Good morning, GN! We actually have a wee bit of snow on teh ground here in Happy Larryville, which I expect will dissipate over the next several hours, but still…this is not The South I was promised by an unnamed ginger.
Hai, Sven!
Mac’s thread pic amused my inner-seven-year-old; I’m starting to think I’ll never get to a point where I don’t find farts funny.
Also, yesterday was the anniversary of Pwnage Day; we should have all taken the day off. 😉
Lovely…Chicago PD has its own “black” interrogation site: Homan Square.
That such a place exists is a compelling argument in favor of allowing honest citizens to own bazookas and RPGs. Not to mention a massacre of the brave, heroic sheepdogs unionized, badged, evil tax-leeches of Chicago.
Kids: so easily fooled.
Good morning, GN! We actually have a wee bit of snow on teh ground here in Happy Larryville, which I expect will dissipate over the next several hours, but still…this is not The South I was promised by an unnamed ginger.
Hai, Sven!
Mac’s thread pic amused my inner-seven-year-old; I’m starting to think I’ll never get to a point where I don’t find farts funny.
Also, yesterday was the anniversary of Pwnage Day; we should have all taken the day off. 😉
Happy Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!

Good day, Sven and Fatwa! Somehow that just doesn’t have the ring of Spin and Marty.
It’s another beautiful day in paradise -- the sky is blue and the birds are singing as they devour the food in the bird feeder.
Hai, Paddy!
Fie on your weather taunt. We’re headed toward our blazing high of 38ºF; fortunately the dusting of snow’s mostly melted already.
Heh. Nor does it have the squeaky clean, Disney-esque inference…which, as you know from meatspace interactions, would be rather inaccurate. 😉
Reality also fails to comport with that air of Brokeback Mountain the pic possesses. NTTAWWT
Are you implying that neither Sven nor I are “fabulous”?
Lovely…Chicago PD has its own “black” interrogation site: Homan Square.
That such a place exists is a compelling argument in favor of allowing honest citizens to own bazookas and RPGs. Not to mention a massacre of the
brave, heroic sheepdogsunionized, badged, evil tax-leeches of Chicago.Yeah…I went there.
And, as usual, those who violated the constitutional rights of others will not be held to account.