Another cold day-yuck. With the promise of 72 on Friday, I was thinking of grilling. But then I remembered that we have to take TM to an eye appt. Oh well.
I’ve been under the heated throw for the last couple of days, pleading cold weather. But today I have to get out & run errands. Boo!
Humpy Hap Day from the snow-ravaged wastelands of Happy Larryville, GN!
Hai (and heh), RabBeet!
According to multiple local news sources, as of 7:00 this morning, there was still *cough* “gridlock” from last night’s rush hour all around metro ATL. I’m very glad neither of us needs to leave the house today.
As of that hour, some kids were still stuck in schools (hopefully, they’ve finally gotten all of those who were stranded on school buses overnight.
Despite assurances after the ice storm a few years ago, it appears that GDOT and local government screwed the pooch big time yet again. (Along with all of the drivers who aren’t prepared -- or have forgotten how -- to drive in snowy, slidey conditions.)
From what I’ve seen, there’s pretty much no excuse for the poor performance of the public sector the past 24 hours, as we didn’t get that much snow ’round Gwinnett. (We have somewhat less than 1.5″ sitting on our deck right now). That amount of snow ought not shut-down an entire region in 2014…and yet it has.
The National Guard was called out last night to help stranded motorists; Jeebus. Hope the other local Gerbils are all safe and warm.
We’re expecting a high of 37 today (42 tomorrow), which ought to help mitigate this clusterfark. But there’s NO EXCUSE for how poorly this has been handled; it’s not like we got 18″ of snow.
Mac --
Glad that your build and installation(s) went so smoothly; teh yay!
May hackers burn in Hell.
Yup…along with the vendors of OSs with so many security holes over the decades. 😉
11 years ago
Happy SnowJam2014, GN! Too bad I can’t get up my driveway and go to work. heh.
Gotta brag on #2Son. He and Other College Boy were out snowboarding on the golf course near their place in the middle of the night, saw the folks stranded on I75 ; made a Honk 4 Free Coffee sign and handed out coffee, water, sandwiches and 1 orange.
He and Other College Boy were out snowboarding on the golf course near their place in the middle of the night, saw the folks stranded on I75 ; made a Honk 4 Free Coffee sign and handed out coffee, water, sandwiches and 1 orange.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Kate, and Fatwa! Glad to hear you’re all doing OK. JtB reported on FB that a 50 minute trip took 5.5 hours yesterday! I don’t mind driving in snow and slush, but I do mind driving amidst a bunch of morons and buffoons -- best just to stay at home and let the foolishness play itself out. In re Kate’s driveway -- I’m not sure how she can get up that thing in good weather, let alone rain, or worse. I’m surprised PMK hasn’t installed a car-wash style conveyance system with a turntable at the bottom.
In Atlanta’s defense this time they did not keep the kids home in a panic about snow flurries. The weather prediction as late as midnight Tuesday had the snow starting after all but middle school was out. The snow was falling heavy before noon. It accumulated on the roads faster than predicted, millions of people headed onto the roads at the same time, salt trucks had to join the traffic jam, the temperature dropped and the slush on the roads froze. Driving -- even for experienced Yankees ( half of the metro population, I might add)- was hazardous. My car slid down my driveway when I got home. No control at all and I had stopped at the top and was going no faster than gravity dictated. Of course there were inexperienced snow drivers out there causing problems but Semi trucks- very experienced drivers- were jack-knifed all over. The overpass from I85 N to I285 W ( the perimeter) was blocked several times by semis and once the traffic jams started no one was driving too fast. They were lucky if they were creeping along.
Hump Day O grabbin’!
Eww, that didn’t sound right.
Bless my heart.
Another cold day-yuck. With the promise of 72 on Friday, I was thinking of grilling. But then I remembered that we have to take TM to an eye appt. Oh well.
I’ve been under the heated throw for the last couple of days, pleading cold weather. But today I have to get out & run errands. Boo!
See ya later
Humpy Hap Day from the snow-ravaged wastelands of Happy Larryville, GN!
Hai (and heh), RabBeet!
