine friendly, too. I usually keep the fences clear throughout the growing season. This year, with all the yard work over at TMP, I let it go. It was so bad, that yesterday (for the first time evah) I drove the truck to the shopping center parking lot and trimmed the stuff from that side! Of course, it doesn’t help that I dump tree branches in the alley. But I have been doing that for years, anyway. So last night at about 1:00 a.m., I woke up to BW on her hands and knees clawing at my feet. She had a nightmare that I was tangled in ropes (grapevine?) and was drowning/dying. This so unnerved her that she stayed up the rest of the night & just played video games & watched movies. I didn’t know she was staying up, so I went back to sleep. When I did get up, she went back to bed. The cat is walking around yowling for her to get up, but she’s out for awhile. So this is weird. I half want to run errands, but I don’t want her to wake up and find me gone.

Monday’s therapy session got canceled. Dr. C’s dog was sick. Then today’s reschedule was canceled because she had to put another one of her older dogs to sleep. Poor thing. She raises show dogs & one is a retired show/therapy dog. She sold all of her litter except one that she is training as a therapy dog. He is just a puppy, around 3 months old, cute as can be. And HUGE! They are (I think) Irish Wolfhounds. Luckily, she has a large office!
There was another showing of TMP over the weekend, but nothing since. We go from being ok to thinking we need to lower the price. I know it is too soon, but still, it is a worry. Paddy, I hope the work on your Dad’s house is going well. And that your brother is not pestering you.

Sven, earlier this summer , we would have resorted to raccoon skimmers if we had thought of it!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, RabBeet!

{{{RabBeet & BW}}}

Because I’m a Bad Gerbil (and my father’s son), this actually made me *snort*.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Sven, and Fatwa!

RabBiT -- work on my folks’ house continues, although a bit slower than I’d like. They should be 90% done with the interior by the end of next week. I’m not sure of the landscape/hardscape schedule. At some point the house will have to be tented for termites, then exterior repairs made to the termite-damaged wood, followed by painting. My brother has been quiet lately, so that’s good.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

Glad to read that work on the house is proceeding. Such things almost never proceed as fast as people would like; this frequently includes the contractor(s).


Since it’s been a while, I thought it was time to republish the list of RabBeet’s old pseudonyms:

Librarian / Josephine / Astro Jetson / Leslie / Ashamed / Detective Wu / PhotoFan / Benny Hinn / Billy Graham / Leslie / Faster / Jello Shots For All / The Teh / Gertrude Stein / TopCarrot / Heidi / Seal the Singer / Cliphairedwoymn / Nedra / Not a vet / TimexFossil / Real Ranchers Eat Beef / Boo Kitty / Nadine / PakRat6 / StarSeeker / Cabingirl / Graduated / True Lez / Keisha Armstong / Not aFanatic / Rhesus / Collector of Clowns / Audience of one / Tannerite / Wanna Know / Why Are you Staring / Shell / Ghoulie#8 / Fried Egghead / Parvo / Always Lurking / Marco Polo / David Witt / David Witt in San Diego / Wan 2Tawk / Deidre Mc / AbandHa / John Henry’s Admin ASS’t. / Blue Mallard / Warthog / Lucy von Pelt / Edgar Guest / ALLCAPPS!! / Getrude Stein / Not A Ranch / E / A.Finch / Who Cares? / Gertrude Stein (again) / Lucifer The Lucky / Not Amanda / Not Impressed / Not For Hire / Not John Nash / Ban Me / Oliver Mybody / Kyla Lund / Not Linking / Mark Kenton / Turncoat / Coyote Possum / Pull The String, Idiot / Not Chell / LObo / Look Away From Me / Luna_tic Chik / NOT a Swimmer / Harley Harold Brewer / Not A Duck / Clueless in Eugene / Bottoms Up Yours / Bwahaha / You ain’t funny / Hem Lock / Not A Concerned Citizen / San Fernando Red / Freddy the Freeloader / Clem Kaddidlehopper / Rebecca in Redmond / Newspaper Fan / Pizzant / Jailer Jan / Uniter / Sandra M. / Cat Lover / Spyeye / Query #1 / Query #2 / Braying Pack O’ Wolves / ZimaZulu / Justa Onlooker and Not TEH

Still an impressive collection. 🙂

9 years ago

O. M. G! That cracked me up, Fatwa! And those were only the ones I could remember, I think. I know some of them related to the topic I was posting or commenting on-some were just from my weird and mysterious psyche.
How funny that she thought she was getting all that web traffic & it was just a few gerbils spinning her wheel.
Remember her disappearing Amazon ad? Hahahaha!
And when BK put War & Peace or something on an automatic loader-thing?

Thanks for the laugh.

9 years ago

Hiya, Mac!
Heck I don’t even remember all those blogs that we started. I do remember posting a bunch on Eugene’s craigslist. I was starting arguments with pro& anti pit bull people. I think I played one of each! I gave all that up after my gmail was hacked.
I forgot all about piface. Ha!

9 years ago

man, I was one mad Rabbit back then…

Just Sven
9 years ago

Funny and good memories--you were one rabid rabbit back in teh day!