Thanks for the link, Fatwa. I’ll check it out today.
And good morning everybody!
I call bogus on teh thread pic; in the real world, there would be at least 4 paw prints in it, one edge would be partially rolled up, and there would likely be a massive hair ball puked up right next to the dough.
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
I spent most of yesterday grading quizzes. Students generally fell into one of two camps: 1) those who have been paying attention in class and working the problems, and b. those who have been taking mental vacations for the past two weeks and have no clue what we’ve been doing.
Good morning, Sven!
I have to agree re the thread pic.
11 years ago
Greetings, all!
Belated Birthday greetings to SBH!
11 years ago
Last Tuesday, BW took off work so we could take TM to the doctor. She had a a bladder infection that started during the weekend. Her home visit nurse took a sample & the results didn’t come in until Monday afternoon. We took her to lunch & then to the grocery store & pharmacy. They could only give her a partial on the script due to inept script writing by the staff, (take 2 a day for one week, but written for 7 pills instead of 14)
When we got home, BW found that she has stuck TM’s checkbook in her pocket rather than her purse. Tarnation!
So I drove back over there to take her checkbook, but really to make sure that she got the rest of her script. By then TM felt much better and wanted to go with me to do full grocery shopping, not just the couple of things I’d gotten the day before, It went well, until we got back & I was putting her billfold in the safe, That’s when we found that the money we had withdrawn from her bank the day before was missing. ALL of it. She had taken her wallet out of the safe when we left the day before, and only used it to “lend” $15 to WG. So either ZG or WG stole the rest. Made me want to puke. But like BW says, we can’t make her always use the safe. How sorry do you have to be to “borrow” gas money & then steal the rest?
BW took Thurs. off & we went to Winstar early in the morning .For the first time, we got to take advantage of a free room offer & stayed there overnight. We got up the next morning & played all day again, getting home after dark. We had a great, great time. Just being away from the idiots felt like a vacation. Yesterday, we were both worn out & didn’t do much. Today it is back to work for BW & back to whatever I do for me.
11 years ago
Free Dominion shut down & now I can’t read about Backhoe anymore.
I had tried to log in to that site in the past & filled something out wrong & got blocked.
Rabbit, I did log in but I still can’t access anything so whatever you did probably doesn’t matter at this point. They are afraid to allow any comments lest a minion of their antagonist plant a comment that would put them in Contempt of Court.
Canada really is screwed. It is a warning of where PC is taking us.
“This is lower grade marijuana than we see in Santa Cruz,” said a Santa Cruz sheriff’s deputy, though he didn’t clarify whether it was a body high or more of a head high.
Our old smelly cat has been very lax the last month or so with her grooming. Not a good sign considering her age, but we went at her today in the bathroom sink and got her prettied up. Washed her disgusting feet, trimmed her nails, cut off a bunch of tangled fur and brushed her out. She wasnt all that pleased with us, but there you go. At least she is presentable.
I saw that and thought it was some variation on SCoaMF -- I guess I’ve been out of CA *just* long enough to be able to forget some of the ‘tings that used to piss me off the most.
Good Afternoon/Evening from the glorious 70° Central SE Texas prairie -- where starting tomorrow, it’ll be heading back down to freezing. This time with more freezing rain! My boss-boss may get his wish if the forecast is right: snow.
I ain’t got much -- except it appears I got caught (again) in one of the debit card-hacking schemes -- I’m guessing Target was the culprit this time. Thankfully I only have one automatic payment set up -- for my CCL insurance, and I got ahold of them already. I guess the good news is, our bank is proactive about it and issues another debit card, but it’s still a PITA.
Thread pic caption: “What the hell happened to the two dozen blackbirds??!??”
Happy Sunday, GN!
That’s all I’ve got; buh.
Thanks for the link, Fatwa. I’ll check it out today.
And good morning everybody!
I call bogus on teh thread pic; in the real world, there would be at least 4 paw prints in it, one edge would be partially rolled up, and there would likely be a massive hair ball puked up right next to the dough.
Cuz that’s just the way cats are.
