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10 years ago

Great thread pic, Mac. That’s a good find.

Happy Sunday, all y’all.

The fundraiser’s over, and I think we did pretty well. My apple pie went for $90, and I ended up putting my Hello Kitty© CD player on the auction block after the third little girl asked if it would be part of the auction. It went for $65.

I was really hoping the quilt made by the one of the VFD member’s mother would have cracked the $2K mark, but it went for $1600, so I should be grateful.
We were “oohing and aahing” about it when it came in. Just looking at it, you could tell how much love and care went into its creation.

The only problem I had with it was displaying it -- we couldn’t find a way to have the Yellow Rose of Texas AND the American flag on it visible at the same time.

I’m going to write up thank you notes to all the people who helped me -- because without their help with the auction process (keeping track of sell prices, who bought what, etc) it would have been the clusterfvck it was last year when I first took it over.
It sure as hell ran A LOT smoother, and they deserve thanks NOW.

I think maybe that and vacuuming is all I’ll get done today. I is tard.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day, ‘cuz you know Jerrie will.


10 years ago

And we had one serious ::head tilt:: moment when things getting started…

Keep in mind the number of people I know by sight and name out here is somewhere around a dozen.

I was in the bay talking with another VFD member and his wife, and this man came up behind me, “Someone told me I could find a redhead out here…” and I turned around and shook his hand and we all started gabbing.
The subject of the Navy came up, I mentioned Mr. X was former Navy just as he came up -- and the conversation went on for a few more minutes.

I figured someone directed him to me for some purpose. AND I figured the other member I was talking to knew who this guy was. I snuck up on him a few minutes later, “Who was that guy?” “I don’t know, I thought you knew!”
So we have no clue who the hell this guy was, and he never gave us his name or asked for ours.

*I* never saw him again, neither did anyone else. Wee-yurd.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning from increasingly autumnal Larryville, GN!

Hiya, TeX! Delighted to read that your fundraiser went well; hope your efforts -- and pie -- were appreciated. Was there a very subtle Mogen David design on the crust per ZOG Standing Order 647.3? 😉

Perhaps next year, in addition to a pie, you could also auction-off some gribenes. (‘Cause homemade gefilte fish is really too much work…)

*I* never saw him again, neither did anyone else. Wee-yurd.

How very odd…


The kids came by yesterday and we had a nice visit. Discovered that Favorite Small Relative the Elder has not quite outgrown playing “Zombie Attack” yet. (FYI -- Game consists solely of a certain misanthropic Gerbil shambling-about in a vaguely threatening manner muttering “Braaaaaiiiiins!” and occasionally popping-out from obvious hiding places.)

Favorite Small Relative teh Younger -- who, rather disappointingly, was not scared even a teensy bit -- not only joined-in but seemed to relish “ratting-out” his big brother’s hiding places. (However, he still needs to learn that one doesn’t hug zombies; we’ll have to work on that…assuming I haven’t completely lost my ability to terrify teh carp out of small children. Because that would be a tragedy.)


Mac’s thread pic tempts me to adulterate one of teh traditional Stately FY, TW Manor Sunday morning croissants; muwahahahaha!

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
TeX! It’s great to “see” you! I’m glad your fundraisers went well. If the stranger didn’t grab your tush, then you know it wasn’t Jerrie or I.

Hai, Fatwa!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Killer klown kacks kartel kreep:

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -- A gunman in a clown costume shot and killed the oldest brother of one of Mexico’s most notorious drug trafficking families in the resort of Los Cabos, authorities said on Saturday.

Francisco Rafael Arellano Felix, 63, a former leader of the Tijuana Cartel, was shot in the head late on Friday at a family gathering in the southern tip of the state of Baja California Sur, a spokesman for state prosecutors said.

“A person dressed as a clown took his life,” he said.

Local media reported that the killer had two accomplices, but this was not yet clear, the spokesman said. The gunman fled the scene.

An APB was issued for their getaway vehicle:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Awww..t’anks for thinking of me. 😉

Clowns are evil, but teh shooter gets +5 slap shoes for taking out a guy who has almost certainly caused a lot of grief.

At least he wasn’t killed with a “walked” grenade.

Why the hell is it okay for BATFE to smuggle guns, explosives and cigarettes? I’d say that demonstrates just a wee bit of “mission creep”. At this point, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to find some federal agency’s producing and distributing kiddy porn as part of some BS “sting” operation. (Because FY, TW.)

Just Sven
10 years ago

Silly gerbil; because f*ck you, that’s why.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Good job, Tex. Glad it all went well and was apparently well attended.

10 years ago

X!!!! so good to see you! Fibromyalgia? oh, sweetie. SMISH! I am not surprised teh Apple Pie de TeX sold so well. or that you sacrificed your Hello Kitty CD player. You are a very good gerbil.
Gotta go rinse out hair dye. Back in a few!

10 years ago

X!!! continued: I know where you can hide out while Mr. X recovers from his rotator cuff injury . . .

I am now determined to make Hidden Vegetable Muffins. Can’t wait for Friday Experiments!
BTW last Friday ( Crab experiment went over very well) the bar crowd was watching a Chef Competition with kid chefs. amazing kid chefs. Tourettes Chef asked the 9 yo challenge winner if she was afraid of anything. she said, ” Yes, chef. Clowns”.