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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

¡Buenas dias, Gerbiliños!

I R confuzzled by today’s thread pic; is that a lock designed for visually -- or otherwise -- impaired folks?

Sven --

Hope your head’s better today and that Mrs. Sven continues to improve.

TeX --

Congrats on teh bargain-priced moos; will you be selling raw milk as a side business? 😉

I think the only Disney song they didn’t play is the one y’all are hoping I will not mention for fear of earwigs.

K8-E --

Doesn’t KFH&BBQ have a clause in their contract which expressly prohibits playing that musical horror without a very hefty surcharge to clients? (If not, you ought to have your attorney add one; just sayin’.)

Glad teh wedding didn’t go all Goofy®™© on you. 😉

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
Continued prayers for Sven, Mrs. Sven and Mr. TeX.
K8-E -- glad teh reception went well. Did you serve Princess jasmine tea? Donald duck confit? Peter pan dowdy? Bud Light beer?
TeX -- hope your resolutions were well-received and teh picayune arguments were minimal.

10 years ago

I R confuzzled by today’s thread pic; is that a lock designed for visually — or otherwise — impaired folks?

Good. I though it was because I hadn’t had enough coffee yet.

Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody!

Doesn’t KFH&BBQ have a clause in their contract which expressly prohibits playing that musical horror without a very hefty surcharge to clients? (If not, you ought to have your attorney add one; just sayin’.)

Glad teh wedding didn’t go all Goofy®™© on you. 😉

Ditto that!

Well, last night’s convention went swimmingly. We on the resolutions committee did our jobs well -- very little debate over the resolutions we presented, and we passed ten out of twelve. The Exec. Committee is already talking about having the history prof. and I as co-chairs next time around.

Couple of mildly entertaining moments:

Y’all may remember at the candidates forum last month, I talked to the sheriff a couple of times, and when I first greeted him, I got a nice hug out of the deal. Well, what I’d neglected to share (after reviewing the thread) was I also told him at that time that I’d considered sneaking up behind him and pinching him on the butt.
While he said he didn’t recall that part exactly, he was glad I hadn’t done that because he probably would have screamed like a little girl, since no one’s goosed him in about 20 years.

After the forum, and given time to think about it, I thought to myself, “You know, I probably shouldn’t say such things to an elected official…” and seeing him last night, I opted to apologize for being so forward. At which point he kinda scolded me, saying we were friends before he was sheriff and if I ever stop thinking about him as a friend first, he’d be offended.
Rule Number #1: don’t offend the County Sheriff. Duly noted.
I did ask about his “watchdog”, the chief of police. “Oh, you mean my ‘dad’? Yeah, he thinks he has some duty to protect me…why I don’t know. He does go overboard, doesn’t he?”

And ‘den! Lucky me, I found out the ditz who’s running for JP of my precinct is IN my portion of the precinct. She felt compelled to introduce herself to me personally, and inquire where I live, etc. I gave her the broad brush strokes of where we are, and she immediately calculates which school district we’re in, and continues, “Oh, you probably know my daughter from XYZ school, she’s on the … blah, blah, blah…”
“Ma’am? I don’t have children.”
::blink, blink::
[watch the gears wind]
[watch them smoke]
“How do you like living in the country?”

Other than that, we fixed some of the fencing this morning. While I wouldn’t call it our best job ever, given the freezing north wind, it’s better than anything our neighbor would or could have done -- probably ever. His cow’s going to have to find a different weak spot to get through now. She knows where food is, so if there is one, she’ll find it.
I think Mr. X is coming around to my idea of paintballing her a different color for whichever day of the week she breaks in, though. 🙂

Now I’m just trying to get in some relaxing time before Monday rolls around again.
*mwah!* y’all

I hope Mrs. Sven is improving and feeling better. And Happy Birfday seven of VII, Fatwa!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

…I’d considered sneaking up behind him and pinching him on the butt.


I goosed the sheriff
But I did not goose the deputies…


I think Mr. X is coming around to my idea of paintballing her a different color for whichever day of the week she breaks in, though.


When I saw that lock I thought of Paddy coming home in less than an optimum state of steadiness.

Careful, Mac; you may be contacted by the Irish Anti-Defamation Federation:


Various Retailers/ Vendors- selling derogatory T-shirts and other merchandise

Radio/Newspaper/T.V. advertisements- Use of grossly inaccurate depictions, or bad taste in humor

Bars/Pubs & Restaurants- Use St. Patrick’s Day as a drinking holiday

Criminy…obligatory NSFW “Blazing Saddles” clip:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Haven’t seen that graphic in a while, Mac; heh.

Might want to keep it handy; it is my understanding that a certain, um, august personage will be legally permitted to access the internets in about 2.5 weeks.

I’m keeping my powder wit dry. 😉

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Hope you won’t be needin’ that ’round here.