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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sunday greetin’s and a belated HBD to Izel!

I got nothin’ else again; this is an alarming trend. 😉

Just Sven
8 years ago

Good morning and happy Sunday.

Good thing we here in CA have invested in our water infrastructure. Oh. Wait.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

A happy belated birthday to Izel! Thanks for sharing, Mac, and I hope you’re feeling up to family festivities, soon.

Sven -- investing in water infrastructure would just encourage less conservation, more growth, and take much-needed funds away from the high-speed rail that Jerry Brown wants to play with.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven and Paddy!

Just read a couple of articles about the Oroville Dam situation; what a complete clusterfark.

Not to mention the failure for decades to build reservoirs and other water-related infrastructure. Criminy…

Just Sven
8 years ago

Who needs water when you have Twitter?

Just Sven
8 years ago

Huh. Anderson Silva won his first fight in a couple of years last night. For a few years, he was the greatest mixed martial arts fighter in the world until this unfortunate event. The video below will make you cringe:

Just Sven
8 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Ugly is right, mac. And yet he came back from it. Think he was out a year. What a fluke injury.

Just Sven
8 years ago

The sun is out today and the winds are up so things are drying out. I think our sometimes cat got sucked up in this last round of storms--he’s hasnt been by since Friday. We’ll leave his food bowl full and his door open, but he hasn’t been gone for more than a day since he started hanging out here.

Just Sven
8 years ago

What a difference a single word makes. I bought this beef brisket last week and tried a new recipe where you let it soak overnight in a cup of apple juice and various herbs. So I put it in a roasting pan the next day along with all the liquid and into the oven it goes. 350 degrees for 3 hours.

I checked on it at the two hour mark. The roasting pan, a nice glass Pyrek one, is completely black with burned apple juice and stuff. The meat itself looked like a black brick and was about as hard as one. I think I bent a fork on it.

WTF? I reread the recipe. The word I missed? “Cover” Place in a roasting pan and cover.

I tried saving the meat, but no go. Threw the whole thing away, soaked the pan overnight and was then able to clean it.

Sheesh. I’m getting old.

Just Sven
8 years ago

At 77 years old, the guy can still play.

Just Sven
8 years ago
Reply to  Mac

We’ll see, Mac. Mrs Sven still thinks he has another family to hang with. He was never an affectionate cat--we were mostly there to give him food, clean up wounds, and provide a safe place for him to sleep during the day. It’s possible that if we had had him fixed that he would have turned, but I kinda doubt it.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Well, this doesnt sound too good:

OROVILLE, Calif. — Thousands evacuated their Northern California homes Sunday evening after authorities warned an emergency spillway in the country’s tallest dam was in danger of failing and unleashing uncontrolled flood waters on towns below. Hundreds of cars were in bumper-to-bumper traffic on Highway 99 as people hurried away from the Oroville Dam.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Lot of coverage. It looks like they’ve maybe dodged a bullet, but there’s 100,000+ people on the move in NorCal. What a mess.

Sobering interview:

The Bee: Say the top 30 feet of the emergency spillway does break off​,​ and it sends a pressure wave down the system​. That would raise concerns of levees failing in Oroville and other towns along the Feather River channel. ​Would it cause a big risk in Sacramento?

​Countryman: ​It’s hard to say​, because there is a lot of volume in the floodplain, but once the levee burst​​ most of that water is going to be leaving the river and spreading across the land. With the Yolo Bypass and everything​, my gut tell tells me that Sacramento probably doesn’t have major concern.

The Bee: But Marysville, Oroville, Live Oak​? The Highway 70 corridor?

Countryman: That’s gone. I’ll tell you right now that’s gone. If they lose that 30 feet that’s gone.

​The Bee: What happens tomorrow?

Countryman: ​You’ve got this dilemma: You’ve got a broken spillway that you don’t really want to be putting large flows down. But you don’t have any alternatives now. Now, you’ve got to put more water through it​, and you’re endangering (that structure). Tomorrow, when you wake up and we can get a good view of it​, you may see that those gates are in trouble. If they’re not – if they’re making this 100,000 cfs release (and) the gates are in a safe condition – then we’re in a pretty good position to ride it out.
