1954 – WNBT-TV (now WNBC-TV), in New York, broadcast the first local color television commercials. The ad was Castro Decorators of New York City
1954 – WNBT-TV (now WNBC-TV), in New York, broadcast the first local color television commercials. The ad was Castro Decorators of New York City
Morning Greetings!
Jerrie, thanks for the new place. It looks great!
I’ve run out of exclaimation points!
see ya later
Happy Caturday from Happy Larryville, GN!
TeX --
Your thread pic elicited LOLs…and a bit of caffeine snortage; ow, quit it!
Jerry --
When BrendaK clicks on the “Lost your password?” link, the page endlessly cycles and no email is received; this occurs in IE, Chrome and Mozilla. (And thanks again for teh upgraded Cage.)
So, what your saying is Jerrie’s evil plan is working.
Fatwa, I have deleted BrendaK from the user list. She should re-register.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
I hope y’all have a great day -- I’m off to erect the Parthenon.
No, really.
There might even be pictures, later.
Is Il Douchey coming for a campaign visit?
So that’s what you call yours, Paddy? The Parthenon?
Must be a Doric column…none o’ that Ionic or Corinthian folderol.
Thread pic-dogs, so judgmental.
Huh. So I guess it’s more difficult to get an avatar up than before. Must ponder on this.
Just finished this book written by Mrs Sven’s old biker boyfriend: Patch Holder-Doug Ford. Not terribly good, but Mrs Sven liked it.
Slow and sunny day out here; thinking of seeing The Hobbit as it is now showing at the bargain theater.
Sven --
IIRC, this page was helpful in getting a Gravatar account sorted-out so I could use an avatar:
Thanks, Fatwa.
As promised, pics of today’s Herculean efforts:

The columns are moved into position in front of the library.
Raising the framework into place on top of the columns. That’s yers trooly on the foreground ladder.
Assembling the pediment and cornice.
The student artist touching up her work.
The finished product.
The scissor-lift ran out of power before we could move it.
Well that’s pretty cool, Paddy. You guys worked hard and did a good job.
Thanks, Sven. The school is hosting the state Latin Convention next weekend and this is part of the decorations.