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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!

Glad to see K8-E, JtB and Mac!!

K8-E --


New band’s moving ahead slowly but I did find a geetarist [sic] who seems to be exactly the right guy in terms of musical skills, sense of humor and he sings really well. Have several other interested folks but won’t have an opportunity to really vet ’em until I get back from L.A.

JtB --

Hope all of the seeming chaos works out for you and TRD…good thoughts to both of you, as well as your family what needs ’em. Hope you get a day off much sooner than you anticipate.

Mac --

Quite pleased to read you’re healing; hope you can get caught-up on your sleep, too.


Decided, particularly with the L.A. trip looming, that it was time to join the mobile computing age. Purchased a new, last year’s model Samsung Note 10.1 tablet which arrived yesterday (along with a case that has a detachable Bluetooth keyboard). Spent several fumbling hours getting acquainted with the Android OS; more to come.

So far, I’m quite pleased with it; I think it will more than suit my rather modest needs.

Presuming I can sort-out how to load several ebooks sitting on my Mac into it before next Saturday, my wee carry-on valise will be much lighter -- and a lot less bulky -- than when it was laden with hardback books on previous trips. (I’m actually pretty stunned by its capabilities and believe I’ll find it’s far more useful than expected; yay!)

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


I wonder if Mac felt a little sheepish about posting today’s thread pic.

And in local dumb criminal news: Man uses pitchfork to rob Waffle House!

ā€œWhen he realized he couldn’t get the cash register open, he took the whole cash register and exited the store with his pitchfork,ā€ Summers said.

Witnesses said as Wooten stumbled out of the Waffle House, he dropped the pitchfork but was able to hang on to the cash register. He ran up the sidewalk to nearby Rite Aid where he’d left his truck, but the Waffle House employees weren’t done with him yet.

ā€œOnce he didnā€™t have a pitchfork, he wasn’t as brazen. I know that,ā€ Summers said.

Police said two of the workers took off after him and used the pitchfork as a weapon on him.

Har! Who knew that pitchforks were a “double-edged sword”?

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

I wonder if Mac felt a little sheepish about posting todayā€™s thread pic.

I see what ewe did there!

Mac -- I’m glad you’re on the mend and that the pain is subsiding.
JtB! -- good to see you! Prayers that all those issues will work out for the best.
Kate-y! And here I thought you were still lounging on the beach somewhere, sipping an umbrella drink and ogling the cabana boy. I should have known you’d be overworked, instead.

Fatwa -- you can load any of a number of e-readers on your tablet, including the Kindle and Nook readers. Find one that you like and that opens the file type(s) you mostly use and off you go!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Cheers, Paddy.

I see what ewe did there!

Reading that was shear agony. (And well-played, sir; another wild and wooly Caturday at teh Squeak.)

Since I’ve seen clear evidence that even moe-rons can learn to use tablets, I’m sure I’ll get it sorted out. Mostly a matter of playing around until I get a feel for how the OS works. (And the Android file transfer app for the Mac doing what it’s alleged to do.)

The tablet also came with a freaking office suite that’s compatible with Microsoft’s. (And I haz an Apple office suite which can import/export MS-compatible docs, spreadsheets and even Power Point presentations.)

I reckon by next Saturday, I’ll be pretty comfy with how Android OS works as much as required for my needs on this trip. (And as soon as I feel like I’ve achieved some mastery is probably when they’ll “push” the -- supposedly -- forthcoming update from v. 2.1 to 2.4 onto my particular device.) šŸ˜‰

Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning and happy Satyrday!

Glad to read that you are healing up, Mac. And good to see JtB stopping by.

Greetings to Paddy and Fatwa.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Heya, Sven!

Well…getting files from teh Mac (desktop, not Gerbil) onto the tablet was as simple as advertised. Connect tablet to USB port, launch app on Mac (which should occur automatically in the future), drag files into appropriate folder, done.

Just loaded about a dozen books, so I’ve got plenty of reading material for teh trip.

Up next: converting some roofing company forms (letterhead, proposals, invoices) to .docs, transferring them and learning how to use the word processor; geeky Saturday fun.

Just Sven
10 years ago

For you tech writing and business professional geeks, hereā€™s a work situation that Iā€™d love to hear your opinion.

Iā€™m reviewing some company procedures from another department that are used to comply with a regulatory audit. Poorly formatted, but not badly written, but I start noticing that they are rife with references to appendixes and figures that arent there. I look closer at the content and start googling various phrases and immediately find a couple of likely source documents. I do a closer comparison and see that at least 50% of each of our documents is copy and pasted from these other documents, which in one case is clearly copyrighted while the other isnā€™t.

So I bring it up to management and their response is not to worry about it; as long as our documents are for internal use only, they donā€™t see a plagiarism, copyright, or just plain bad business practice problem.

Anyone else ever run into this type of situation or have an opinion?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

My $0.02:

…their response is not to worry about it; as long as our documents are for internal use only, they donā€™t see a plagiarism, copyright, or just plain bad business practice problem.

Pretty ethically lacking; it would bother me at least a bit.

That having been said, presuming you’ve covered your own tuchis by informing management of this via email -- and done whatever else you can think of required to ensure they can’t ever pin any of it on you -- I’d do my best to let it go. (As from what you wrote, I don’t know what else you can do unless you’re prepared to become a “troublemaker” and deal with any consequences thereof.)

Sorry you’re in that position, Sven.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Got roofing company forms loaded into tablet; work fine in teh word processor.

Also played around with the voice input (hilarity ensued when it typed “f***” instead of what I’d actually said, followed by typing my resulting “hahahahahahahaha”), horsed-around with the stylus and loaded-in some images to customize the “Lock” and “Home” screens.

Off to score some BBQ!