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Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning and happy Wednesday!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

It’s another drear, dank morning -- which suits my mood -- here in Happy Larryville, GN!

Hai, Sven!

You can imagine how excited I am about our Ditherer-in-Chief’s broadcast tonight re what he’s going to do about ISIS / ISIL. (Neither of which can, uh, be spelled without, uh, many “I”s.)

K8-E --

I’d expect you’ll ace your “food safety” test. (After all…you’ve managed not to sicken attendees at numerous Gerbilees or any of our wedding guests.) 😉

When do you get your results?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Oooooh…possible Democrat voter registration fraud around the Atlanta area? That could never happen.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

The people behind this stunningly obnoxious web video need to be repeatedly beeyotch-slapped with a tire iron:

Just Sven
9 years ago

Ain’t that something? And they wonder why us white folks dont want to talk about race, nor in my case, much care about race relations.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Hump Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven and Fatwa!
Kate -- I’m sure you set the curve on the food safety exam. Did it include any questions regarding embalming preserving food?

9 years ago

A good morning to all of you!

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Today is a rather reflective day for me, my friends. Today is the birthday of both my father and my father-in-law, both of whom have passed on. Two finer men you’d be hard-pressed to find. To add to all of that, the husband of a friend from my church choir had a stroke this weekend and will be taken off of life support this morning. He leaves behind a wife and two sons in college.

9 years ago

So sad, Paddy. My heart is with you today.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Thoughts and prayers, Paddy.

Just Sven
9 years ago

I didnt watch Obama’s speech but did read the transcript. Not impressed.

Just Sven
9 years ago

“In a region that has known so much bloodshed, these terrorists are unique in their brutality. They execute captured prisoners. They kill children.”

Unique? Turn your eyes to just across our southern border. It’s a daily thing down there as well. Try a google search for beheading and Mexico.

And I love this:
“Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.”

What a POS.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Was Present Obama talking about Hamas?

They execute captured prisoners.


They kill children.


They enslave, rape and force women into marriage.


They threatened a religious minority with genocide.

Yep, it’s pretty clear he was talking about Hamas.
Either that, or he doesn’t know what ‘unique’ means.