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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Monday Tuesday…gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Hope everyone had a lovely long weekend. (Except for all of the numerous tax leeches who are worried they may be summoned to testify before Issa’s committee; eff ’em.)


Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Busy day -- gotta put those students back to work! Teh Younger leaves this morning for a week on Catalina Island, studying the marine biology and ecology with some of his classmates. Teh Older finds out if he’s got a job up in NorCal.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Good luck to Teh Older; hope to Teh Younger has fun.

11 years ago

Teh Younger’s going to have a blast. Cold, but fun.
Good luck to Teh Older!

I swear to G-d, today’s an effed-up-insane-people-are-still-effected-by-the-full-moon Monday.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago
Reply to  X_LA_Native

I’m sorry to hear about teh suckage that is invading your week, TeX.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Exciting times at your household, Paddy. Good luck to all your boys.

Hot and dry out this way today and just last week they were expecting rain. One small fire west of us that they put out; a larger fire north in Valencia that they also seem to have put out; but Santa Barbara is still burning. And now way east in the Palmdale area there’s a massive dust storm that’s hitting the 14 freeway. I blame the sequester.

Kings and San Jose Game 7 begins in a few minutes. So far, the home teams have won each game and the Kings are at home. Hopefully the trend will continue.

Spent Saturday with a friend of mine that just lost his wife last Thursday. Been keeping in touch, but not sure what more I can do.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Teh Older was supposed to hear about this job by today. He spent the day waiting, anxious, frustrated, and still hasn’t heard anything. Have they made a decision? That’s one thing I loathe about HR departments and many hiring authorities -- the utter lack of consideration for the applicants.

/rant off

11 years ago

My buddy Bob’s been through that so many times, and often he never does hear. Until he checks the company’s site and he finds out someone else got the title he was after.

And…we have an HR person dedicated to managing the in-house cafe’s Twit account, so you can imagine the esteem I hold my own company’s HR dept.

Especially since every six months they come up with some new way to eff up teh eval process.

As is typical, when they scheduled the training meeting for the remote employees, the call-in number didn’t work, so I didn’t get to ask the question I wanted most answered: how does this *new* process differ from what we go through every six months in our self-evals, and how does it deliver a better product?

I did, however, get an immense shot of glee when I spoke to the coordinator for this *new* process and tossed out the aside, “Well, it’s pretty self-explanatory and doesn’t differ materially from what we do every six months anyway…I think I’ll figure it out.”
There was a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line…

I think Fatwa would applaud that one.

/rant off

Just Sven
11 years ago

Kings won tonite, 2-1, over the Sharks. As much as I’ve been critical of Quick, he was great tonite in goal. On to the conference finals. I’m hoping Detroit pulls the upset tomorrow-would rather face them than Chicago.