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
I spent most of yesterday grading quizzes. Students generally fell into one of two camps: 1) those who have been paying attention in class and working the problems, and b. those who have been taking mental vacations for the past two weeks and have no clue what we’ve been doing.
Good morning, Sven!
I have to agree re the thread pic.
Greetings, all!
Belated Birthday greetings to SBH!
Last Tuesday, BW took off work so we could take TM to the doctor. She had a a bladder infection that started during the weekend. Her home visit nurse took a sample & the results didn’t come in until Monday afternoon. We took her to lunch & then to the grocery store & pharmacy. They could only give her a partial on the script due to inept script writing by the staff, (take 2 a day for one week, but written for 7 pills instead of 14)
When we got home, BW found that she has stuck TM’s checkbook in her pocket rather than her purse. Tarnation!
So I drove back over there to take her checkbook, but really to make sure that she got the rest of her script. By then TM felt much better and wanted to go with me to do full grocery shopping, not just the couple of things I’d gotten the day before, It went well, until we got back & I was putting her billfold in the safe, That’s when we found that the money we had withdrawn from her bank the day before was missing. ALL of it. She had taken her wallet out of the safe when we left the day before, and only used it to “lend” $15 to WG. So either ZG or WG stole the rest. Made me want to puke. But like BW says, we can’t make her always use the safe. How sorry do you have to be to “borrow” gas money & then steal the rest?
BW took Thurs. off & we went to Winstar early in the morning .For the first time, we got to take advantage of a free room offer & stayed there overnight. We got up the next morning & played all day again, getting home after dark. We had a great, great time. Just being away from the idiots felt like a vacation. Yesterday, we were both worn out & didn’t do much. Today it is back to work for BW & back to whatever I do for me.
Free Dominion shut down & now I can’t read about Backhoe anymore.
I had tried to log in to that site in the past & filled something out wrong & got blocked.
Rabbit, I did log in but I still can’t access anything so whatever you did probably doesn’t matter at this point. They are afraid to allow any comments lest a minion of their antagonist plant a comment that would put them in Contempt of Court.
Canada really is screwed. It is a warning of where PC is taking us.
Hai, RabBeet, Sven, Paddy and Mac (in gender and chron order).
Maaaaaaan…if that’s a 13″x9″ pan, that cat’s got mighty big feet.
Definitely a dog’s paw.
The cat may have put him up to it though. They are the brains in such teams.
Pot boat crashes into Santa Cruz nude beach.
Teh money quote:
RabBeet --
The latest tale about ZG and/or WG is seriously farked-up.
*Shakes head*
Our old smelly cat has been very lax the last month or so with her grooming. Not a good sign considering her age, but we went at her today in the bathroom sink and got her prettied up. Washed her disgusting feet, trimmed her nails, cut off a bunch of tangled fur and brushed her out. She wasnt all that pleased with us, but there you go. At least she is presentable.
While they don’t like it, the cat does obviously like attention and she won’t get it if she is too nasty, so it is really the kind thing to do.
May that be a comfort when she gets even.
Yeah, this one harbors a grudge. I keep telling Mrs Sven not to leave stuff on the floor as easy targets, but she forgets.
I saw that and thought it was some variation on SCoaMF -- I guess I’ve been out of CA *just* long enough to be able to forget some of the ‘tings that used to piss me off the most.
Good Afternoon/Evening from the glorious 70° Central SE Texas prairie -- where starting tomorrow, it’ll be heading back down to freezing. This time with more freezing rain! My boss-boss may get his wish if the forecast is right: snow.
I ain’t got much -- except it appears I got caught (again) in one of the debit card-hacking schemes -- I’m guessing Target was the culprit this time. Thankfully I only have one automatic payment set up -- for my CCL insurance, and I got ahold of them already. I guess the good news is, our bank is proactive about it and issues another debit card, but it’s still a PITA.
Happy Birfday IV of 7, Harper!
Hai, TeX!
Glad your bank’s taking care of your problem and that you only had one automatic payment; sorry you had to deal with it to begin with.
California: in the best of hands:
I’m wondering how the “prop cop” in the background kept a straight face…maybe he wasn’t paying attention.
Does the “D” after Kevin’s name stand for “Douchenozzle” or “Dumbass”?