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9 years ago

O grabbin’!

9 years ago

The first day of July, huh? Where did the time go?
For that matter, where did my country go? It was around here somewhere. It rolled away while I wasn’t looking. I guess I left it out & someone took it.

BW is taking ten days off starting Saturday. Supposedly this will be the big push to get Teh Crackhouse Mansion emptied. I haven’t been back over there since I cleaned out the garage. And of course, no word from either of them.

We did get the autopsy report back. Clearly an accidental drowning. No alcohol in her system (no food either). Of course, that doesn’t show the negligence involved, but BW is relieved that she won’t have to put anyone in prison. What a hard , cruel pain BW is going through.
Seems like everyday on the news there is another drowning reported. She grieves for the families. Last week there was an elderly drowning. They had a helicopter or drone shot over the backyard. BW thought she saw the man’s little red walker poolside. At least we were spared a shot of TM’s wheelchair in the pool. Then the other day, a woman lost three children in a murky apt. pool. The daughter was dead on the scene & the two little boys died a few days later.
Sorry for starting the thread with all this gloom. That is just where I am right now.
Yesterday was the retirement party for one of BW’s cow-workers. They had been together for about 30 or 35 years. She had been using up all her vacation time & just came back for the party. Again, where did all the time go?
I feel like I am writing a “Backhoe ” post, so I’ll just hop on out.

Have a Jerrlicious day!
Do it Now!


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning, Wheelizens!

Hai, RabBeet!

Sorry for starting the thread with all this gloom. That is just where I am right now.

No apology necessary AFAIC; wish BK and I could do more than send virtual hugs to you two. Remember:

“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” – Callahan’s Law


Safe journeys to K8-E!

Just looking at Mac’s thread pic made me queasy; reminds me of an experience at age 6 with one of those playground merry-go-rounds (that most schools and parks have gotten rid of).

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Hump Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT and Fatwa!

RaBbiT -- never worry about the tone of your posts, here. This is a place you can express yourself without fear of others judging you. We’re all friends here and we want to help and support each other. Sometimes the only way we can do that is to lend a sympathetic ear.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

Also: preach it, brother!

9 years ago

Also: preach it, brother!


Hell, I’ve been lousy about participating, but I carry y’all with me every day. My family of choice, and I’m extremely lucky to have found you.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  X_LA_Native

My family of choice, and I’m extremely lucky to have found you.

Right back at you!

9 years ago

Thanks, all.
I feel loved & humbled.

BW & I are going to try a new BBQplace that just opened nearby. I have nver eaten at this local chain. They started in Dallas & went eastward. They are just getting around to this part of the Metroplex.
On one hand, they couldn’t be any worse than the previous business at that location. It was a crappy place when I first lived here in ’77. Some time after we moved here in ’99, I tried it again-still. crappy. Finally the owner sold out to someone that knew nothing about the restaurant business. So then it became crappy & a money pit. It finally closed down & the new folks have remodeled. I can’t wait wait. In fact, I passed by it today at lunch & the parking lost was full.
As I was slow-typing this, BW called to say that she has to go to a class & will be a couple of hours late. The BBQ anticipation is getting to both of us!
I’ll let y’all know later if it is a dream or a dud.