And my niece, her daughter, and her husband will be arriving here in a few hours to stay the night as they make a four week drive around the country. It has been an interesting couple of weeks.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday here in Happy Larryville, GN!
Paddy --
Sorry The Older got carpy news yesterday on teh employment front.
I have three empty houses and three cats in this one.
Mac --
That sounds like the beginning of a “story problem”. (Never understood why so many kids dreaded them -- despite math not being my strong suit -- as they generally only required careful reading/parsing in order to figure out the math-y part and solve them.)
Hope all of your family members have safe travels…and that you can keep teh cats out of your scotch. 😉
Sven --
Sounds like you’ve got some seriously voracious bees, señor.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Mac & Fatwa!
That sounds like a middle-eastern take on a classic American dish.
Three houses and three cats? The math sounds pretty easy. Maybe rotate the cats every couple of days? Three visitors? One cat each? I must think on this.
The measures include a requirement that Californians who want to buy ammunition, and the vendors who sell it, would have to submit personal information for a background check to determine whether they have a criminal record, severe mental illness or a restraining order that would disqualify them from owning guns.
The goal of SB 53 is “to ensure that criminals and other dangerous individuals cannot purchase ammunition in the state of California,” said Sen. Kevin De Leon (D-Los Angeles), the bill’s author.
“To purchase a product that has the potential to maim or kill another human being you can (now) walk into a gun store, no questions asked,” he added. “I think that’s a little outrageous.”
Ammunition purchasers would submit their information and a $50 fee to the state Department of Justice which would maintain a list of qualified buyers that would be checked by ammo stores. Purchasers would have to show their driver’s license or other ID at the time they buy bullets.
An enterprising individual might be motivated to drive to a more freedom-loving neighboring state to stock-up…just sayin’. (And presuming any can be had in said neighboring states.)
“To purchase a product that has the potential to maim or kill another human being you can (now) walk into a gun store, no questions asked,” he added. “I think that’s a little outrageous.”
Given those rather loose standards, will they also be applied to motor vehicles, swimming pools, chainsaws, cutlery, etc.? Don’t laugh…in teh U.K., it’s illegal to sell a knife to anyone under 18:
Basic laws on knives
It is illegal to:
• sell a knife of any kind (including cutlery and kitchen knives) to anyone under 18
• carry a knife in public without good reason -- unless it’s a knife with a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less, eg a Swiss Army knife
• carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife (the list of banned knives is below)
• use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife, such as a Swiss Army knife)
This applies even to disposable plastic picnic knives.
I wonder if there’s an opportunity here for some enterprising CA tribal nation that doesnt have a casino: ammunition dealer with no background checks.
If these bills pass the Assembly (more than likely) and Gov. Moonbeam signs them (also more than likely), I won’t comply. Sadly, to the detriment of my local gun shops, I’ll go out of state for my ammunition and as far as that registration thing-no, I’ll pass on that as well.
I saw all those bills, Sven. There’s one on the table (Senate Bill 567) that’s going to redefine handguns -- so essentially they’ll do the regular ol’ semi-autos what they’ve done to the Judge. Classify it as a sawed-off shotgun and therefore illegal.
All I could do was mutter, “Damn,” after reading the summaries.
Going out of state and buying ammo? Probably a setup to get busted at the Ag Inspection or Border stations. Eventually.
I’m just speechless. As for the Orioles, try mounting a split orange to a tree or a wire -- they’re supposed to like that…
Sorry about Teh Older’s job disappointment Paddy. There’s something better out there for him.
Good luck on your house-sitting/cat-sitting/entertaining duties, Mac!
I kinda like “Two Dogs F*cking Trading Post and Ammo.”
Yeah, X, the Draconian has been released in CA. They will outlaw anything but face-to-face ammunition sales (except, I’m sure, for law enforcement), but nothing yet about buying out of state. SB 567 is getting a lot of play too.
Anyone here going to Houston in September for the GRPC put on by the SAF? I’m thinking of going just for the hell of it and to hook up with some Houston friends.
Elena is off to Mexico with her family. I have three empty houses and three cats in this one. It will be an interesting couple of weeks.
