Teh Squeaky Wheel
Lunging puppy greetings from Happy Larryville, GN!
Mac --
Hope Elena’s recovery is going well.
Did he have a dog and if so, is the dog still alive?
It’s sad this has become a reasonable question to ask after interactions with LEOs.
“The thread GIF dog approached me in an aggressive manner and I feared for my life!!1!”
Again??!? Sheesh.
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation! It’s not kilt,Fatwa, it’s just pining for the fjords.
Off to have more coffee and make a few phone calls. BBL
It’s thoroughtly kilt by now.
Lunging puppy greetings from Happy Larryville, GN!
Mac --
Hope Elena’s recovery is going well.
It’s sad this has become a reasonable question to ask after interactions with LEOs.
“The thread GIF dog approached me in an aggressive manner and I feared for my life!!1!”
Again??!? Sheesh.
Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
It’s not kilt,Fatwa, it’s just pining for the fjords.
Off to have more coffee and make a few phone calls.
It’s thoroughtly kilt by now.