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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Marvelous mid-week salutations from drizzly, Happy Larryville, GN!

Yes, Fatwa, there is a Congealing Gack Goon in of Gwinnett County.

With that minor change, it might could be a Sam Clemens story.

Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat…it seems as though even here, the gummint leeches are overly specialized.

OTOH, at least they actually inspect stuff…unlike the lazy Los Angeles building inspectors who can’t be arsed to climb ladders and actually look at the roofs they’re allegedly inspecting. Seems as though their primary job is to enforce state laws which mandate they cannot sign-off on a roof inspection without also ensuring the presence of low flush toilets and low-flow shower heads as well as properly placed / functional smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

State law also also requires that a rep from the contractor, as well as the property owner, must be present at the time of inspection, which is a colossal waste of time and money. As you might expect, this is a bit of a hassle when doing multi-tenant dwellings…particularly condos, since each unit has a separate owner.

A lot of savvy HOAs and apartment owners ask us if there’s any way to not pull roofing permits. (The cost of which are a percentage of the job price, making them effectively just another tax.)

And if we feel comfortable doing so, we’ll all agree that we’re just doing “repairs” of a small enough scope that a permit isn’t required.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning!

Cooler this morning-the heat wave has ended and California is saved!

I see that Egypt is still ready to blow…and I still don’t care.

In the Zimmerman case, apparently the state stepped on their own dong again by bringing in a witness that taught a criminal justice course that Zimmerman attended. Didint see the testimony, but the after action reports are all woe is me for the state and how could they have been so stupid.

Just Sven
11 years ago

The next witness is testifying via Skype and the technical problems the court is experiencing are like every video conferencing meeting I’ve ever sat through. This ought to be popcorn-worthy.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Ah f*ck me! This is hilarious! I got tears running down my face!

Just Sven
11 years ago

Yes, only the very best efforts by the state as they attempt to put a man away for the rest of his life:

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Happy it’s finally cooling down Hump Day, Gerbil Nation!
Great video, Sven! Government at its finest!

Just Sven
11 years ago

The state argued yesterday and this morning to bring in two witnesses that could discuss Zimmerman’s prior criminal justice classwork. The defense argued against but, no surprise, the judge ruled in favor of the state. The first witness essentially flipped and the second is the guy on Skype.

What bulls*it tho-you can’t get the witness to come down to Florida and testify in front of the jury? So they try this Skype thing and conference calls and none of it works; you should have seen these idiots trying to even get the whole thing set up. And for what? Absolutely nothing.

And now the state is about done-expected to wrap up today-and there is no case against Zimmerman. This prosecution makes the Duke Lacrosse Case look ethical.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Glad it’s getting cooler in SoCal.

Sven --

Thanks for posting that video; heh.

This prosecution makes the Duke Lacrosse Case look ethical.

I’d bet there will be even fewer consequences for the minions of the state because “fvck you, that’s why”.

11 years ago

Happy independence eve, GN!
Teh Daughter is home and de-tonsilled. so far so good.

Glad the heat broke, Sven, and that you got some entertainment value out of the Zimmerman Show Trial.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


K8-E --

Glad teh Daughter’s home and is as comfy as possible; please tell her we said “hey!”, wish her a speedy recovery and hopes that she enjoys the ice cream and sherbet as best she can.

This reminds me of Richard Jewell.

You ain’t alone in that, Mac.

I also hope that Zimmerman’s got an attorney who’s preparing a whopping lawsuit against CNN for “accidentally” revealing his personal information. (I think criminal charges are also warranted for that, but doubt that’ll happen.)

We will be left pawns between the government and criminal wolves, with little to set them apart.

Well, the government wolves are mostly immune from any accountability or punishment…even if they are demonstrably rabid.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Thoughts and prayers, Kate, and for Mac and Elena as well.

Zimmerman has at least filed a civil suit against NBC for their selective editing of his 911 phone calls. If he’s acquitted, I imagine there might be more than a few more to be filed. On the other hand, if he is acquitted, I imagine the Martin team will file a wrongful death civil suit against him ala OJ Simpson.

And I agree with Mac. Pundits and media idiots have wailed and gnashed their teeth over the very fact that Zimmerman was armed; they’ve cried foul loudly and repeatedly that he had the temerity to question what someone was doing in his neighborhood-the nerve of that white-hispanic! They want the state to take care of everything-even though the state has no legal responsibility to actually do so or even respond to individual calls for assistance.