After living in the country for more than half a century, the atomic immigrant was awarded honorary citizenship by Tokyo’s Shinjuku ward earlier this year. According to ANN, however, Godzilla’s paperwork was only finalized last week.
In Portal, the player controls the protagonist, Chell, from a first-person perspective as she is challenged to navigate through a series of rooms using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, or portal gun. The portal gun can create two distinct portal ends, orange and blue. The portals create a visual and physical connection between two different locations in three-dimensional space. Neither end is specifically an entrance or exit; all objects that travel through one portal will exit through the other. An important aspect of the game’s physics is momentum redirection. As moving objects pass through portals, they come through the exit portal at the same direction that the exit portal is facing and with the same speed with which they passed through the entrance portal.
1. California Senate approves health care for undocumented immigrants
2. California Senate approves increase in legal age to buy tobacco (up to age 21)
3. Senate passes minimum wage boost for California (up to $11/hr next January)
4. Assembly passes bill making cheerleading official sport
I can’t wait to see what they do tomorrow.
Re: the minimum wage hike, I love these comments from elected (guess which party) officials:
“When you get out there and get a job, you should have enough money to feed your family. You should have enough money to pay for the roof over your head and decent conditions.”
“The problem is, we want to pick and choose the work that we value,” added XXXXX, the measure’s co-author. “All work has value.”
“The president of the United States has defined income inequality as the defining challenge of our time,” said YYYYYY who authored the measure. “Wages are growing at the slowest rate relative to corporate profits in the history of the United States of America.
“The problem is, we want to pick and choose the work that we value,” added XXXXX, the measure’s co-author. “All work has value.”
Well, yeah. But I’d prefer NOT to have a “sanitation worker” step in for a thoracic surgeon. And I’ll bet any amount of money, were said measure’s co-author about to go under the knife, they’d rather have the guy who went to med school too.
Rocket surgery and brain science, well, those are interchangeable. 🙂
Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody from the yeah-it’s-summer Central SE Texas prairie!
The casualty count from the near hit continues. The big living room TV has been revived with a $40 board replacement, so that was a huge savings. BUT we discovered the Blu-Ray player was kilt.
As was the HDMI output on the DirecTV box, so they’re sending a new one. So for the THIRD time, I’m going to lose all my recordings. INCLUDING season six of “Justified” -- but that was released yesterday so what better excuse is there to buy it?
AND seemingly every lamp Mr. X has fit with a touch sensor has decided to go disco. Or they’re haunted. They turn on, go through the brightness levels and turn off. Or cycle until you unplug it, or just stop.
And, and, AND those tricksy little bastards at Micro$oft…
When I was messing with the also-dead wireless printer, the HP widget asked me if I minded if it saved the new settings to resolve the printer problems. Well, of course not.
Bastards overwrote my Windows Update settings to “Automatically Download and Install” -- which I discovered when the “Get Windows 10” icon showed up in the task bar the next morning.
Oh, double-plus hell no.
Fvckers never think about those of us with bandwidth caps. Or care for those of us that eye their “updates” skeptically (which includes most IT depts).
Bummer about all the electronics and losing your DVRed shows. Double bummer about the HP widget screwing with your settings; hope you can correct that without too much fuss.
“All work has value.”
Says someone who is likely a career tax-teat feeder. Work has precisely the value that someone is willing to pay for it.
Sure, you could compensate someone building burritos full-time at a fast-casual restaurant $100K / year…if you can find enough customers who will pay $60 for a burrito and another $15 for guac and chips on the side.
(And best hope your suppliers don’t decide to vastly overpay their employees, too.)
Ya, I knew all that stuff about the portal game. Right.
Tex, my Direct TV box has a USB port for a backup drive. Can you save your recordings that way?
I run my signal from the Genie through my own DVR so I can transfer things to it, edit them, and burn them to disc if I wish. I lose the HD but I can’t see the difference anyway. I am just too paranoid about computer drive failures.
My old partner has a reality show about his shop on MAVTV and I am finally able to see it. Shortly after I got the Direct TV they started replaying the first season shows so I have been able to save them all. Elena and I have both been losing a lot of time to the new system. There was a three month trial of about fifty premium channels. I have been going nuts with that. It will be hard to give up.
