Hump Day “howdy” from damp -- but not flooded -- Larryville, GN!
It’s another day of Perpetual Election Season™, a never-ending cavalcade of asshats trying to convince us that their particular scheme for violating our natural rights -- and our Constitution -- is superior to that of their competitors’.
The tale of Mr. X, the NG pumping station and lightning had a high pucker factor…criminy!
And he doesn’t tend to spook easily -- but he’s attained a different level of respect for lightning since last week. o_0
More rain and thunder this morning -- we picked up another 1 1/2″.
It is soggy out there.
Understandable; everyone from the VFD who showed-up has some major league cashews.
Considering the itty-bitty dept. we have, and some people live between 15 and 20 miles out, damn near everybody showed.
According to Mr. X it was a Three Stooges/Ringling Bros. mashup with trucks running out of gas, brakes failing, gear left at the station…
But they got the job done.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX, Sven, and Fatwa!
Fatwa -- I’m sure you’re wrong about government services. We absolutely must have a group of people to plan our lives, plan our transportation systems, protect our homes, water, and food supply, und so weiter, usw., usw. It must be true, because the Left keeps telling us so.
9 years ago
I had a frustration-o-rama yesterday.
Monday night BW noticed that our outside security light was off. It’s one of those dusk to dawn lights, no switches involved. I figured the bulb burned out. It was last replaced during the never ending paint job from a few years ago. (Hail had taken out the last one, so I bought a new one)
So I get the ladder & I’m unscrewing the bulb & it breaks! Luckily, the base was intact & I was able to get it all out. So I go to Lowe’s and buy a new bulb. I get home & find that my old bulb had a regular sized screw-in silver part, but the new one was twice the size of the light bulb hole. So I go back to Lowe’s & return it. They don’t have any of what I need. I go across the street to Home Depot and after much looking, they find the one that matches. (This time I was smart enough to bring the dead bulb with me). I go home & get back up on the ladder & replace the bulb. Then I wait for darkness. Of course, we are in the storm watch twilight zone by then. I can’t tell if the light should be on or not. Then when it finally gets dark- no security light. I guess the whole unit got fried somehow like before. We had a few power outages & brownouts during all this rain. This morning I went back to Home Depot and returned the new bulb. Looks like we won’t be getting a light anytime soon. That involves buying a bew one & finding someone to install it. We have a back porch light, so we aren’t completely without light.
9 years ago
Today was actually sunny! So far… Storms will come back tonight.
I did a bunch of errands & then grilled some hamburgers . I’ll heat them up for supper. I almost never grill burgers, cause I’m just not good at it, but that was what I had thawed, so that was what I used. They look ok, and didn’t fall apart.
Elena’s Godfather was a composer and musician. Her father recently asked her if I could get a copy of the movie “Blood and Sand” as he thought her Godfather had a part in it playing the guitar at a fountain. I got the movie but the scene was not in it so last night I tried looking for it by tracing him and the song. His name was Claudio Estrada and he shared a local TV show when Elena was young and had several songs he wrote used in movies. One of the better known ones was “Luto en el alma”. I was surprised when I tried to find clips of him singing this to find pages of videos on U-Tube of different people and groups singing this song, right up to today. There was even a rap version. I traced it to the movie “Bullfighter and the Lady” from 1951 and found it on Amazon. He was only credited with writing the song, not as an actor, but we did find the scene. Interesting project. I have been watching a lot of bullfighting lately as part of it.
This has made me think of you, Fatwa. More your background.
In 6th and 7th grade I had a teacher from Spain. We learned a lot of Spanish as he encouraged using it through the day and it was the only time I learned a useful amount of a different language. Unfortunately the German I took in HS blocked it without really replacing it so I lost out. He taught us a lot about bullfighting, the purpose and reasons for what was done. Later a local UHF station broadcast Bullfights From Mexico City in the middle of the night. The commentary was by an obviously Mexican announcer who’s English was excellent and who was obviously knowledgeable and enthusiastic about bullfighting so it was interesting and educational. I found I enjoyed watching it, being a night creature then as now.
I can’t imagine that being broadcast today, even on cable.
Sorry you’ve had such a vexing day; OTOH, teh burgers didn’t fall apart on teh grill, which is always a goodness.
TeX --
We’ve had really good luck with a light / motion sensing fixture I installed at the front door shortly after I arrived in ’08. Wish I could remember the manufacturer; ‘taint visible anywhere on the exposed parts
Uses a 100w bulb; “idles” at around 40w and goes to full intensity for 0:30 (adjustable) when the motion sensor gets tripped. Aside from needing a new bulb every couple of years, its worked flawlessly.
(Of course, the above is tempting fate; it’ll probably crap-out in the next 72 hours.)
Mac --
Will definitely check-out Señor Estrada’s music this evening; thanks for teh info.
There was even a rap version.
Oy. (Protip: Searching YouTube for “bad rapper” yields horrors beyond imagining. Seriously…do not do this.)
(Of course, the above is tempting fate; it’ll probably crap-out in the next 72 hours.)
Good L0rd do I hear that one -- I’ve gotten VERY s00perstitious of late. I tried reversing the psychology on the power supply for the TV. It didn’t work.
Hump Day “howdy” from damp -- but not flooded -- Larryville, GN!
It’s another day of Perpetual Election Season™, a never-ending cavalcade of asshats trying to convince us that their particular scheme for violating our natural rights -- and our Constitution -- is superior to that of their competitors’.
Um, yay?
Good morning and glad to see that the Texas contingent has checked in. Some nasty weather you guys are having…I blame your liberal gun laws.
Hai, Sven! And “heh”.
As part of Cleveland PD’s shiny new consent decree with the DoJ, they’ve agreed to cease pistol-whipping citizens…hooray!
