While I’ve gotten somewhat tiddly via booze on occasion, I’ve never come anywhere near being as intoxicated as the guy in today’s thread pic. I truly don’t understand why someone would “overserve” themselves that much. (Sure, I did some stoopit carp as a yout’…but then alcohol’s never been my intoxicant-of-choice.)
Sandy Springs, GA, which was incorporated in late ’05 by an overwhelming majority of voters, largely privatized many city services. Which appealed to my libertarian bent. Amazingly, it hasn’t yet become Somalia-like.
“No samples?” he asked. “The whole neighborhood could have gotten happy.”
In other words, “A$$holes. Why didn’t y’all let us help you get rid of the evidence?!”
Good Saturday morning, y’all! I’m a little achy from all the pup wrangling yesterday evening, so I’m taking it easy today -- probably tomorrow too. But I get my shot Monday morning, that can’t come fast enough. I’ll be working from the couch and taking it as easy as I can afterwards.
Other than that, all’s well here on the Central SE Texas prairie. We might get some rain today which would be good, considering I mowed the lawn the other night -- it’s ready. As is the western pasture -- even though the girls haven’t really made much of a dent in the eastern. Looks as though Mr. X’s plan is going to work out for us -- so far.
And ‘den…
Happy Birfday, Rabeeet!
And…back to the couch for me. Y’all be good today…
10 years ago
Thanks, TeX.
I’m feeling everyone of my 58 years today.
BW wants to take me out for dinner, but I think I’d rather have a cereal night. Ha.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Greetings from “Spring is over, let’s hurry into summer” SoCal!
Yes, it was 65°F yesterday, should be 69 today, 80 tomorrow, 90 on Monday.
Good morning, Birthday RaBbiT, Animal-wranglin’ TeX, Brenda, and Fatwa!
I’ve already received some blow-back from my ‘chat’ with students yesterday. There are two 10th grade girls, ‘D’ and ‘S’, who are best friends, live near each other, do their homework together, etc. The mom of ‘D’ has been complaining about my class since the first week -- I’m too negative, too hard, “everyone” is having trouble. Of course she never complains to me, only to the administration. The only time I hear from her is when she wants extra time for her daughter’s assignments (which I have to allow because they’ve classified her ADHD as ‘special needs’). So, yesterday late afternoon I get an email from the mother of ‘S’. Here are a few excerpts:
Apparently students have been googling the homework questions because they cannot determine the answers from the book or the teacher. my daughter told me that in the beginning of year you stated that it was okay to use other resources to complete the homework. Based off this, students, including my daughter, have been relying on outside resources, like the internet to learn.
The students were reprimanded for showing academic dishonesty. Students were scared and some, including my daughter, started crying because “academic dishonesty” means it will show up on their records. later on one student was told discreetly that this academic dishonesty will not show on the transcript. i understand you want students to be more responsible but the matter should have dealt with fairness and more understanding.
I understand that students have to show honesty but the issue I’m concerned about it why every student is relying on the internet, instead of the teacher? I have heard many complaints, from the beginning of the school year.
What I am noticing is that the concepts and solutions are not presented with clarity. From the complaints I’ve heard, I realize students are independently teaching themselves in a hard Honors Chemistry course. This subject needs to be taught with great competence, who effectively teaches it and develop love for this dry subject in students and inspire them to go over and beyond.
This has been a issue of concern for many months and students have become so passive that they want the year to end as quickly as possible, because nothing has been done about it.
I sent her a nice reply, with a copy to administration, clarifying a few misconceptions and noting that her daughter had not been taking advantage of the online resources I’ve provided. Sorry, but at the end of the 3rd quarter it’s a little late to start b!tching about the entire year.
So her daughter needs to be able to cheat and besides, everyone else is doing it? And you are a mean bully for even pointing out she is cheating? And it’s your fault the daughter is cheating? It sounds like she is grooming her daughter for a career in politics. Has she been teaching her how to get a Democrat politician’s attention like Monica did?
This makes my brain hurt. If I had been caught cheating in any way you may be sure I would have been more worried about facing my parents than a teacher. They would certainly NOT have defended me.
