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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!


Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

Well, another Day Camp has successfully been concluded and all that’s left is the clean-up. We managed to get most of the archery range taken down and stowed away last night, so we’ve got that going for us. The record is completion by 2:00 pm -- I hope we at least tie that record.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Go Team Paddy!

Beat your previous record!

Rah rah rah!

Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning and happy Saturday!

Mrs Sven is holding her own. I’ll let her rest up over the weekend and then back to the doctor next week.

Thanks again, Jerry, for getting the site set up.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Heya, Sven!

Glad teh missus is doing better; make sure you take of yourself, too, y’hear?