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Just Sven
9 years ago

Real time firsties!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Election Day salutations from Happy Larryville, GN!

Mac --

Yet another fine thread .gif this morning; bravo. Hope that you and Elena are getting better every day.

Hai, Sven --

Is your crock pot is already fragrant with schadenfreude-liciousness?

Paddy --

Fond wishes that your beef stew had a high rating on teh “NOM!” scale.

I should make a large batch of French onion soup, portion it and shove it in the freezer…if I can find the recipe I used last time I made it. Stuff was so full of onions, it was more like a stew.

And speaking of onion soup, this Election Day make me feel a bit like a Frenchman myself -- as though I’m going to be swapping one pair of dirty underwear for another.


Just Sven
9 years ago

Election day--the house does smell quite nice this morning and the schadenfreude looks tasty. If I had any liberal friends left in the real world, I’d invite them over for some steaming bowls tonight.

I’ll be voting after work this afternoon. In Cali, none of my votes will likely mean much, but there you go. If the Republicans win back the Senate tonite and hold on to the House, will things change much? Probably not, but it is a chance for the country to say “enough” to the liberal/progressive mindset that seemed to have a stranglehold on us just six years back. I’m hoping for more gridlock.

And good morning, Fatwa!

Just Sven
9 years ago

On the other hand, I thought the Raiders would make the playoffs this year, so my predictive powers arent that good and tonite may be me eating crow.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I’m hoping for more gridlock.

At this point, gridlock is good. Moar, kplztks.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy “like Sven, my vote probably doesn’t mean a darn thing, but I’m voting anyway” Election Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Sven the First and Fatwa!

Yes, the stew was nom-worthy; supported by some crusty bread to dip in the sauce and some good stout (both in the stew and the glass!).
The french onion soup was also glorious -- filled with caramelized onion in a sturdy broth, topped with bread and melted cheese. I’m not sure if tonight will be left-overs or something a little lighter, as the weather is warming up, again.

I’m not sure which is a greater fear -- that the Dems retain control of the Senate, or that the Reps win and then govern like they did under W.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

SugarPlumK and I went a-voting; I wrote-in “NONE OF THE ABOVE” for many races. However, for the U.S. House seat, I wrote-in “FUCK THEM BOTH”; turns out that that’s an allowable character string…and Rob Woodall is an execrable piece of filth (ditto Derick Corbett, his chief of staff).

(I quietly -- and self-satisfiedly -- *snogglesnorted* as I reviewed my ballot ‘afore casting it.)

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

I held my nose and voted “lesser of two evils” for U.S. Senate mostly because of the SCOTUS, but I do not support Mr. Woodall, who is a dismissive, rude, no-account scumball. (As former chief-of-staff to his predecessor, he’s been a Beltway insider for more than twenty years and treats his constituents accordingly.)

Just Sven
9 years ago

For the most part it is always the lesser of two evils. I have no illusions that if the Senate moves to the Republicans that automatically the country will start moving in the right direction. No matter how it turns out, the war won’t be won tonight; we won’t even win a battle. But it’s one blow aimed directly at Obama and the rest of the progs that might just hit soundly.

Just Sven
9 years ago

AoS seems not to be able to handle the traffic tonight which is too bad.

Just Sven
9 years ago

How’s that governor’s race in Texas going? Will you guys soon have a woman in charge?

Just Sven
9 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Which is good news, considering what a loon that woman was.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Racial profiling: is there nothing it can’t do?

Daniele Watts says history of racial profiling caused her to ‘explode’


Just Sven
9 years ago

I was watching FOX News and their panel had Britt Hume and Juan Williams on and they were discussing some ad that some candidate ran saying that maybe Congress had more important things to do than worry about the Washington Redskins name being offensive. Anyhow, Juan makes the statement that he refuses to say that word (the dreaded R word) and Britt just looked at him like you idiot, Juan. Really? Really It’s the Redskins, Juan. The Redskins. Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins.

Pretty funny

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Hai, Mac and Sven!

For the most part it is always the lesser of two evils.

True…it’s just that I think they’ve both gotten significantly more evil since I was a youngin’; makes it a lot harder to ignore the stank [sic].

Just Sven
9 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Yeah, but right now the tally appears to be 52 to the Republicans. It’s a relief if they can all hold together, especially considering that Obama will likely have a SCOTUS seat to try to fill.

This isnt as satisfying as the House win in 2010, but it still feels good.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Watching MSNBC: Joni Ernst is the first woman Senator from Iowa--you’d figure that they would at least mention that, but nope. Now if it had been a Democratic woman…

Just Sven
9 years ago

This is interesting:

Last night, in response to an Order from a Federal judge, the Department of Justice turned over 64,280 pages of documents that were withheld from Congress after President Obama asserted Executive Privilege on the eve of a contempt citation for Attorney General Eric Holder in June 2012.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Looks like the Libertarians may have given the Virginia Senate seat to the Democrats. Damn.

They also siphon votes from Democrat candidates, especially on issues like the drug war, police militarization, government surveillance of the citizenry and taxing / regulating the internet.

Probably not as large a percentage of votes as they cost the GOP, but Libertarians absolutely suck votes from the Democrats, too.