Good morning from riot-free, Happy Larryville, GN!
Mac --
Love the thread GIF.
“Here, sharky sharky sharky; ow…quit it!”
I hope the media’s pleased with helping to inflame Ferguson; they got their “money shots” last night with the burning police car, structure fires and general chaos, didn’t they? Really hope that shit doesn’t spread to other cities.
So…anyone interested in a Black Friday Trampling Pool? 😉
One of my former students (both Honors and AP) is a recent graduate from UCLA. I’d like to share what she posted on her facebook page (I can only hope she learns differently as she grows older):
In light of the grand injustice that has happened in Ferguson, today was a day in which I, along with hundreds of passionate leaders of social change were given an opportunity to reflect. It was in listening to all of the amazing thoughts that were said, and in my own self-reflection that I write this now.
There is a quote that has stuck with me, and it is a quote in which Eve Tuck says, “Desire, yes accounts for the loss and despair, but also the hope, the visions of lived lives.” This has stuck with me because for most of my life, despite being of person of color, I grew up very ignorant to the injustices around me, and the injustices and microagressions that I was facing, because I had internalized the social construction of race. It was through my service in college, and my current service, in which I have been able to rid of that ignorance. I have been very fortunate to have been able to surround myself with people who remain positive despite the greed and evil that exists in this world.
As a nation we have changed, and I believe that we will continue to change, but we need to have a desire to be those agents of change. We need to stand for justice and peace. So, I stand in solidarity with Ferguson, and anyone who has ever faced an injustice due to the color of their skin, gender, or sexual orientation. We are the future, the youth of this world are our future, and it is up to us to empower students black, white, and brown to be the change we wish to see, and once and for all end this goddamn cycle of social reproduction. ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬
I’m disgusted to see freeways and main arteries being blocked all over the country by idiot protestors; Steven Kruiser opined they ought to be removed via Zambonis.
“…and we’re getting reports of a slippery, thin red layer of goop on 75 north at the Grady curve…”
Good morning from riot-free, Happy Larryville, GN!
Mac --
Love the thread GIF.
“Here, sharky sharky sharky; ow…quit it!”
I hope the media’s pleased with helping to inflame Ferguson; they got their “money shots” last night with the burning police car, structure fires and general chaos, didn’t they? Really hope that shit doesn’t spread to other cities.
So…anyone interested in a Black Friday Trampling Pool? 😉
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Fatwa!
“And that, children, is why polite scuba divers keep their legs crossed when playing with sharks.”
Are they on sale? How much off? When do the doors open? Is it anything like this?

I must ask my wife if her theory that punsters are hell-bound also applies to visual puns.
“Hi, sweetheart; gotta quick question for you…”
Sorry, Scotty, but that’s a skirt, not a kilt.
“Damnit, Scotty…I’m a doctor, not a ‘Project Runway’ contestant!”
One of my former students (both Honors and AP) is a recent graduate from UCLA. I’d like to share what she posted on her facebook page (I can only hope she learns differently as she grows older):
In light of the grand injustice that has happened in Ferguson, today was a day in which I, along with hundreds of passionate leaders of social change were given an opportunity to reflect. It was in listening to all of the amazing thoughts that were said, and in my own self-reflection that I write this now.
There is a quote that has stuck with me, and it is a quote in which Eve Tuck says, “Desire, yes accounts for the loss and despair, but also the hope, the visions of lived lives.” This has stuck with me because for most of my life, despite being of person of color, I grew up very ignorant to the injustices around me, and the injustices and microagressions that I was facing, because I had internalized the social construction of race. It was through my service in college, and my current service, in which I have been able to rid of that ignorance. I have been very fortunate to have been able to surround myself with people who remain positive despite the greed and evil that exists in this world.
As a nation we have changed, and I believe that we will continue to change, but we need to have a desire to be those agents of change. We need to stand for justice and peace. So, I stand in solidarity with Ferguson, and anyone who has ever faced an injustice due to the color of their skin, gender, or sexual orientation. We are the future, the youth of this world are our future, and it is up to us to empower students black, white, and brown to be the change we wish to see, and once and for all end this goddamn cycle of social reproduction. ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬
I’m disgusted to see freeways and main arteries being blocked all over the country by idiot protestors; Steven Kruiser opined they ought to be removed via Zambonis.
“…and we’re getting reports of a slippery, thin red layer of goop on 75 north at the Grady curve…”