Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa! With all that caulking to do, I thought you might like some coffee.
This may help you do a more “impressive” job:
Thanks, Paddy…hee and har!!!! (Nice to know we’re both in-touch with our inner-twelve-year-olds).
Teh elastomeric stuff’s pretty easy to work with, assuming a damp rag and wet middle finger. 😉
Taking a coffee break after running-out 1-1/2 tubes; got all of the crown done (not particularly enjoying standing on a step ladder with my head tilted back) and started on the base. Hope to get that done in another 45-60 minutes and let it cure while I shower and do an errand run.
After lunch (and application of painter’s tape as needed) I plan on getting all of the paint touch-up done. And if I feel extra ambitious, setting-up the IKEA shelves and commencing loading it from teh bottom with LPs. (Which I swear I’ll start digitizing select cuts from one of these daysyears decades…at least those I can’t purloin from teh innertoobz.)
Also glad that I remembered to run some wire behind teh crown yesterday for my nearly-40-year-old KLH Model Six speakers which will be wall-mounted.
OK, so who has a killer recipe for meatballs? The Italian kind, not that weird Swedish kind. I need to whip up about 100 of them things. Normally, it’s ground beef, parsley, breadcrumbs, an egg or two, garlic, little bit of onion. Roll them in flour, fry ’em up, and then into the sauce. This time, I’m thinking the same basic recipe but with some ground veal in it and maybe baking them before tossing them in the sauce.
Add oregano, basil, and pepper; more onion. Don’t roll them in flour. Do bake them before you put them in the sauce. Make extra for munching before saucing. Ground veal would be nice but few will notice the difference and veal is so very expensive. You know your audience, so if they would notice the veal, go for it. Send me some either way!
More sad. I just thoughtt of teh perfect caption for the Lady Gagag picture. It’s a punchline to an old joke: I’ll swim in the red river, but I won’t drink from it. Heh.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!

Good morning, Fatwa! With all that caulking to do, I thought you might like some coffee.
This may help you do a more “impressive” job:
Thanks, Paddy…hee and har!!!! (Nice to know we’re both in-touch with our inner-twelve-year-olds).
Teh elastomeric stuff’s pretty easy to work with, assuming a damp rag and wet middle finger. 😉
Taking a coffee break after running-out 1-1/2 tubes; got all of the crown done (not particularly enjoying standing on a step ladder with my head tilted back) and started on the base. Hope to get that done in another 45-60 minutes and let it cure while I shower and do an errand run.
After lunch (and application of painter’s tape as needed) I plan on getting all of the paint touch-up done. And if I feel extra ambitious, setting-up the IKEA shelves and commencing loading it from teh bottom with LPs. (Which I swear I’ll start digitizing select cuts from one of these
daysyearsdecades…at least those I can’t purloin from teh innertoobz.)Also glad that I remembered to run some wire behind teh crown yesterday for my nearly-40-year-old KLH Model Six speakers which will be wall-mounted.
Time to [insert “caulk” word play here].
Apparently I kilt teh thread with my caulk.
How’d the caulking go, Fatwa?
OK, so who has a killer recipe for meatballs? The Italian kind, not that weird Swedish kind. I need to whip up about 100 of them things. Normally, it’s ground beef, parsley, breadcrumbs, an egg or two, garlic, little bit of onion. Roll them in flour, fry ’em up, and then into the sauce. This time, I’m thinking the same basic recipe but with some ground veal in it and maybe baking them before tossing them in the sauce.
Add oregano, basil, and pepper; more onion. Don’t roll them in flour. Do bake them before you put them in the sauce. Make extra for munching before saucing. Ground veal would be nice but few will notice the difference and veal is so very expensive. You know your audience, so if they would notice the veal, go for it. Send me some either way!
Thanks, Kate. Never use basil in them-that would be good-Ill give that a try along with oregano-another herb I should use more of but don’t.
Wish you lived closer, but then again, I don’t wish for anyone to move TO California.
So the Jets cut Tim Tebow. Not surprising, but i hope he lands somewheres.
Sven is sda. And drinking. No mgerbil meatball reciopes.
More sad. I just thoughtt of teh perfect caption for the Lady Gagag picture. It’s a punchline to an old joke: I’ll swim in the red river, but I won’t drink from it. Heh.