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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Caturday salutations from Happy Lawlessville, GN!

Yesterday -- once again -- our Congress revealed that “procedures” and phony “decorum” trump anything even vaguely resembling supporting and defending the Constitution. AFAIC, the “social compact” is utterly broken and tyranny is officially unleashed across our land.

If Paul Ryan (ooooh…he has such dreamy eyes) saying, “I don’t believe you” is the most courage a Congressman can muster at a hearing such as the one yesterday, I think it’s pretty well over. Personally, I’d have been very pleased to see Ryan grab Koskinen by the lapels, shake him like a rag doll and then backhand that smug prevaricating POS.

But hey…let’s just watch the Kardashians’ capacious Armenian asses on television while the rule of law evaporates.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning,

Well the thread pic seems appropriate. As I’ve said before: you can’t legislate stricter standards on citizens than you impose on yourselves and not expect some blowback. And I think that blowback might be coming sooner rather than later--and then everyone will be surprised and shocked and the left will blame Bush and racism.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Paddy: judging from your comment, I assume that yesterday did not go in your favor. Can’t tell you how sorry I am that it went the way it did.

I don’t know the circumstances, but from following your career as you posted here on teh wheel and its predecessors, your love of teaching and concern for your students has always been evident. You are the type of teacher that I wish I had when I was in school. And I am certain that many of the students that passed through your classroom are grateful for having done so.

You’re a good man and God will show you the right path. If there is anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Just looked at teh M.O.; criminy.

Good thoughts headed towards Paddy; indignant, nay, outright hateful thoughts inbound at them what deserves ’em.

Ditto on Sven’s behalf.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
My meeting with the head of personnel did not go as expected. She answered some questions that I had submitted to her a week ago (curiously, she did not give me a written response), told me that the investigation was ongoing, that she had to file an adverse action with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (she’s up against a 30-day limit) and that my further employment did not look likely, but that I was free to resign.

The adverse action means there will be some type of hearing, but it may take a year or more for that to happen. With that unresolved, the chances of getting a teaching position are almost non-existent.

Just Sven
10 years ago

So what’s my current job situation? Since returning from vacation, I’ve been involved in two unfortunate incidents with management. The first one wasnt my fault, but it was quite odd and something that I still can’t understand or explain. The second one last Thursday was me being out of line and something that I should have handled better--that’s the one that I fully expected to push me out the door.

So, repercussions? Nothing immediate, not even a formal reprimand. Has everything gone unnoticed? No, I’ve gotten enough inside information and hints to know that things have been reported up teh chain of command. Why they havent acted, I don’t know--I’m not that valuable of a player nor do I have any real allies at the mgmt level. My guess is that my behavior and overall attitude has been noted and it will factor into them letting me go in the near future without having to officially acknowledge or investigate that Thursday incident--it’s to their benefit not to have all the facts and background from my side aired. Much better to be the unfortunate victim of budget cuts and all that. Cleaner.

Game plan? One way or the other I’m done at this company. Every single thing that was represented to me when I interviewed and started there has turned out to be a lie. None of my work has been acknowledged or supported within my department and every effort that I’ve made to improve the overall situation has been more or less thwarted. Why they hired a technical writer in the first place, when they have no commitment to or desire for quality documentation, is a mystery. The only thing that makes sense to me is that something seriously wrong happened early last year and the blame got placed on lack of documentation. What to do? Hey, let’s hire a tech writer so this never happens again--problem solved.

Time to move on as I don’t see things changing positively. Short term, I’ll continue to do my job to the best of my ability and reach out to other departments that could use my help and where I might be a better fit. I’ll keep a low profile and just focus on my immediate tasks. Collect the paycheck. And start looking elsewhere.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

That sucks, Sven -- it truly does. Situations like that make it hard to get up in the morning.

10 years ago

OK, the treatment of Wheelizens in the meat world is starting to piss me off *just* a bit…

Just Sven
10 years ago

Indeed it does, Paddy, but my situation pales in comparison to yours. Here’s hoping all of us land on our feet, get our problems handled, improve our health, stay true to our values, help others as we can, and move on to bigger and better things. With Obama leading us, hell, how can things not get better? Hope and Change--there’s the ticket!

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Sven -- as I read your post, I’m inspired to both reach the pinnacle of my possibilities and to vomit on my host’s carpet.