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Just Sven
11 years ago

Ayup. That’s our back porch.

Good morning and happy Tuesday!

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!
Attendance, in my classes at least, was slightly better than the average Monday -- which is surprising. About 30% turned in the extra credit assignment, which is about normal. Of course the kids who could most use the extra credit aren’t the ones who do the extra credit. Hmmm, I wonder if there’s any correlation?

11 years ago

‘Coons sure look cute, but I REALLY don’t like my dogs getting anywhere near them.

Chilly late afternoon greetings from the hope-to-warm-up-a-little-bit-SOON Central SE Texas prairie!

Man, woke up this morning and the temp was 18° -- we’ve taken a hard freeze the last two nights. I wasn’t feeling too confident about the greenhouse (even though it’s worked before), I moved my lemon bushes and angel’s trumpet into the shop and surrounded the pots with good old-fashioned C9 Christmas lights. The angel’s trumpet’s a *leetle* wilted, but otherwise seemingly fine, and so are the lemons.

All this I’m sure is getting me prepared for the Detroit Auto Show next week where it should be in the 30s but with 12-15 MPH winds. Yay! I’m working on policing up every scrap of cashmere I have. I have a Marvin the Martian hat that covers my ears, and I’m still sorely tempted to get the Hello Kitty™ rolling carryon they have at Wal-Mart -- just so I can totally geek out. My boss-boss *says* he won’t be embarrassed…
It’ll be a busy trip, and I’ll get to meet some of the people communicated with over the years (and one really big-wig I haven’t).

Figures it’ll be in the 60s here while I’m gone. Maybe we’ll get some rain while I’m gone too. I got smart though, I can leave out of College Station instead of Austin -- lets me sleep in *just* a little more Monday morning.

Other than that, I ain’t got much. My head’s clearing up, and Mr. X is counting down the days ’til Friday and his hoped-for release from the sling. But then comes the rehab. o_0 I’m thinking I should probably go to that first appointment just so I can know what the physical terrorist wants him to do and wants him NOT to do.

He’s really been a very good patient, and I know it’s been a cast-iron b¡tch for him to stay mostly immobilized. It wasn’t until he was standing up at the awards banquet for the VFD last Friday that I realized how much it jars me to see him in any way disabled.
Which is why I think he’s probably going to listen very closely to the physical therapist -- no one wants to go through this again.

Happy Belated Birfday, Jerrie! A booby just for you!