A good friend of my wife’s family was an excellent teacher. I believe she was even honored in Washington DC. She made her students work hard and learn so there was great demand for her by parents who knew the value of education as opposed to a good grade. It was embarrassing to the easy teachers so of course she got lots of trouble from the union and the administrators because it made them look bad. It is so sad.
I *thought* I’d taken all the precautions I could that would keep my asshole brother from contacting me (he still thinks he’s “entitled” to his children’s inheritances and is relentless in the pursuit). The only way his emails get to me is if they’re forwarded to me by my niece (and then scanned by Mr. X before I read them -- yeah, he’s that abusive when he doesn’t get what he wants).
Unfortunately, at Christmas, she openly copied me on her response to one of his emails (somewhere between accidentally and on purpose), so then I had to go the extra step and make sure anything coming from his addy gets deleted at the server level.
And ‘den today. I was reassembling the fountain on the deck, and heard the phone ring. Came into answer it and saw a Hawaii area code, then immediately ran into the office and turned on the answering machine (could have been my nephew or his mother, still, why take the chance?).
My brother lost one of his cellphones due to non-payment, and since he hadn’t called already, I figured he’d lost the number and I was in the clear. But my nephew’s visiting him, and I guess didn’t think twice about sharing.
He’ll try, repeatedly, with different and sadder stories to get his kid’s money, but when he reverts to his old abusive ways, he’ll have my husband to deal with. Which may actually be entertaining to witness.
Still, I wish my nephew had honored what I told him was an extended hiatus in communications with his dad…
Happy Caturday, GN!
While I’ve gotten somewhat tiddly via booze on occasion, I’ve never come anywhere near being as intoxicated as the guy in today’s thread pic. I truly don’t understand why someone would “overserve” themselves that much. (Sure, I did some stoopit carp as a yout’…but then alcohol’s never been my intoxicant-of-choice.)
Sandy Springs, GA, which was incorporated in late ’05 by an overwhelming majority of voters, largely privatized many city services. Which appealed to my libertarian bent. Amazingly, it hasn’t yet become Somalia-like.
But I was pretty amused to read this:
I like the reaction of neighbors:
In other words, “A$$holes. Why didn’t y’all let us help you get rid of the evidence?!”
Good Saturday morning, y’all! I’m a little achy from all the pup wrangling yesterday evening, so I’m taking it easy today -- probably tomorrow too. But I get my shot Monday morning, that can’t come fast enough. I’ll be working from the couch and taking it as easy as I can afterwards.
Other than that, all’s well here on the Central SE Texas prairie. We might get some rain today which would be good, considering I mowed the lawn the other night -- it’s ready. As is the western pasture -- even though the girls haven’t really made much of a dent in the eastern. Looks as though Mr. X’s plan is going to work out for us -- so far.
And ‘den…
Happy Birfday, Rabeeet!
And…back to the couch for me. Y’all be good today…
Thanks, TeX.
I’m feeling everyone of my 58 years today.
BW wants to take me out for dinner, but I think I’d rather have a cereal night. Ha.
It’s your birfday, why they hell not?
Just don’t eat too much Capt. Crunch -- that stuff will tear up the roof of your mouth…
Happy birthday, Rabbit!!!!eleventy!!
A Rabbeeet Party
Happy Birfday 1 o’ 7, RabBeet!
This rabbit was supposed to jump out of the cake but we got our measurements wrong; golldurned metric system!
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Greetings from “Spring is over, let’s hurry into summer” SoCal!
Yes, it was 65°F yesterday, should be 69 today, 80 tomorrow, 90 on Monday.
Good morning, Birthday RaBbiT, Animal-wranglin’ TeX, Brenda, and Fatwa!
Here’s a cake for our birthday RaBbiT!
Oooh…All Bran, Bran Flakes, Raisin Bran or Shredded Wheat?