I am glad to see that California’s economy has recovered so much they can afford the loss of so many entry level jobs. I wish the best of luck to unskilled and semi-literate first time job seekers in that new market, especially given the $3,000.00 a year tax penalty businesses will have to pay for hiring them vs an illegal alien applying for the same job.
One of the common themes I see from commenters who obviously never ran a business is that fast food places can just raise prices to cover the higher wages. It is amusing that they think these greedy and venal business owners would not already have raised their prices if they could. Whatever they are charging is the most they can charge without losing more in sales than they would gain in margin.
I guess it’s no problem, we just need government control of prices and wages and laws saying a business may not lose workers and workers can not move. Where did I read something like that?
It is amazing the number of people who think the era of the Nixon/Carter wage and price controls are something to bring back. I find most or all were not trying to survive in the private sector at that time. I remember it all too well and DO. NOT. WANT.
It is amazing the number of people who think the era of the Nixon/Carter wage and price controls are something to bring back. I find most or all were not trying to survive in the private sector at that time. I remember it all too well and DO. NOT. WANT.
Honestly, I’m starting to think the collective legislative memory in CA is an Etch-a-Sketch. It’s a blank slate every day with no memory, no history.
Tex, my Direct TV box has a USB port for a backup drive. Can you save your recordings that way?
Are you telling me I can take a USB cable from my laptop and plug it into the port I just now saw on my DirecTV box and keep my shows?!
NO! It is for an external drive but it will format it for it’s purpose and all data will be lost. I assume this is to copy protect it, though I have not tried it. It is intended to be a way to expand your capacity and I assume would protect your recordings if used as a backup. I have not done this as I took another route, as I mentioned.
However, once I burn my recordings to disc I always put them into my computer for my access and keep the DVDs for storage and for viewing on the big TV with Elena. You could have all your shows on the computer that way if you wanted to and have the space. It does take some time but is worth it to me. Everything I want to keep is safe and well backed up and I can watch it all on my PC.
My main Box does have the three RCA output plugs and these you could connect to your laptop, either directly if it has the input or through an adapter like the ones used to connect VCRs to a computer. For the mini units there is a round ten pin socket on the back. I got a cable adapter that plugs into this and gives the three RCA cable output that I plug into my DVR input. At first I was using HDMI to RCA converter boxes but these cables are a third the price and work better so I switched to them. I can play directly into my DVR or I can use the Genie to record the show and then play that into my DVR. Once I have it secure I can delete it from the Genie to free up the space. Elena does not save her soap operas after seeing them but we added a Spanish language channel package and she is enjoying the channels that show classic Mexican movies. She does save many of these and will be burning then to DVD for her father and to save them.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX, Fatwa, Sven, and Mac!
“All work has value.”
That immediately brought to mind this Heinlein quote from Starship Troopers:
Of course, the Marxian definition of value is ridiculous. All the work one cares to add willl not turn a mud pie into an apple tart; it remains a mud pie, value zero. By corollary, unskillful work can easily subtract value; an untalented cook can turn wholesome dough and fresh green apples, valuable already, into an inedible mess, value zero. Conversely, a great chef can fashion of those same materials a confection of greater value than a commonplace apple tart, with no more effort than an ordinary cook uses to prepare an ordinary sweet. These kitchen illustrations demolish the Marxian theory of value -- the fallacy from which the entire magnificent fraud of communism derives -- and to illustrate the truth of the common-sense defintion as measured in terms of use.
The California Senate has come up with another, brilliant, cost-saving measure -- pay students to take college classes. It seems that too many students are taking too long to graduate from the Cal State system -- an average of six years. Well, if we could eliminate two years of financial aid, we’d be in clover! So the idea is to pay a bonus of $1000 if a student completes 30 units by the end of their freshman year, $1500 for 60 units at the end of their sophomore year, and another $3500 if they complete 90 units by the end of their junior year. Whatta plan!
Now let’s play a little game called “Who can spot the problems with this brain-dead idea?”
Now Paddy, with those huge budget surpluses California is running they have to do something to get rid of the money. If they give it back to the taxpayers that earned it they would just waste it on a VCR or something, right?
