Drive by howdy, GN! Off to be vewy vewy quiet all day so the cyber academy kids can take their graduation tests. love the moar Flooring stories, Rabbit!
Good morning, K8 and Sven!
I feel for you, Sven, having to listen to entire sentences strung together without enough ‘uh’s’ and ‘umms’ to let your mind catch up. Ayn Rand? Well, as my liberal acquaintances tell me, “When you resort to Ayn Rand, you’ve already lost the argument.”
11 years ago
So I’ll skip all the details.
I took her to the base legal office to get my agent letter. I called her doctor to fax over a disability letter. They said I needed to come by & fill out a form. Grr. Then we went to the pharmacy, Base-X garden store & commissary.
The doctor’s office was closed for lunch. So we dumped the groceries off at the crackhouse for Zombie Sis to put away. Instead of taking TM to her favorite Tex-Mex restaurant, I drove her to our house to show off the floors & the a local Tex-Mex near our house.
On the way home, we went by the doctor’s now-open office & I filled out their form. I hope they don’t lose the fax like they did last year. The legal office has to run a background on me again & mail the agent letter to the Rabbit Hutch.
It was a prettyfull day. I only got home about 20 minutes before BW.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Government agents acting without authorization conducted dozens of undercover investigations of illegal tobacco sales, misused some of $162 million in profits from the stings and lost track of at least 420 million cigarettes, the Justice Department’s inspector general said Wednesday.
In one case, ATF agents sold $15 million in cigarettes and later turned over $4.9 million in profits from the sales to a confidential informant — even though the agency did not properly account for the transaction.
Read teh whole thing.
That’s 2,100,000 cartons or -- assuming 24 cartons per -- 87,500 cases of cigarettes. How in the bloody freaking hell did these incompetent, corrupt morons “lose track” of that much merchandise?
Shut. It. Down.
What would happen if a private sector distributor lost track of a small fraction of that amount of tobacco products?
The watchdog estimated the retail value of those items at $127 million.
Our gummint’s so enormous, that’s hardly even a rounding error anymore.
The bigger the ballsup, the less anyone cares. There’s a lesson there; no honey, I wasnt messing around with the drab middle-aged woman next door, but rather the young hot looking blonde down the street with the big boobs. Well OK then, sugarplums. It’s all OK.
Drive by howdy, GN! Off to be vewy vewy quiet all day so the cyber academy kids can take their graduation tests. love the moar Flooring stories, Rabbit!
Shhhhhh. Good morning.
Ted Cruz is still going. Good for him.
I’m having a little trouble following Cruz; he doesnt say ‘uh’ every half-breath like our most articulate president.
He’s now reading Ayn Rand.
Double Tarnation!!
Twice I have slow-typed my day with TM. I mashed a wrong button & lost it. Twice I tell you!
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Oops! Sorry! Shhh!
Good morning, K8 and Sven!
I feel for you, Sven, having to listen to entire sentences strung together without enough ‘uh’s’ and ‘umms’ to let your mind catch up. Ayn Rand? Well, as my liberal acquaintances tell me, “When you resort to Ayn Rand, you’ve already lost the argument.”
So I’ll skip all the details.
I took her to the base legal office to get my agent letter. I called her doctor to fax over a disability letter. They said I needed to come by & fill out a form. Grr. Then we went to the pharmacy, Base-X garden store & commissary.
The doctor’s office was closed for lunch. So we dumped the groceries off at the crackhouse for Zombie Sis to put away. Instead of taking TM to her favorite Tex-Mex restaurant, I drove her to our house to show off the floors & the a local Tex-Mex near our house.
On the way home, we went by the doctor’s now-open office & I filled out their form. I hope they don’t lose the fax like they did last year. The legal office has to run a background on me again & mail the agent letter to the Rabbit Hutch.
It was a prettyfull day. I only got home about 20 minutes before BW.
Even my mornin’ greetin’s got erased!
Gotta go mop
See ya later.
*Tiptoes in and whispers loudly*
Humpy Hap Day from Larryville, GN!
That poor man.
RabBeet --
Bummer about your unfortunate button-mashing, but remember: teh third time’s teh charm.
Mac --
Olived yesterday’s thread pic but forgot to mention it.
BBL…after I drive over to KFH&BBQ with a bullhorn; muwahahahaha!
“The answer is forty-two!“
Hai, Jerry!
Heh…that was rather nicely done.
I see that Fast & Furious is not the only ginormous clusterfark by the hard-working, heroic, patriotic men and women at BATFE:
Read teh whole thing.
That’s 2,100,000 cartons or -- assuming 24 cartons per -- 87,500 cases of cigarettes. How in the bloody freaking hell did these incompetent, corrupt morons “lose track” of that much merchandise?
Shut. It. Down.
What would happen if a private sector distributor lost track of a small fraction of that amount of tobacco products?
Our gummint’s so enormous, that’s hardly even a rounding error anymore.
The bigger the ballsup, the less anyone cares. There’s a lesson there; no honey, I wasnt messing around with the drab middle-aged woman next door, but rather the young hot looking blonde down the street with the big boobs. Well OK then, sugarplums. It’s all OK.