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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’day, GN!

I’m glad that’s not Brenda’s dryer in teh thread GIF. (Between the two of us, there’s already plenty of long hair which winds-up on the lint screen.)

Just Sven
10 years ago

Huh. So that’s what manners really look like--who knew?

Just Sven
10 years ago

Not a great idea, but if the Dems oppose it, then I’m for it:


Democratic strategist Steve Maviglio strongly opposed the plan.

“This is a colossal and divisive waste of time, energy and money that will hurt the California brand… [and its] ability to attract business and jobs,” Maviglio told the San Francisco Chronicle. “It’s unfortunate that Mr. Draper is putting his millions into this effort to split up our state rather than help us face our challenges.”

Just Sven
10 years ago

That Rolling Stone article on the five most dangerous guns in America? Yeah, it really is as stupid as everyone has been saying.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven --

Democratic strategist Steve Maviglio strongly opposed the plan.

Well sure…that would hugely diminish their power. I don’t think it’ll happen…but it probably should. If for no other reason than the non-stop outraged howling of tyrants and their toadying lickspittles. 😉

Yeah, it really is as stupid as everyone has been saying.

Yup. And the level of derisive snark in response to it has made me chuckle several times.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Hump Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Fatwa and Sven!

Six California’s and Five Dangerous Guns -- what’s not to like?

Just Sven
10 years ago

I was driving into work today, got off the 101 at my usual exit, and was waiting for the light to change so I could turn left over the freeway and on to my most exciting and rewarding job; have I mentioned lately how much I love my job? Love love love it. Anyhow, I’m about 6 cars behind an LA County Sheriff’s patrol car also turning left. On the overpass, there’s this homeless guy--at least I assumed he was homeless--dirty, barefooted, sleeping bag on the ground next to him. The sheriff turns on his lights, gives a brief siren toot, and stops at the side of the road next to this guy and gets out of his car. Considering the town I work in and their upscale celebrity reputation, Fatwa knows what I mean, I figured the bum was going to be rousted and sent packing. Instead, the sheriff pops his trunk, pulls out a grocery bag full of stuff (paper of course cuz plastic isnt allowed anywhere in this town), smiles, says something to the guy, gives him the bag of stuff, gets back into his patrol car and off he goes.

It was nice to see.