The California Senate has come up with another, brilliant, cost-saving measure — pay students to take college classes.
I’d probably have taken the money if they’d offered it JUST for taking Chinese Art History. Drop or misplace a vowel, change the dynasty. o_0
Thanks for all the options! I’m going to pick up another external and see what I can do with it or maybe the RCA adapter cables -- we’ll see what’s available at Wal-Mart.
I got the cable on Amazon. I think I paid about $6.00 for each. They are cheaper now but add on items. There are different cables for other boxes. These work with the round black ten pin output socket.
Huh. I don’t get it. Oh well, GOOD MORNING!
Wednesday salutations from Happy Larryville, GN!
Hai, Sven!
Nice Portal GIF, Mac.
My peeps were early adopters of tablet technology.
Read earlier that Godzilla has been granted honorary Japanese citizenship:
Sven --
Today’s GIF references a video game called “Portal”.
Ahhhhhh. I’m so lame. Thanks, Fatwa.
News headlines out of California:
1. California Senate approves health care for undocumented immigrants
2. California Senate approves increase in legal age to buy tobacco (up to age 21)
3. Senate passes minimum wage boost for California (up to $11/hr next January)
4. Assembly passes bill making cheerleading official sport
I can’t wait to see what they do tomorrow.
Re: the minimum wage hike, I love these comments from elected (guess which party) officials:
“When you get out there and get a job, you should have enough money to feed your family. You should have enough money to pay for the roof over your head and decent conditions.”
“The problem is, we want to pick and choose the work that we value,” added XXXXX, the measure’s co-author. “All work has value.”
“The president of the United States has defined income inequality as the defining challenge of our time,” said YYYYYY who authored the measure. “Wages are growing at the slowest rate relative to corporate profits in the history of the United States of America.
“We must do more to address this, and we can.”
Well, yeah. But I’d prefer NOT to have a “sanitation worker” step in for a thoracic surgeon. And I’ll bet any amount of money, were said measure’s co-author about to go under the knife, they’d rather have the guy who went to med school too.
Rocket surgery and brain science, well, those are interchangeable. 🙂
Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody from the yeah-it’s-summer Central SE Texas prairie!
The casualty count from the near hit continues. The big living room TV has been revived with a $40 board replacement, so that was a huge savings. BUT we discovered the Blu-Ray player was kilt.
As was the HDMI output on the DirecTV box, so they’re sending a new one. So for the THIRD time, I’m going to lose all my recordings. INCLUDING season six of “Justified” -- but that was released yesterday so what better excuse is there to buy it?
AND seemingly every lamp Mr. X has fit with a touch sensor has decided to go disco. Or they’re haunted. They turn on, go through the brightness levels and turn off. Or cycle until you unplug it, or just stop.
And, and, AND those tricksy little bastards at Micro$oft…
When I was messing with the also-dead wireless printer, the HP widget asked me if I minded if it saved the new settings to resolve the printer problems. Well, of course not.
Bastards overwrote my Windows Update settings to “Automatically Download and Install” -- which I discovered when the “Get Windows 10” icon showed up in the task bar the next morning.
Oh, double-plus hell no.
Fvckers never think about those of us with bandwidth caps. Or care for those of us that eye their “updates” skeptically (which includes most IT depts).
Other than that, I got nuthin’. Coffee?

Hai, TeX!
Bummer about all the electronics and losing your DVRed shows. Double bummer about the HP widget screwing with your settings; hope you can correct that without too much fuss.
Says someone who is likely a career tax-teat feeder. Work has precisely the value that someone is willing to pay for it.
Sure, you could compensate someone building burritos full-time at a fast-casual restaurant $100K / year…if you can find enough customers who will pay $60 for a burrito and another $15 for guac and chips on the side.
(And best hope your suppliers don’t decide to vastly overpay their employees, too.)
Economics…how does it work? 😉
Ya, I knew all that stuff about the portal game. Right.
Tex, my Direct TV box has a USB port for a backup drive. Can you save your recordings that way?
I run my signal from the Genie through my own DVR so I can transfer things to it, edit them, and burn them to disc if I wish. I lose the HD but I can’t see the difference anyway. I am just too paranoid about computer drive failures.