I’ve already received some blow-back from my ‘chat’ with students yesterday. There are two 10th grade girls, ‘D’ and ‘S’, who are best friends, live near each other, do their homework together, etc. The mom of ‘D’ has been complaining about my class since the first week -- I’m too negative, too hard, “everyone” is having trouble. Of course she never complains to me, only to the administration. The only time I hear from her is when she wants extra time for her daughter’s assignments (which I have to allow because they’ve classified her ADHD as ‘special needs’). So, yesterday late afternoon I get an email from the mother of ‘S’. Here are a few excerpts:
Apparently students have been googling the homework questions because they cannot determine the answers from the book or the teacher. my daughter told me that in the beginning of year you stated that it was okay to use other resources to complete the homework. Based off this, students, including my daughter, have been relying on outside resources, like the internet to learn.
The students were reprimanded for showing academic dishonesty. Students were scared and some, including my daughter, started crying because “academic dishonesty” means it will show up on their records. later on one student was told discreetly that this academic dishonesty will not show on the transcript. i understand you want students to be more responsible but the matter should have dealt with fairness and more understanding.
I understand that students have to show honesty but the issue I’m concerned about it why every student is relying on the internet, instead of the teacher? I have heard many complaints, from the beginning of the school year.
What I am noticing is that the concepts and solutions are not presented with clarity. From the complaints I’ve heard, I realize students are independently teaching themselves in a hard Honors Chemistry course. This subject needs to be taught with great competence, who effectively teaches it and develop love for this dry subject in students and inspire them to go over and beyond.
This has been a issue of concern for many months and students have become so passive that they want the year to end as quickly as possible, because nothing has been done about it.
I sent her a nice reply, with a copy to administration, clarifying a few misconceptions and noting that her daughter had not been taking advantage of the online resources I’ve provided. Sorry, but at the end of the 3rd quarter it’s a little late to start b!tching about the entire year.
So her daughter needs to be able to cheat and besides, everyone else is doing it? And you are a mean bully for even pointing out she is cheating? And it’s your fault the daughter is cheating? It sounds like she is grooming her daughter for a career in politics. Has she been teaching her how to get a Democrat politician’s attention like Monica did?
This makes my brain hurt. If I had been caught cheating in any way you may be sure I would have been more worried about facing my parents than a teacher. They would certainly NOT have defended me.
A good friend of my wife’s family was an excellent teacher. I believe she was even honored in Washington DC. She made her students work hard and learn so there was great demand for her by parents who knew the value of education as opposed to a good grade. It was embarrassing to the easy teachers so of course she got lots of trouble from the union and the administrators because it made them look bad. It is so sad.
Me, too.
Glad I had parents like that.
*Rolls eyes far enough to see brain*
Happy birthday, Rabbit!
I imagine that Monday, Paddy, might be a difficult day for you. Good thoughts and prayers that it goes OK.
The definition of “cheating” seems to have evolved since the days we were in school, judging from that one parent’s response.
Having never been in any advanced placement classes, I’m confused as to why a student with ADHD would be assigned to one.
Ditto on the above, Paddy.
I *thought* I’d taken all the precautions I could that would keep my asshole brother from contacting me (he still thinks he’s “entitled” to his children’s inheritances and is relentless in the pursuit). The only way his emails get to me is if they’re forwarded to me by my niece (and then scanned by Mr. X before I read them -- yeah, he’s that abusive when he doesn’t get what he wants).
Unfortunately, at Christmas, she openly copied me on her response to one of his emails (somewhere between accidentally and on purpose), so then I had to go the extra step and make sure anything coming from his addy gets deleted at the server level.
And ‘den today. I was reassembling the fountain on the deck, and heard the phone ring. Came into answer it and saw a Hawaii area code, then immediately ran into the office and turned on the answering machine (could have been my nephew or his mother, still, why take the chance?).
My brother lost one of his cellphones due to non-payment, and since he hadn’t called already, I figured he’d lost the number and I was in the clear. But my nephew’s visiting him, and I guess didn’t think twice about sharing.
He’ll try, repeatedly, with different and sadder stories to get his kid’s money, but when he reverts to his old abusive ways, he’ll have my husband to deal with. Which may actually be entertaining to witness.
Still, I wish my nephew had honored what I told him was an extended hiatus in communications with his dad…
Considering the corruption in the Mexican government, this is something that probably isn’t going to end well: