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Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning and happy Monday!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Monday salutations from Happy Larryville, GN!

Good morning, gracious host Sven!

Sure is nice to be home. 😉


The more that trickles out regarding the no-knock drug raid here in GA wherein an infant was horribly injured by a distraction device flash-bang grenade being tossed into his crib, the more it appears that the brave, heroic sheepdogs occupying army of unionized goons will not be held to account:

The district attorney’s office in Habersham County is looking into the circumstances surrounding what happened but at this time it has not opened an official investigation.

In related news, a woman severely injured by a flash-bang in Cobb County, GA four years ago has sued:

It is not only the tactics and injuries that are similar to the raid that critically injured a 19-month-old baby in Habersham County last week. So were other outcomes: the injured party was not the target of the raid and police found little drugs when they arrested the suspected drug dealer.

Dukes was not charged with any crime. The target of the 5:30 a.m. raid was her boyfriend Jason Deandre Ward, who was charged with possession of marijuana — an ounce or less —with intent to distribute, Xanax and possession of two pistols by a convicted felon.

Ooooh…an ounce or less of pot and some Xanax; they’re as bad as the fookin’ the Medellín Cartel!!!1!

The Clayton officers deny that they threw the grenade through the bedroom window, contending that two grenades were tossed outside the Riverdale house and one was thrown inside from the front door after it was breached.

But Williams said that assertion didn’t pass the smell test. The lawsuit accused officers of covering up the botched raid by not photographing the bedroom or the scorched blanket that had a hole burned in it from the grenade.

Why the bloody hell are we using weapons of war on American Citizens just because they’re suspected of using -- or trading in -- unapproved substances?

Just Sven
10 years ago

You can tell these guys are true hockey fans, or taking wagering advice from noted gift giver Barack Obama:

“If the New York Rangers win the Stanley Cup, Gov. Cuomo will receive an organic, lightly salted brown rice cake and book on California history. If the Kings win, Gov. Brown will receive a Taste NY gift basket that includes products such as chicken wing sauce.”

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


#Burn pic.twitter.com/CCrhg3rxgw— Caleb Wilde (@CalebWilde) June 9, 2014

Just Sven
10 years ago

Kings looking good again tonight. Happy dance soon.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Sweet. And now it’s just a question of time.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Sad though that those organic rice cakes will stay in California.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Rachael Maddow over on MSNBC has a hardon tonight--finally a Gadsden flag tied to some nut jobs with guns.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

The first clause in that sentence calls for mind bleach.