Re teh thread vid: “Someone in this room…is a Jedi!”
Maaaaaaan…reading the news this morning seriously tempts me to add whiskey to my kawfee.
Alas, the only hard liquor in the house is tequila, and it’s a little early in the day for that. OTOH, perhaps I ought to drink it before the Police / Nanny State breaks down our door, kills the dog and appropriates it. 😉
Teh Older needed some new bulbs for his ceiling fixture. It uses four small, halogen bulbs and we’ve always been able to get them, relatively cheaply, from Ikea -- not anymore. Now they’re only stocking LED’s. $7.50 each for something that puts out 1/4 the amount of light. Lowe’s has what I want, but wants $6 each. Enter the InterToobs. I found what I want -- $1.16 ea. Thank you AlGore!
That’s a shame about IKEA; when I lived in L.A., they were my go-to place for halogen bulbs ’cause Lowe’s, Home Depot and HomeBase (remember them?) were so expensive.
The city of Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history Thursday afternoon, culminating a decades-long slide that transformed the nation’s iconic industrial town into a model of urban decline crippled by population loss, a dwindling tax base and financial problems.
The 16-page petition was filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Detroit.
Gov. Rick Snyder’s office was making plans this afternoon to hold a Friday morning news conference at the Maccabees Building, 5057 Woodward in Midtown, according to a source. It’s the same location where the governor declared a financial emergency for Detroit on March 1.
Liberals and unions…is there any place they can’t wreck? (Not that we don’t have our own problem with crooked, spendthrift Republicans here in socially-much-more-than-fiscally-conservative Gwinnett.)
For some reason, I was channeling Bill Maher on my way home and what popped into my head was: “Speaking of dumb tw*ts, how about that Rachael Jantiel?”
So Eric Holder’s DOJ is putting a hold on all of the evidence in the Zimmerman case, using the word the word ‘case’ here quite loosely, including his gun. I hope George already got his gun back and refuses to hand it over. And what great damn information would the feds glean from it anyhow? It aint a mystery who shot Martin.
I would hope the Sate of Florida tells Holder to f*ck off. Federalism, you a**holes-ever heard of it?
Every day something happens with this case that just serves to piss me off further.
I would hope the Sate of Florida tells Holder to f*ck off. Federalism, you a**holes-ever heard of it?
You mean the same State of Florida which put that twunt Angela Corey in charge of prosecuting a bullshit case for purely political reasons?
The narrative, when you’re talking about any southern state, is: federalism = states’ rights = the confederacy = slavery = RAAAAACIIIIISM!!1! And since the worstest thing in all of creation is an accusation of racism, I rather doubt the State of Florida will show any courage on behalf of Zimmerman.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, GN!
Re teh thread vid: “Someone in this room…is a Jedi!”
Maaaaaaan…reading the news this morning seriously tempts me to add whiskey to my kawfee.
Alas, the only hard liquor in the house is tequila, and it’s a little early in the day for that. OTOH, perhaps I ought to drink it before the Police / Nanny State breaks down our door, kills the dog and appropriates it. 😉
“We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.”
My friend at work sent me this this morning:

Fvcking super size me on that one, would ya?
I will be grateful when this week is over. And I’m barely looking at the news.
Good morning!!!!!!!
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Teh Older needed some new bulbs for his ceiling fixture. It uses four small, halogen bulbs and we’ve always been able to get them, relatively cheaply, from Ikea -- not anymore. Now they’re only stocking LED’s. $7.50 each for something that puts out 1/4 the amount of light. Lowe’s has what I want, but wants $6 each. Enter the InterToobs. I found what I want -- $1.16 ea. Thank you AlGore!
That’s a shame about IKEA; when I lived in L.A., they were my go-to place for halogen bulbs ’cause Lowe’s, Home Depot and HomeBase (remember them?) were so expensive.
But hey…intarwebz to teh rescue!
Liberals and unions…is there any place they can’t wreck? (Not that we don’t have our own problem with crooked, spendthrift Republicans here in socially-much-more-than-fiscally-conservative Gwinnett.)
For some reason, I was channeling Bill Maher on my way home and what popped into my head was: “Speaking of dumb tw*ts, how about that Rachael Jantiel?”
So Eric Holder’s DOJ is putting a hold on all of the evidence in the Zimmerman case, using the word the word ‘case’ here quite loosely, including his gun. I hope George already got his gun back and refuses to hand it over. And what great damn information would the feds glean from it anyhow? It aint a mystery who shot Martin.
I would hope the Sate of Florida tells Holder to f*ck off. Federalism, you a**holes-ever heard of it?
Every day something happens with this case that just serves to piss me off further.
Now, now, Sven -- there’s no use getting upset with your betters. /sarc
You mean the same State of Florida which put that twunt Angela Corey in charge of prosecuting a bullshit case for purely political reasons?
The narrative, when you’re talking about any southern state, is: federalism = states’ rights = the confederacy = slavery = RAAAAACIIIIISM!!1! And since the worstest thing in all of creation is an accusation of racism, I rather doubt the State of Florida will show any courage on behalf of Zimmerman.