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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Mid-week compliments from sunny and Happy Larryville, GN!

TeX --

Lurve teh T-shirt and your rear window.

Sven --

Hope that Mrs. S is feeling better, your stove is working properly (including teh breaker no longer tripping) and that your teevee is less dodgy.

I’ll keep an eye open for Stevens’ book. If you’re interested, Radley Balko’s old pre-HuffPo blog archives re police militarization can be found here and has nearly 1000 links. (He’s been writing about this issue for years.)

He also coined the deliberately emotionally-loaded term “puppycide” and has tracked stories about cops shooting dogs…frequently with no discernible justification and/or under highly questionable circumstances.

Lastly, GoodWifeK sent me this graphic yesterday; I probably ought to share it with Harper and DV8, too:

AliveDead photo DeadAndAlive_zpsc9c4ee01.jpg


Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!

Lurve teh T-shirt and your rear window.

TeX does have a nice rear window.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Minus the views of Raymond Burr, one presumes.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Never understood the whole Fonzie and Happy Days fascination.

Mrs Sven is really sick: cough, cold, sinus, snot thing.

I think the cook top/stove top is kaput and needs replacing; that’s an expense we didnt have budgeted right now. The cheapest ones I’ve found so far are $300. It sucks too cuz we were planning on redoing the whole kitchen next year, but can’t afford it right now. So I may drop $300 for a year’s worth of service.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Been watching some of the Benghazi hearings. Not seeing a lot of fire coming out of it, but then maybe I’ve missed the important parts.

On the other hand, a video could be leaked of Obama diddling his daughters, and the media along with those on the left would likely just praise his performance and nominate him for an Oscar.