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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist



Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I wonder what the government is trying to distract us from with the border chaos / shipping of illegal youngsters all over the country?

During the Reagan administration, the skank-ass GOP-controlled Congress promised to secure our southern border in exchange for amnesty. They didn’t, which lead us directly to the situation we are now confronting. Someone remind me why I’m supposed to think the Republican party is any better than the Democrats.

The alleged “gang violence” in Central America which these kids and women are purportedly being sent away from is a direct result of our imbecilic and unconstitutional War on Drugs, the same damn-fool policy which has led to the militarization of police.


33 shootings -- 3 fatal -- in my birth city this weekend; well done, Chicago! Yet more predictable results of the WoD plus the systemic government corruption in the Windy City…where Aldermen in too many neighborhoods have literally gotten into bed with the gangs simply to get elected.

I fucking hate how blatantly lawless our country has become at every level.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

My bad, Mac.

The GOP controlled the Senate from ’81-’87, but the House was Jackass-controlled during his entire Presidency.

Appreciate you keeping me intellectually honest. 😉

Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning,

I guess I find Republicans the lesser of the two current evils. There are some within the party that I respect and admire, whereas I can’t say the same for the Dems.

Chance of thunderstorms here today--won’t make much difference with the drought--but still might liven up the morning.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

I think I forgot to clean the lint screen last time I used it; sorry.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I guess I find Republicans the lesser of the two current evils.

Truly not trying to offend anyone here, but the lesser of two evils is still evil, AFAIC. Being a long-standing independent who is fanatically pro-very small government while being pretty socially liberal, I find the two major parties provide a false choice between (effectively) socialism and social conservatism, both rammed down my throat at the point of guns and/or the crushing weight of gummint bureaucracy.

While I’m not intimately acquainted with the voting records of all 535 of the current bums in our Congress, I think it’s pretty obvious that in aggregate, our Congress doesn’t give a rat’s ass about obeying the Constitution in any significant manner.

And I have a huge problem with that. Per the Constitution, we citizens are the ultimate sovereigns, making our Congress a den of treasonous shitweasels.

Our Founders clearly espoused the idea that the primary function of the federal government was to protect the rights of the individual. FAIL.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Agreed, and not trying to offend back, it is however the best and only political choice that exists at this particular moment in time. America will not find a political solution on its own that will move the country back to what most of us agree was the Founder’s intent. We cannot politic our way out of this mess. There is no third party that is going to rise up and take the country back.

Going back to Claire Wolfe, America is still at that awkward stage and will likely remain there for the remainder of our lives, cuz let’s face it, all of us are much closer to death than we are to our youth. But Claire said two things: it is too late to work within the system and too soon to shoot the bastards. So screw the political system, recognize it for what it is: self-serving, corrupt, incompetent, dangerous…and chose what Robinson Jeffer’s advised: avoid it with honor and choose the least ugly faction. Keep one’s own integrity, to be merciful, and to remain uncorrupted.

Choosing the lesser of two evils in this political case is a false choice only if all we are is the govt. What laws we obey, what laws we disobey, how we live our daily lives is still pretty much in our hands.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Fatwa, Mac, and Sven!

The HHS Sec. met with governors of both stripes yesterday to discuss the child immigration crisis being foisted upon them. Apparently none of the governors were eager to have busloads of new mouths to feed, educate, house, medicate, etc.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Brenda recently watched that doc and thought it was pretty well done.

This crisis is created on purpose and is one of the more cynical and disgusting things this lowlife has done, and that bar has been set quite high (or low) during this administration.

And once again, the near-total silence from our entire Congress is stunning. Especially for a bunch of scumbags who are generally damned quick to trot out “the children” in support of their respective agendas. Yet, when there’s truly a crisis involving innocent kids, our members of Congress are gutless vermin.

To hell with each and every one of them.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

You’re right, Mac.

I’d much rather see them face a crowd of people like me armed with splintery 2″x4″s, dull-tined pitchforks and un-laundered socks full of quarters. Perhaps some rubber mallets and ball peen hammers, too. 😉


Heh. Na na na na na na na na…

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Well of course. I have no wish to offend -- or cause grievous olfactory distress -- to people I like.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

The fact remains that there are still a few people in this world I assiduously try to avoid offending. (Doubly so now that the bromidrosis is mixed with “old man smell”.)