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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

TGIF from drizzly, Happy Larryville, GN!

Since I generally have a pan o’ brownies in teh kitchen to accompany my ayem caffeine dose, today’s thread pic resonated with me. (Although mine aren’t special brownies; I’ve only ever made those once back in the ’70s. Plus, I’ve never been a fan of the ol’ “wake and bake”…)

Sven & Mrs. Sven --

Hope that none of your friends or family were involved in the Simi fireworks mishap:

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) -- More than two dozen people were injured when a wood platform holding live fireworks tipped over, sending the pyrotechnics into a crowd at an annual 4th of July show northwest of Los Angeles, authorities said Friday.

Between 8,000 and 10,000 revelers were settling into their seats for the fireworks extravaganza at a Simi Valley park Thursday night when the spectacle of lights that were supposed to be launched in the sky never took off. A bright plume of red and white bursts spread across the ground, injuring 28 people and sending others fleeing for safety.

Four people were listed in serious condition, but their injuries were not life-threatening. Another 16 were taken to area hospitals with minor to moderate injuries. The remainder were treated at the park where emergency crew, already on hand as a safety precaution, set up a triage area.


Poor Jackson got kind o’ freaked by all of the ‘splodey noises last night from legal (and illegal) fireworks; he stayed in pretty-much constant motion with his ears in the “WTF??!? position” for nearly four hours…which is a long time even for a Boston.

We had a bit of fun setting-off some of my “stocking stuffer” goodies; a few of them were surprisingly cool for stuff purchased legally. (In OH, it’s legal to sell similar fireworks but not set them off; buyers have to sign a waiver declaring they’ll be used not-in-Ohio…so effing stoopid.)

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

“Smart Power”

John Kerry spent the 4th on Nantucket
Kayaking; the man’s such a schmuck, it
Seems he’s disengaged
As Egyptians raged.
“It’s a holiday; they can go suck it!”

Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning-

Nothing new to report on the fireworks mishap last night; I havent heard from any neighbors or friends that they were there. Appears that some injuries were serious-burns and such.

Simi Valley use to do their 4th of July celebrations at the high school, but then moved it to the park 10 or so years ago. They’ve never had any problems before, and the fireworks portion of the event generally lasts 15-20 minutes. I’m sure they’ll have a thorough investigation as to the cause.

Best video of the accident taken about a mile from the scene:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

…I havent heard from any neighbors or friends that they were there.

Hope that doesn’t change, señor.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Interesting encounter and video involving Fatwa’s favorite govt agency: TSA.


Just Sven
11 years ago

Looks like the last day of the state’s case in the Zimmerman trial. Their medical examiner is on the stand and it’s another witness that on cross turns out to be a buffoon. The guy can’t remember anything because in his words, memory is unreliable. He has to rely on his notes and he doesnt want anyone to see his notes cuz they are his notes, written by him, and no you can’t see what I’m reading from. They are mine. Mine, I tell you.

A circus once again.

Just Sven
11 years ago

From Legal Insurrection’s play-by-play account of the ME’s testimony:

I just really don’t know what to say. Never seen anything like this before. NEVER. And from the ME!

OHMIGOD OHMIGOD West: “Can I see what you’re reading?” Bao: “I rather you not, these are my notes, never show them.”

Bao: “Before I come here I spend hundreds of hours reviewing notes and photos, but no independent memory.”

Bao: “Clothes need to dry before packaged.” West: “Dried in this case?” Bao: “Don’t remember, can’t tell you anything.”

In the world of loose cannons, ME Shiping Bao is front and center. He’s making a fool of himself. He’s done research about memory loss…

I am speechless. Quit asking me about autopsy I don’t remember. We know clothes packaged wrong, who is getting fired?

The medical examiner’s autopsy records are not complete and he does not recall exactly what he did. He insists he was there.

My phone is blowing up with texts from lawyers, this is, pardon the legal jargon, Super Whacked.

This is the most outrageous craziness I have ever seen. MEs testify about their own investigators information ALL THE TIME.

The medical examiner’s office did not bag Martin’s hands. It was almost 3 hours before Martin’s body was transported.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Interesting encounter and video involving Fatwa’s favorite govt agency: TSA.

They’re right up there with the IRS and NSA in my book. 😉

Saw that video a couple of months ago; that deputy is a rarity in today’s law enforcement. (Hope he wasn’t penalized for behaving commendably…)

The TSA has a notice at their website about traveling during Ramadan (which starts on Tuesday). Pretty much boils down to “if you see something, don’t say anything”, because it might offend our peaceful friends teh Mohammedans.

More in a bit…thanks for the Zimmerman trial info, Sven.

Just Sven
11 years ago

I thought our citizen’s operating instructions were to say something if we see something; has that changed?

In the Zimmerman case, apparently the ME’s notes are creating a stir as the attorneys are all at the bench and the judge made the prosecutor raise his hand and swear to something. I’m sure it’s probably him swearing that he knew absolutely nothing about what was in these notes.

Should be interesting when this thing starts up again. Of course tonite the headlines will be all about brave Sybrina Fulton saying that’s her kid that she hadnt seen in years yelling for help-and I think she’s probably telling the truth as she knows it. There’s just a lot of evidence that contradicts her perceptions.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Sven -- glad you were far away from the fireworks fiasco.
Fatwa -- the TSA seems to have taken down the Ramadan travel info. The link results in a 404. A search of the TSA website turns up four pages related to Ramadan, one of which is the link you provided. Two of the four are now 404.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Guess you fixed teh linky in my comment, too; thanks, Paddy.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Third Amendment (along with 4A, assault/battery, conspiracy, defamation, abuse of process, malicious prosecution, negligence, and infliction of emotional distress) federal lawsuit filed against Henderson, NV Police.

LAS VEGAS (CN) -- Henderson police arrested a family for refusing to let officers use their homes as lookouts for a domestic violence investigation of their neighbors, the family claims in court.

Anthony Mitchell and his parents Michael and Linda Mitchell sued the City of Henderson, its Police Chief Jutta Chambers, Officers Garret Poiner, Ronald Feola, Ramona Walls, Angela Walker, and Christopher Worley, and City of North Las Vegas and its Police Chief Joseph Chronister, in Federal Court.

And it gets waaaaaaaay worse. (Link goes to reason.com article re suit which contains further links; I appreciated many of the Reasonoids’ comments.)

Just Sven
11 years ago

So the State rests in Zimmerman. They’ve proved nothing-they don’t even a coherent version of the events that night that supports a murder charge.

I was listening to some prosecution whores on MSM talking about the high standards prosecutors have, how difficult it is to prove someone guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, how tough a prosecutor’s job is, etc. What a crock. At the federal level, the conviction rate is higher than 90%; at the state level, the conviction rate is above 80%. If govt prosecution is sooooo difficult, I’d expect the rates would be a whole lot lower.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

I’d expect it’s tough on the prosection when a defendant is ridiculously overcharged…and/or your entire case is utterly pawthetic due to being politically-driven.

Angela Corey is a real piece o’ work.