Kittens…and then they grow up. Speaking of cats, we’ve been treating Jack Tatum’s injuries for the last week or so and he is on the mend. Not sure what got him, it wasn’t another cat -- Mrs Sven thinks coon or something similar -- but his head was sure torn up.
Goooood morniiiiing, Wheelizeeeeeeens!!1!
I feel like that po’, po’ thread kitteh this morning; so many leetle teeny-tiny admin tasks to do and keep track of; bah!
Sven --
Hope yesterday wasn’t too tough on your eye and that today will be a lot easier…at least in that regard.
Kittens…and then they grow up. Speaking of cats, we’ve been treating Jack Tatum’s injuries for the last week or so and he is on the mend. Not sure what got him, it wasn’t another cat -- Mrs Sven thinks coon or something similar -- but his head was sure torn up.
Hi, Fatwa -- I’m sensing a theme here with the brony gifs…hmmmmm and Miss Brenda is home from work…hmmmmmm.
Eyesight is better today and I’m hopeful that work will be a little more pleasant and productive than yesterday.
Happy Horse-head Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Fatwa -- I understand about the bazillions of tiny tasks.
Sven -- I’m glad your eye is doing better. Let’s hope today is even better.