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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, GN!!


“Lousy freeloading raccoons!”


Also appreciate today’s “motto”.

Oh say can you see
My eyes if you can
Then my hair’s too short

Ooooooh…the House Democrats are going to have “A Conversation on Race and Justice” at the end of this month:

According to a Pelosi aide, the hearing will not focus solely on the trial, which acquitted Zimmerman of murder charges in the shooting death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, but will be a “broader conversation.”

Um, “conversations” generally have more than one side to them, but whatever…

Just Sven
11 years ago

Yeah, looking forward to that conversation. Cuz it’s really important.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning-

The new site slogan? Shouldnt it be ‘gimmee a head with hair’ as opposed to ‘gimmee head’? Or are we moving in a different direction nowadays? Like a Paris Hilton kinda direction?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

I’ve a suspicion that the Blue Glove Guy made a *cough* “typo”.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Regarding the thread video; if them damn things ever get opposable thumbs, we are all in trouble.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

As are BrendaK and I if Jackson develops opposable dewclaws.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

My goodness gracious…Helen Thomas was as intellectually honest as she was beeyooteeful in this 2005 interview:

She added: “What is a liberal? A liberal cares for the poor, and the sick, and the hungry. A liberal cares about the government doing for the people what they cannot do for themselves, is what Lincoln said. A liberal seeks the truth and doesn’t put the spin on anything and asks to look at the facts. I think liberal correspondents are honest. I don’t mean the others are dishonest, but what I mean is--I don’t think that liberals, liberals have an axe to grind except they really do want a better world.”

Thomas then asked the interviewer to scratch out the last thought and replace it with this: “I think liberals care about people and they also care about the facts. Liberals try to speak the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes it falls in their direction, sometimes it doesn’t. But there is no such thing anymore as the liberal press. I’m looking for a fellow liberal.”


Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
As the good science teacher that I am, I’m running an experiment today. I’m making pulled pork. I’ve got my gas grill set up for indirect cooking (don’t say it -- I don’t want to hear about your well-seasoned smoker, handed down through the generations), the pork shoulder was dry-rubbed yesterday, and…problems. The high temperature thermometer we have doesn’t work anymore. My meat thermometer doesn’t read hot enough for smoking, so I don’t know what temperature I’m cooking at. My home-made smoke box lets in too much oxygen and the wood burns, instead of smoldering. Other than that, it should turn out great.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Wishing Paddy great -- not to mention smokey and deliciously tender -- success.

Unintended consequences of stupid feelgood policies (#16,249 in a series): Plastic bag bans increase shoplifting nationwide:

What seems to be just another edition of Democrats doing dumb deeds actually represents a nationwide problem. Thanks to laws in several major cities banning the use of plastic carryout bags in retail stores, there has been a spike in shoplifting incidents over the past couple years, a trend that business owners, law enforcement officials and customers have duly noted.

In 2011, Washington D.C. enforced a reusable bag tax and officials became steadily more suspicious of shoppers’ activities.

“Since the fee was established last year, we have noticed customers using traditional bags, along with less traditional pieces such as backpacks, to not only transport items from the store, but to carry items throughout the store,” spokesman of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission of Washington D.C. Craig Muckle said in an interview with Washington City Paper.

I seem to recall that when liberals insisted on making plastic shopping bags available at stores, it was to “save teh environment!!!1gaia11!” Now we must ban them for teh same reason!!1

Sadly amusing video of an L.A. Shitty Council ‘tard at the link.

“I represent the ocean over there, and if you want to see a fish, ah, destroyed, go see what plastic does to a fish. What it does to the food chain. What it does to life itself!!!11!

Who knew the ocean now gets a vote in Los Angeles?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

For Jerry, my brother in immaturity:

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Well, the bone pulled right out of the pork shoulder, so that’s a good sign. Now to let it rest for a bit before pulling. I’ve got a batch of garlic-cheddar biscuits ready to mix up and throw in the oven and some cold beer (dunkelweizen) in the fridge.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac


Let us know how teh pulling of your pork went.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago


Teh pulled pork sammiches were wonderful, as were the cheddar-garlic biscuits! The pork was seriously better than most I’ve had, which makes me wonder what shortcuts some of those places were taking.

11 years ago

Back from Athens ( Georgia, silly!) Teh daughter has been welcomed, orientated, advised, and bored. I somehow missed the pages with the parents’ schedule and spent the 2 days enjoying the recently rare sunshine, commiserating with teh daughter over the excessive perkiness of the orienteers and general bureaucratic nonsense and visiting #3 son and roomies. If we ever manage to get all her immunization records she will get to register and call out the Dawgs!

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago
Reply to  Kate

Welcome back Kate! Glad Teh Daughter is getting settled in (and also has a proper attitude re perky prats and officious nonsense).