And he doesn’t tend to spook easily -- but he’s attained a different level of respect for lightning since last week. o_0
More rain and thunder this morning -- we picked up another 1 1/2″.
It is soggy out there.
Other than that, I got nuthin’. Coffee?

Heya, TeX!
And cheers for teh kawfee.
Understandable; everyone from the VFD who showed-up has some major league cashews.
(A kite, spool of string and old-timey key would make a tasteless gag gift for them.)
Considering the itty-bitty dept. we have, and some people live between 15 and 20 miles out, damn near everybody showed.
According to Mr. X it was a Three Stooges/Ringling Bros. mashup with trucks running out of gas, brakes failing, gear left at the station…
But they got the job done.
Funny how when necessary services aren’t provided by gummint, folks self-organize to provide them.
There’s a lesson there somewhere…
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX, Sven, and Fatwa!
Fatwa -- I’m sure you’re wrong about government services. We absolutely must have a group of people to plan our lives, plan our transportation systems, protect our homes, water, and food supply, und so weiter, usw., usw. It must be true, because the Left keeps telling us so.
I had a frustration-o-rama yesterday.
Monday night BW noticed that our outside security light was off. It’s one of those dusk to dawn lights, no switches involved. I figured the bulb burned out. It was last replaced during the never ending paint job from a few years ago. (Hail had taken out the last one, so I bought a new one)
So I get the ladder & I’m unscrewing the bulb & it breaks! Luckily, the base was intact & I was able to get it all out. So I go to Lowe’s and buy a new bulb. I get home & find that my old bulb had a regular sized screw-in silver part, but the new one was twice the size of the light bulb hole. So I go back to Lowe’s & return it. They don’t have any of what I need. I go across the street to Home Depot and after much looking, they find the one that matches. (This time I was smart enough to bring the dead bulb with me). I go home & get back up on the ladder & replace the bulb. Then I wait for darkness. Of course, we are in the storm watch twilight zone by then. I can’t tell if the light should be on or not. Then when it finally gets dark- no security light. I guess the whole unit got fried somehow like before. We had a few power outages & brownouts during all this rain. This morning I went back to Home Depot and returned the new bulb. Looks like we won’t be getting a light anytime soon. That involves buying a bew one & finding someone to install it. We have a back porch light, so we aren’t completely without light.
Today was actually sunny! So far… Storms will come back tonight.
I did a bunch of errands & then grilled some hamburgers . I’ll heat them up for supper. I almost never grill burgers, cause I’m just not good at it, but that was what I had thawed, so that was what I used. They look ok, and didn’t fall apart.
See ya later
Hai, RaBbiT!
I’d be happy to come over and install a new security light for you. Wait, you live where?
I must think on this.
It’s probably the day/night sensor. Those suckers crap out pretty regularly.
You may be able to get the replacement sensor at Home Despot/Lowe’s.
Elena’s Godfather was a composer and musician. Her father recently asked her if I could get a copy of the movie “Blood and Sand” as he thought her Godfather had a part in it playing the guitar at a fountain. I got the movie but the scene was not in it so last night I tried looking for it by tracing him and the song. His name was Claudio Estrada and he shared a local TV show when Elena was young and had several songs he wrote used in movies. One of the better known ones was “Luto en el alma”. I was surprised when I tried to find clips of him singing this to find pages of videos on U-Tube of different people and groups singing this song, right up to today. There was even a rap version. I traced it to the movie “Bullfighter and the Lady” from 1951 and found it on Amazon. He was only credited with writing the song, not as an actor, but we did find the scene. Interesting project. I have been watching a lot of bullfighting lately as part of it.
This has made me think of you, Fatwa. More your background.
In 6th and 7th grade I had a teacher from Spain. We learned a lot of Spanish as he encouraged using it through the day and it was the only time I learned a useful amount of a different language. Unfortunately the German I took in HS blocked it without really replacing it so I lost out. He taught us a lot about bullfighting, the purpose and reasons for what was done. Later a local UHF station broadcast Bullfights From Mexico City in the middle of the night. The commentary was by an obviously Mexican announcer who’s English was excellent and who was obviously knowledgeable and enthusiastic about bullfighting so it was interesting and educational. I found I enjoyed watching it, being a night creature then as now.
I can’t imagine that being broadcast today, even on cable.
RabBeet --
Sorry you’ve had such a vexing day; OTOH, teh burgers didn’t fall apart on teh grill, which is always a goodness.
TeX --
We’ve had really good luck with a light / motion sensing fixture I installed at the front door shortly after I arrived in ’08. Wish I could remember the manufacturer; ‘taint visible anywhere on the exposed parts
Uses a 100w bulb; “idles” at around 40w and goes to full intensity for 0:30 (adjustable) when the motion sensor gets tripped. Aside from needing a new bulb every couple of years, its worked flawlessly.
(Of course, the above is tempting fate; it’ll probably crap-out in the next 72 hours.)
Mac --
Will definitely check-out Señor Estrada’s music this evening; thanks for teh info.
Oy. (Protip: Searching YouTube for “bad rapper” yields horrors beyond imagining. Seriously…do not do this.)
Good L0rd do I hear that one -- I’ve gotten VERY s00perstitious of late. I tried reversing the psychology on the power supply for the TV. It didn’t work.
Oh, and only my buddy Bob would end up in the “street view” of his address in Bing maps.
He’s waving.
Didn’t even know there was a Bing maps / streetview.
(Given it’s M$, I’ll bet it runs like crap on Macs regardless of browser.)
Hah! Bing Maps Street View requires installing a Silverlight plugin.
*Squints eyes and lowers voice*
That’s not gonna happen.
Yep. No MS Silverfish on my machines.