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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Thanks for teh Thursday noms, Mac.

We’ll see if Dr. Edsel actually testifies today; what a shit-show this Kavanaugh business has become.

Then again, what a shit-show our FedGov has become.

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Just Sven
5 years ago

Sadly, it’s not just the political side of the country or the federal government -- it’s seeing the idiocy of the left, our fellow citizens, unthinkingly accepting allegations as fact because a woman spoke them. And then trying to destroy anyone who stands opposed or questions it.

It’s stunning how stupid and blind a good chunk of this country has become.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hey, Sven!

Just Sven
5 years ago

Hi, Fatwa -- should be an interesting day -- hopefully Kavanaugh has his game ready, cuz the Wally Beaver/good guy persona, even if it is 100% true, isn’t what’s going to win the day.

Off to work.

Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

I have to agree with all of the comments posted so far.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I heard some of Doc Edsel’s testimony in bits and pieces while running errands and some more snippets after I got home.

IMO: Not credible. Can’t remember a damned thing except “Brett Cavanaugh”. (Reminded me of the running “Matt Damon” gag in “Team America”.)

Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago

No matter what, I’m sure the Dems and Never Trumpers will find her tots credible and #believeallsurvivors.

Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago

Hmm, I wonder what Sheila Jackson Lee is passing to Dr. Edsel’s attorney?

Just Sven
5 years ago

I thought that Kavanaugh’s opening statement was incredibly moving and honest. It had the right mix of raw emotion, tears, and anger. But it went on too long -- the righteous anger turned into whining at times. Still, afterwards, I thought this is a guy I’d rather lose with than win against if winning meant I had to side with the left and their tactics. But during the questioning part, he struck me as a man unused to anger. He was belligerent and not in a good way. He whined -- there’s no getting around that. Understandable, but still unattractive. If he had collected himself and simmered down, it would have been great, but he didn’t and there’s no getting around that.

I believed him that he had nothing to do with this assault -- i found no redeeming features out of Ford, no new facts to support her claims, and her voice/demeanor were annoying.

Believable or not, I have the feeling that he’s a broken man and that’s really too damn bad. He got fucked, hard, by the left, the media, and the Democrats. For no good reason beyond power and them staying true to their agenda at any cost -- the ends in their minds definitely justify their means. Cocksuckers.

Just Sven
5 years ago

And the guy who’s even more fucked? Mark Judge. If that guy isn’t found dead floating in some river somewheres before year end, I’ll be stunned. And before I hear anymore bullshit from the media about his book, I’d like to remind them of one of theirs, Matt Taibbi: “LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -- A Rolling Stone writer who has come under fire for a 17-year-old book that critics say depicts his own mistreatment of women at a newspaper office made a second apology on Wednesday, saying he wrote “hurtful” things but did not sexually harass anyone.”


Just Sven
5 years ago

I am disappointed that no one on the Republican side asked the Dems if an FBI investigation was needed to find out who leaked Ford’s letter.