My old partner has a reality show about his shop on MAVTV and I am finally able to see it. Shortly after I got the Direct TV they started replaying the first season shows so I have been able to save them all. Elena and I have both been losing a lot of time to the new system. There was a three month trial of about fifty premium channels. I have been going nuts with that. It will be hard to give up.
I am glad to see that California’s economy has recovered so much they can afford the loss of so many entry level jobs. I wish the best of luck to unskilled and semi-literate first time job seekers in that new market, especially given the $3,000.00 a year tax penalty businesses will have to pay for hiring them vs an illegal alien applying for the same job.
One of the common themes I see from commenters who obviously never ran a business is that fast food places can just raise prices to cover the higher wages. It is amusing that they think these greedy and venal business owners would not already have raised their prices if they could. Whatever they are charging is the most they can charge without losing more in sales than they would gain in margin.
I guess it’s no problem, we just need government control of prices and wages and laws saying a business may not lose workers and workers can not move. Where did I read something like that?
It is amazing the number of people who think the era of the Nixon/Carter wage and price controls are something to bring back. I find most or all were not trying to survive in the private sector at that time. I remember it all too well and DO. NOT. WANT.
Honestly, I’m starting to think the collective legislative memory in CA is an Etch-a-Sketch. It’s a blank slate every day with no memory, no history.
Are you telling me I can take a USB cable from my laptop and plug it into the port I just now saw on my DirecTV box and keep my shows?!
NO! It is for an external drive but it will format it for it’s purpose and all data will be lost. I assume this is to copy protect it, though I have not tried it. It is intended to be a way to expand your capacity and I assume would protect your recordings if used as a backup. I have not done this as I took another route, as I mentioned.
However, once I burn my recordings to disc I always put them into my computer for my access and keep the DVDs for storage and for viewing on the big TV with Elena. You could have all your shows on the computer that way if you wanted to and have the space. It does take some time but is worth it to me. Everything I want to keep is safe and well backed up and I can watch it all on my PC.
My main Box does have the three RCA output plugs and these you could connect to your laptop, either directly if it has the input or through an adapter like the ones used to connect VCRs to a computer. For the mini units there is a round ten pin socket on the back. I got a cable adapter that plugs into this and gives the three RCA cable output that I plug into my DVR input. At first I was using HDMI to RCA converter boxes but these cables are a third the price and work better so I switched to them. I can play directly into my DVR or I can use the Genie to record the show and then play that into my DVR. Once I have it secure I can delete it from the Genie to free up the space. Elena does not save her soap operas after seeing them but we added a Spanish language channel package and she is enjoying the channels that show classic Mexican movies. She does save many of these and will be burning then to DVD for her father and to save them.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX, Fatwa, Sven, and Mac!
That immediately brought to mind this Heinlein quote from Starship Troopers:
Good morning, Paddy.
The California Senate has come up with another, brilliant, cost-saving measure -- pay students to take college classes. It seems that too many students are taking too long to graduate from the Cal State system -- an average of six years. Well, if we could eliminate two years of financial aid, we’d be in clover! So the idea is to pay a bonus of $1000 if a student completes 30 units by the end of their freshman year, $1500 for 60 units at the end of their sophomore year, and another $3500 if they complete 90 units by the end of their junior year. Whatta plan!
Now let’s play a little game called “Who can spot the problems with this brain-dead idea?”
Now Paddy, with those huge budget surpluses California is running they have to do something to get rid of the money. If they give it back to the taxpayers that earned it they would just waste it on a VCR or something, right?
I’d probably have taken the money if they’d offered it JUST for taking Chinese Art History. Drop or misplace a vowel, change the dynasty. o_0
Thanks for all the options! I’m going to pick up another external and see what I can do with it or maybe the RCA adapter cables -- we’ll see what’s available at Wal-Mart.
I got the cable on Amazon. I think I paid about $6.00 for each. They are cheaper now but add on items. There are different cables for other boxes. These work with the round black ten pin output socket.
The HDMI to RCA converter boxes were about $20.00. They need a USB socket for power. They come with the cable for that. The ten pin cable is better.
Hrrrmph. You guys are just jealous of us here in California.