According to multiple local news sources, as of 7:00 this morning, there was still *cough* “gridlock” from last night’s rush hour all around metro ATL. I’m very glad neither of us needs to leave the house today.
As of that hour, some kids were still stuck in schools (hopefully, they’ve finally gotten all of those who were stranded on school buses overnight.
Despite assurances after the ice storm a few years ago, it appears that GDOT and local government screwed the pooch big time yet again. (Along with all of the drivers who aren’t prepared -- or have forgotten how -- to drive in snowy, slidey conditions.)
From what I’ve seen, there’s pretty much no excuse for the poor performance of the public sector the past 24 hours, as we didn’t get that much snow ’round Gwinnett. (We have somewhat less than 1.5″ sitting on our deck right now). That amount of snow ought not shut-down an entire region in 2014…and yet it has.
The National Guard was called out last night to help stranded motorists; Jeebus. Hope the other local Gerbils are all safe and warm.
We’re expecting a high of 37 today (42 tomorrow), which ought to help mitigate this clusterfark. But there’s NO EXCUSE for how poorly this has been handled; it’s not like we got 18″ of snow.
Mac --
Glad that your build and installation(s) went so smoothly; teh yay!
Yup…along with the vendors of OSs with so many security holes over the decades. 😉
Happy SnowJam2014, GN! Too bad I can’t get up my driveway and go to work. heh.
Gotta brag on #2Son. He and Other College Boy were out snowboarding on the golf course near their place in the middle of the night, saw the folks stranded on I75 ; made a Honk 4 Free Coffee sign and handed out coffee, water, sandwiches and 1 orange.
Was going to give you a call to “check in” today (plus, it’s been too danged long); glad to “see” you.
Unsurprised by the behavior of your sons; you have every right to brag a bit. 😉
(And yeah…I thought about your driveway in this weather; oy!)
I think that’s teh awesome.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Kate, and Fatwa! Glad to hear you’re all doing OK. JtB reported on FB that a 50 minute trip took 5.5 hours yesterday! I don’t mind driving in snow and slush, but I do mind driving amidst a bunch of morons and buffoons -- best just to stay at home and let the foolishness play itself out. In re Kate’s driveway -- I’m not sure how she can get up that thing in good weather, let alone rain, or worse. I’m surprised PMK hasn’t installed a car-wash style conveyance system with a turntable at the bottom.
Y’all be safe, now. Y’hear.
Hai, Paddy!
Or a smaller version of the catapults used on aircraft carriers. 😉
While a slingshot launcher would be fun, why would I want to be able to get on the road to work today?
What if you ran out of beer?? Or Chex mix?
Or smokes.
Hai, Mac!
It’ll take a lot more than 1 snow day for that to happen! ( Not everyone was stocking up on milk and bread Monday. just sayin’)
But…but…but…flying car!
Congressman (and former FBI agent) Michael Grimm assaults reporter for asking “off topic” question after SOTU…doesn’t realize camera feed is still “live”:
Video and bullshit “statement” from Grimm at link; transcript:
In Atlanta’s defense this time they did not keep the kids home in a panic about snow flurries. The weather prediction as late as midnight Tuesday had the snow starting after all but middle school was out. The snow was falling heavy before noon. It accumulated on the roads faster than predicted, millions of people headed onto the roads at the same time, salt trucks had to join the traffic jam, the temperature dropped and the slush on the roads froze. Driving -- even for experienced Yankees ( half of the metro population, I might add)- was hazardous. My car slid down my driveway when I got home. No control at all and I had stopped at the top and was going no faster than gravity dictated. Of course there were inexperienced snow drivers out there causing problems but Semi trucks- very experienced drivers- were jack-knifed all over. The overpass from I85 N to I285 W ( the perimeter) was blocked several times by semis and once the traffic jams started no one was driving too fast. They were lucky if they were creeping along.
Oh! Oh! Oh! I realized I never posted a pic of our new front gate:

Love it!
Mutt Haven. I love it!
That’s great!
TeX --
That’s teh awesome! When convenient, I’d also love to see the whole shebang (with lights and flags).
This made me chortle:
Yes! it is almost time for Thin Mints! Spring will come!