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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

*Opens one eye part way*

“Another Monday??!? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

Todays thread pic reminds me of teh Munchkins’ work ethic:

We get up at twelve and start to work at one,
Take an hour for lunch and then at two we’re done; jolly good fun

Hmmmmmm…that suggests they’re either union employees and/or socialists. Or, possibly, gummint workers.

(If only we could get rid of our own bad leaders by throwing buckets of water on them. Which we ought to be doing on occasion anyway; it’d be interesting to see what happened to Pelosi…)

K8-E --

Kudos on a successful Bridal Fair; hope the vendors generate business as a result and that your next fair attracts even more willing buyers and sellers of wedding-related goods and services.


Glad to see so little asshattery thus far in the wake of the Zimmerman verdict, I hope that trend continues but am not holding my breath. Too many people had a vested interest in a different outcome and I suspect they won’t give up their precious narrative(s) easily.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Well…looks like I spoke too soon re asshattery; leave it to the Daily Mail to tell us what’s going on in America that our meida doesn’t want to cover.

BK thinks the AJC didn’t mention this stuff because they’re trying not to “fan the flames”. I’m of the opinion that if that was the AJC’s goal, they pretty much failed for the last eighteen months.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Good morning/afternoon, Gerbil Nation!
Just got back from having some pre-cancerous spots burned off my face, arms, and hands. New medical insurance means new doctors, means moar paperwork -- what joy! What fun!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I recall all of the paperwork fun every time Mom had to switch docs while I was living in OH. Since all of them were part of the same hospital / healthcare system, you’d think that could have all been done via their computer network…and you’d be wrong.

As a result, I knew the names and dosages of a dozen-and-a-half meds she was taking by heart. Ditto the dates of her three major surgeries. 😉

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I am immensely disheartened by the reaction of “the communi-tee to the Zimmerman verdict; they’re now promulgating many of the ugly stereotypes they used to fight against.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

I just caught a few minutes of Piers Morgan interviewing Jeantal in-studio. What a race-baiting, lying, crap-weasel. “When you heard on the tape, ‘F*ckin’ punks. Always get away with it.’, what did you think was going through Zimmerman’s mind?”

Just Sven
11 years ago

DeeDee is a piece of work, but Im happy she’s doing interviews. The more she talks, the more her own words will begin to trip her up should any further court actions occur against George Zimmerman.

As far as DOJ pursuing charges against Zimmerman, I don’t think it’s a smart or likely move. However, when have the words ‘smart’ and ‘Holder’ ever been used in the same sentence?

Just Sven
11 years ago

I heard several media whores today poo pooing the idea that Zimmerman is in any real danger and that the threats made against him and his family are just people blowing off steam. And since this incident has been compared to another famous ‘civil rights’ case, the Rodney King trial, they probably said the same thing about Stacy Koon.

2 Die as Gunman Seeks Koon at Halfway House

A gunman stormed a Riverside County halfway house Thursday looking for former Los Angeles Police Sgt. Stacey C. Koon but killed a hostage instead before sheriff’s deputies shot him to death, authorities said.


Nope. Nothing for George and his family to worry about. Not a thing.