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Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Love the thread gif, Mac!

Teh Younger is home! His freshman year is over and he did well this second semester (still waiting on the grade in one class, the other three were A-‘s). Now he faces the difficult transition to boring family life for the summer.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Why yes, yes I could! (As long as I let Teh Older know about the booby trap in the bathroom.)

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hola, Gerbilinos --

Finally had a chance to get on the computer. (Tablet virtual keyboard still not functioning properly here; pops-up and then disappears after tapping text box. Haven’t had time to find workaround yet; might require installing 3rd party virtual keyboard.)

Nice thread GIF; not taking teh bait, Mac. 😉

Glad to see Paddy’s Youngest arrived safely; happy “hazing” of same.

Thanks for all the good wishes re roofing job. Had several trivial, time-wasting yet important admin issues to solve prior to start. Weather has been unpleasant; much moreso for cow-workers than I.

After a full week of sub-par performance, had to say “buh-bye” to the demolition company we’ve been using for more than twenty years; have another lined-up for Wednesday.

Thus, pretty rugged first week for me.

Upsides: Hands-on Board President and I have developed good working relationship. World’s bestest cow-workers were amazingly productive and of good cheer despite heat and slow demolition. Construction of roof framing and deck most robust I’ve ever seen, so noise issue is least I’ve ever dealt with.

All-in-all, the week ended on a fairly high note despite all of the above; next week ought to be significantly easier on everyone.

This evening, I’m going to see an old friend / cow-worker from 21 years ago who is now married with son; looking forward to getting caught-up. (They live about six minutes drive from teh Svens, whom I was pleased to see are having a good time on their trip.)

Just wanted to check-in; hope everyone’s doing well or better. More when I’ve got a chance.


Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Thanks for checking in, Fatwa! Bummer about the demo company. I hate it when a formerly reliable company goes bad, but at least you have the option of remedying that problem.