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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Salutations from “21.9º (feels like 22º) -- heh” Happy Larryville, GN!

At least there was no rain to freeze…and no snow. Local “authorities” had a snow drill, which reportedly went well…but since there was no actual snow, I’m curious what metric was used to determine it was successful.

That’s like me declaring I had a “brain surgery drill” which went swimmingly, despite the complete absence of my performing any surgery.

“I did it…yay!”

Or the feds claiming that Obamacare is a big success. 😉

Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa, and the rest of the GN horde!

Sounds like lovely weather throughout the nation--stay warm and safe, guys. I’m a little concerned as Mrs Sven has to go to the mid-West on business in a couple of weeks--hope the weather is nicer then.

Happy Anniversary Rabbit and BW!

Good luck on on your project, X.

If I ever have a chance to see Professor Gruber speak, I’m making a tee shirt that says “Another Stupid American Here to Fu*k You Up.”

Work still sucks, but it has gotten interesting as more people begin to quit and/or flip out publicly.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hai, Sven!

Like your t-shirt idea.


“Especially if it’s backed-up with a tire iron.”


A crew from Hannity’s show confronted crap-weasel Gruber at MIT yesterday; he cut through several buildings in an unsuccessful attempt to evade them while repeatedly saying “No comment”. Wonder when we’ll hear that he’s gone into hiding because of “death threats” or is taking a sabbatical “to spend more time with his family”.

Work still sucks, but it has gotten interesting as more people begin to quit and/or flip out publicly.

Oh dear. Still, one takes their amusement where one can find it, I suppose.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hey, kids, looky here…a carp-toon written by teh Grubester!!1!!

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

I can’t believe how much truthiness Mr. Gruber packed into that one little cartoon.

Didn’t Herr Gruber say in another video that Massachusetts got the Feds to pay a big chunk of the cost of Romneycare?

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Fatwa and Sven!

Sven -- I’m sorry your work sucks so much and that our government -- at both the state and federal level -- sucks so much that job opportunities are few and far between.

Fatwa -- when they say the drill was successful, I’m sure they mean that the drivers were able to find their trucks (eventually) and drive to some position somewhere within half a county of their route, and that the supervisors and managers were able to, collectively, find at least one arse given all the hands they hand.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Or that the meager supplies of salt hadn’t been stolen and resold by a public employee yet.

Just Sven
10 years ago

So it goes; I’m just thankful that I have a job and that I can once in a while make a positive contribution.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

ZOMG…I almost forgot:

Happy World Toilet Day!!1!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Och! Cludgies kilt th’ thread

Just Sven
10 years ago

So his Imperialism will speak to us tomorrow night; I can hardly wait. I wonder if Prof. Gruber advised him on his speech.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Hopefully Obama will leave some time in his address to discuss some other pressing issues in America like the Washington Redskins name controversy and Bill Cosby’s problems.