Safe travels to Elena, Mac, and enjoy your temporary bachelorhood!
And my niece, her daughter, and her husband will be arriving here in a few hours to stay the night as they make a four week drive around the country. It has been an interesting couple of weeks.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday here in Happy Larryville, GN!
Paddy --
Sorry The Older got carpy news yesterday on teh employment front.
Mac --
That sounds like the beginning of a “story problem”. (Never understood why so many kids dreaded them -- despite math not being my strong suit -- as they generally only required careful reading/parsing in order to figure out the math-y part and solve them.)
Hope all of your family members have safe travels…and that you can keep teh cats out of your scotch. 😉
Sven --
Sounds like you’ve got some seriously voracious bees, señor.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Mac & Fatwa!
That sounds like a middle-eastern take on a classic American dish.
Three houses and three cats? The math sounds pretty easy. Maybe rotate the cats every couple of days? Three visitors? One cat each? I must think on this.
Sven -- somewhere, there’s a pile of honey, just waiting to be collected.
Hiya, Paddy!
Heh. (Had to think about that for a minute afore I “got” it; guess I need moar caffeine even after showering.)
Huh. I wonder if this will cause even more stockpiling of ammunition in my state:,0,4224140.story
The measures include a requirement that Californians who want to buy ammunition, and the vendors who sell it, would have to submit personal information for a background check to determine whether they have a criminal record, severe mental illness or a restraining order that would disqualify them from owning guns.
The goal of SB 53 is “to ensure that criminals and other dangerous individuals cannot purchase ammunition in the state of California,” said Sen. Kevin De Leon (D-Los Angeles), the bill’s author.
“To purchase a product that has the potential to maim or kill another human being you can (now) walk into a gun store, no questions asked,” he added. “I think that’s a little outrageous.”
Ammunition purchasers would submit their information and a $50 fee to the state Department of Justice which would maintain a list of qualified buyers that would be checked by ammo stores. Purchasers would have to show their driver’s license or other ID at the time they buy bullets.
An enterprising individual might be motivated to drive to a more freedom-loving neighboring state to stock-up…just sayin’. (And presuming any can be had in said neighboring states.)
Given those rather loose standards, will they also be applied to motor vehicles, swimming pools, chainsaws, cutlery, etc.? Don’t laugh…in teh U.K., it’s illegal to sell a knife to anyone under 18:
This applies even to disposable plastic picnic knives.
Dude’s got a punchable face:

I wonder if there’s an opportunity here for some enterprising CA tribal nation that doesnt have a casino: ammunition dealer with no background checks.
If these bills pass the Assembly (more than likely) and Gov. Moonbeam signs them (also more than likely), I won’t comply. Sadly, to the detriment of my local gun shops, I’ll go out of state for my ammunition and as far as that registration thing-no, I’ll pass on that as well.
I saw all those bills, Sven. There’s one on the table (Senate Bill 567) that’s going to redefine handguns -- so essentially they’ll do the regular ol’ semi-autos what they’ve done to the Judge. Classify it as a sawed-off shotgun and therefore illegal.
All I could do was mutter, “Damn,” after reading the summaries.
Going out of state and buying ammo? Probably a setup to get busted at the Ag Inspection or Border stations. Eventually.
I’m just speechless. As for the Orioles, try mounting a split orange to a tree or a wire -- they’re supposed to like that…
Sorry about Teh Older’s job disappointment Paddy. There’s something better out there for him.
Good luck on your house-sitting/cat-sitting/entertaining duties, Mac!
Sven --
Like your idea for tribal ammo shops; wonder if that could be extended to a full-line gun
shopwarehouse store.It’ll need a snappy name…hmmmmm.
I’ve got it!
*Ducks and runs*
I kinda like “Two Dogs F*cking Trading Post and Ammo.”
Yeah, X, the Draconian has been released in CA. They will outlaw anything but face-to-face ammunition sales (except, I’m sure, for law enforcement), but nothing yet about buying out of state. SB 567 is getting a lot of play too.
Anyone here going to Houston in September for the GRPC put on by the SAF? I’m thinking of going just for the hell of it and to hook up with some Houston friends.
Actually, yeah, that looks like it could be really interesting.