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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Goooooood morniiiiiiiing from Happy Larryville, GN!

TeX --

Good to “see” you check in.

Paddy --

Hope you had a good time last night. (And glad you survived teh day camp tear-down.)


Fears of MERS virus at Muslim hajj pilgrimage

AFP -- Virologists are casting a worried eye on this year’s Islamic hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia as they struggle with the enigmatic, deadly virus known as MERS which is striking hardest in the kingdom.

Little is known about the new pathogen, beyond the fact that it can be lethal by causing respiratory problems, pneumonia and kidney failure. It can be transmitted between humans, but unlike its cousin, the SARS virus, which sparked a scare a decade ago, it does not seem very contagious.

Even so, for any respiratory virus the mass gathering of the hajj provides a perfect opportunity to first spread at the two holiest Muslim shrines in the cities of Mecca and Medina, and then travel around the globe at jet speed as pilgrims return home.

Hey…Allah’s will, beeyotches.

And in related Seventh Century news: Iran swimmer’s time goes unrecorded: “Her bathing suit was too revealing”

An Iranian woman has taken on a difficult challenge: to swim as long as possible in open waters, where she has to wear a diving suit, a full jacket, and a headscarf. However, this was still not enough for the sports authorities, who she claims told her they could not record her latest swim because her outfit was too revealing.

In Iran, women swimmers usually compete in all-female pools, and only at the national level, not abroad, to avoid being seen by men. Professional swimmer Elham Sadat Asghari, however, prefers swimming in the sea, and has repeatedly asked the authorities to certify her attempts at breaking her own records, which they did just once, in 2008.

She told Iranian media that on June 11, she swam 20 kilometres in the Caspian Sea, near the northern city of Noshahr. However, she explained that representatives from Iran’s sports ministry tried to knock her distance down by two kilometres, and in the end decided not to officially recognise her feat at all due to the fact that her figure was “visible” when she came out of the water.


Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
We had a great time at the concert last night. The only thing I don’t like about these Christian concerts is that they don’t serve beer. Considering the weather yesterday, a couple of cold beers would have been really nice. They had a nice selection of food trucks on site, so you weren’t stuck with the usual concert venue fare.

Thanks for the MERS warning, Fatwa. I’ll make sure not to go to Mecca or Medina this year.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Bummer about the beer, señor…but glad you had a pleasant evening nonetheless.

You might consider a brew-camouflaging device like the Beer Belly:

Click photo for larger image.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Fatwa kilt another one, eh?

It’s warm out here. 85 inside and my weather station seems to have suffered a breakdown as it won’t report the outside temperature. Last time I saw a reading it was 102 and that was three hours back.

Anyhow, hope everyone is having a fine day.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Yeah…that ol’ Fatwa’s jes’ a threadicidal maniac; flee for yer very lives!!1!!

Sven --

Has it at least been cooling down in teh evening at the Mountain Redoubt?

Just Sven
11 years ago

Sadly, no. The temperature dropped down to like 80 during the night inside and outside maybe 77.

I ran around yesterday looking for a portable AC unit for the downstairs; 4 stores and they were either sold out or had units that I didnt want. Ended up ordering one from Amazon that will be here Wednesday-after the worse of this heat wave is done, but Im figuring it’s going to be a long hot summer.

It’s dead quiet outside; all the animals are in hiding and when I have seen birds, they all got their mouths open panting. Lester the peacock has had it rough-we’ve been trying to make wet areas outside to provide some comfort.

Right now, it reminds me of Texas-hot and humid with a lot of high clouds. Just not very nice.

11 years ago

My pursuit of filthy lucre never got off the ground. client didn’t show up for appointment. sigh.
OTOH I had nice weather and a visiting friend to share it with.
and beer.

Just Sven
11 years ago

I had started getting nervous the past few days as the company that I accepted a verbal offer with hadn’t followed up with the formal written offer when they said they would-and they werent returning my phone calls. Anyhow, finally got the offer and accepted it this morning, so July 8 I’ll be back in business.

Mrs Sven feels this is my transition job and I think she may be right. It’s a decent offer and the position looks good, but the money isn’t good enough to squeak by on one income-and that’s what we need. But I’ll give it my best shot and see what happens, and at the same time continue to work on my skills.