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11 years ago

Broken-toe Greetings!

11 years ago

I broke my toeThursday, by running barefoot into the metal leg of a folding chair. I knew it was more than just a “stubbed toe” or jam, or sprai. Once you’ve had a broken toe, you remember the pain. I broke the one next to it about 8 or 10 years ago. Anyway, BW was wanting me to go to the doctor. Why? There is no treatment except to tape it to the next guy & limp around until it heals.
The next morning, it was getting worse looking & feeling, after 24lb. Harley stepped on it.
BW went off to work, still wanting me to go to the doctor.
SoI called & got a late afternoon appt. BW used it as a get out of jail free card to leave work early so that she could drive me. I probably could have driven myself.
Anyway, the dr. taped my toes together & gave a scriptof some supposedly mild pain killer. But after sleeping most of the day yesterday & being nauseated when awake, I’m skipping the rest of it & going back to BC powders!
It doesn’t throb that much anymore, as long as I can dodge Harley.

Oh, and the “I promise I’ll clean the litterbox & you won’t have to” expired after two days. Grace isn’t hiding under the bed anymore. She has realized that Harley is old & slow & not a threat. Last night she slept at the foot of the bed for the first time. Im sure there is a cat hat in our future.

See ya later


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning from stormy, Happy Larryville, GN!

RabBeet --

Delighted that Grace is acclimating so quickly and seems on her way to hatdom; not so delighted that you’ve become teh Scooper-in-Chief equally swiftly. 😉

Hope that your toe heals quickly; I still recall teh broken one I had when I was about five-years-old. (Whacked it on the leg of a piano bench while pursuing my brother with murderous intent after he deliberately threw my fave stuffed animal into a full bathtub…)


Based upon the past ten days, I’m hoping there will be further damning revelations about the IRS to come. While speaking to my Best Man yesterday, I opined that -- had one of the committee members grilling Steven Miller gotten (justifiably) angry enough to get up from his chair, grab Miller by the lapels and shake him -- we’d have been looking at teh next POTUS. 😉

Read last night that some of the “low-level” IRS employees from Cincinnati will be speaking with Congress this week.

Transcribed interviews conducted by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform are set to begin Monday, May 20th for five IRS employees.


The five IRS workers will be interviewed by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in Washington D.C., in a behind closed doors setting.

We’ll see what comes of that; I have a real problem with the “closed door” business.

Just Sven
11 years ago

There is no treatment except to tape it to the next guy & limp around until it heals.

Who is the next guy?

Good luck healing, Rabbit.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
RabBiT! It’s good to see you! Sorry about your broken toe and litter-box duties.
Could you get Congress or someone in the IRS to handle it for you? They seem skilled at shoveling carp. Hmm, I must think on this.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Our microwave went out this morning. Not really a big deal, except it’s one of those microwave/stove vent models that you mount over the range. A pain to remove and a pain to install. I checked the circuit breakers -- none tripped. I checked power to the electrical outlet -- all good. Looked online and found that there is a line fuse hidden behind the control panel. Removed the panel and found that the fuse had popped out of the holder. Pushed it back in and everything works fine. It makes you wonder how long that fuse was just barely holding on.