1992 – A 203-year-old proposed constitutional amendment barring the U.S. Congress from giving itself a midterm pay raise was ratified as the 27th Amendment.
1992 – A 203-year-old proposed constitutional amendment barring the U.S. Congress from giving itself a midterm pay raise was ratified as the 27th Amendment.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Now if we could only force those public leeches to live under the same laws and regulations as the rest of us, then maybe we’d be getting somewhere.
G’day from Happy Larryville, GN!
Paddy --
I’d like to see all public officials -- and public employees -- stripped of their various sorts of “immunity” from consequences for their actions (or lack of same). It it were up to me, they’d all have to purchase liability insurance for themselves which would a) reduce the exposure of taxpayers caused by bad actors and b) render them unemployable wherein teh public teat is concerned after an expensive screw-up or two (when they effectively become uninsurable).
Also, no public employees unions. 😉
Good morning-
I’ve been reading this book, Dial 911 and Die, by Richard Stevens. He discusses how govts avoid responsibility for their actions through immunity and ‘no-duty’ rules. He documents court cases from each state, and his general premise is that govt has no responsibility to protect an individual from bad things happening, so you ought to have a gun and accept that you are responsible for yourself.
Not a great book, but interesting reading the various cases.
Here’s some of California’s Government Code related to the above:
845. Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable for failure to establish a police department or otherwise to provide police protection service or, if police protection service is provided, for failure to provide sufficient police protection service.
846. Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable for injury caused by the failure to make an arrest or by the failure to retain an arrested person in custody.
821. A public employee is not liable for an injury caused by his adoption of or failure to adopt an enactment or by his failure to enforce an enactment.
Bottom line: You’re on your own, baby.
Cut, jib, newsletter, Fatwa.
Hey EveryGerbillyBody!
Man, what a weekend! Our friends got here and it was all-go no-quit -- not only the NRA convention, but then house-hunting for them. They want out of CA *so* very bad. And they’ve now seen the possibilities. 🙂
AND they get the benefit of having us here to check out anything they’re really interested in. Not only do we know what they want, it helps having a contractor lay eyeballs on the construction.
Not much for sale at the convention except accessories and t-shirts and stickers, and I missed this one (and we couldn’t find it again -- so I ordered one off eBay):

Our friends bought one for their 17-year old daughter. She should be wearing it to school one day this week. That oughta stir things up a little.
And ‘den! After scrambling because Mr. X’s pain management appointment got moved in place and time, we found out he needs to be in Colorado Springs to help move his mom from her boyfriend’s place to the west side of L.A. I’ve got Harbor Freight and Discount Tire bookmarked in case he runs into any trouble.
We’s tard. At least he’s got a six-pack of five-hour energy…
On the good news side, our ISO rating came in for the VFD: we dropped two points. Which, “in theory”, should save everyone in our service area $100-140 per point on their homeowner’s insurance. We just all have to send the rating letter in.
Moar coffee anyone?

Did you get to see some of the speakers, X? Sarah Palin?
No, we missed EVERYBODY.
One friend drove out from Cali just to see Beck, I had no idea Cruz, Palin, Perry, and Nugent were going to even be there.
We were laughing at the *maybe* 50 protesters that showed up. One sign they were holding said, “Control guns to protect our children!”
The eight-year old walking in front of us said, “What do they think my dad’s going to use it for?”
I said, “Hope he’s taught you to use it as well…” and the other guy with them said, “Kid knows more about guns than I do.”
My house is a mess. Mrs Sven is sick and the teevee aint working right. The bigger problem is that the circuit breaker for the kitchen kept tripping yesterday. I thought it was the refrigerator finally giving up its ghost, but turned out the gas stove top had a 1/4 of standing water in it and electronic pilot lights were shorting out. Where did the water come from? As best as we can figure, somebody was cleaning things up in the kitchen last Saturday and somehow inadvertently poured water in it. I’ve mopped it out and dried things out with a hot air gun, but I don’t know if it is salvageable. The darn thing is 40 years old. Got the refrigerator running off an extension cord.
Kings won last night to tie their series at 2. Clearly not the same team as last year, and Quick in goal inspires little confidence. But they are making a show of it.
My husband thinks from the back window of my car you *might* come to the conclusion I’m a right-winger…

In California, ‘right-winger’ would be a charitable characterization.
Too bad Mr. X couldn’t take it with him -- it’d piss my SiL off. Oh well, he put a Magpul sticker on the truck before he left. It says “Free Colorado”.