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Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning and happy Saturday!

Just Sven
9 years ago

Sorry to see Gov. Perry drop out of the race. He doesn’t seem to be a bad guy and his record in Texas was impressive--at least from an outsider looking in: don’t know what you Texicans think.

Trump sucks. He’s like a five-year old: “he was nasty to me so I’m just being nasty back.” I’ve never heard a grown man use the word “nasty” as much as this guy.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!

Hai, Sven!

revenge cat photo revenge cat_zpsp5daw2q4.jpg

I don’t get the Trumpmania; I really don’t. It’s like he’s running for president of the student council, not POTUS. While it’s nice to see a candidate push back hard against the media, I think Fiorina does a better job of it with much more gravitas.

(Which is moot, as I’m done with the GOP for good.)

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Can someone explain to me why the GOP is all pro-life when it comes to fetuses, but is perfectly fine with those kids being immolated by the nuclear weapons they’ve just handed to the Islamo-Shitbags?

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven and Fatwa!

Fatwa -- short answer: no.

Mrs. Paddy returns home today. It will be good to have her home.

9 years ago

Fatwa and I have a disagreement about the Iran thang. What I think happened is that Iran made it absolutely clear to Obama & buds that Tehran will have (if they don’t already have) nukes…that there is absolutely nothing American can do to stop them from having and using their nukes short of a preemptive strike, and I absolutely believe that Obama and our congress is terrified of the push back from the rest of the Muslim world if they strike Iran.

I think that Iran told DC, here’s the deal: you have 10 minutes or 10 years. I think Iran promised that if America lets them have their money and trade back and leaves them alone, they won’t build nukes for 10 years, but if anything is said about the deal or if the deal is rejected, then the nukes are will be assembled and the bombing starts in 10 minutes. And that again, there is absolutely nothing that America can do about it.

I think Iran will not keep to any bargain struck, and that Obama knows that, but hope is better than not hope so he and the congressional leadership (now there’s an oxymoron) are doing their best to try to believe Iran’s so obviously empty promises.

My prediction is that Israel will be nuked with the next two years, and that no one will do anything about it because the crazy leadership of a little shithole of a country can hold the rest of the world hostage to a potential WWIII — and by our giving in to the nutbags, it is assured that that potential will eventually become reality.

Batshit insane rules the roost if you don’t stomp on it right from the start, and we lost the first opportunity to do so when the Shah was ousted from Iran and our State Dept. proceeded to make nice with the mad mullahs. We are missing another opportunity right now, and not because of evil or laziness from our leadership but rather from fear and truly misguided hope.

I think all of this is being kept from the American citizenry because our political and educational betters really do think that we are a weak people; that the truth shall set our neuroses free and we will fall apart if presented with the true nature of the world and politics around us. Tehran just believes that we are an inferior people with an inferior society who elected an ineffectual man to lead our country — they got one out of three right, anyway. But I believe that Tehran, DC and Harvard are wrong about us…we are not weak.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I’m afraid that BetterHalfK is correct.

It also just occurred to me that “D.C.” rhymes with “Vichy”.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Re: Trump, I think Goldberg gets it exactly right:

“I don’t know how else to say this: The case against the GOP establishment is not the case for Trump, no matter how much it feels like it is in your head or your heart.”


Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

I agree with Brenda that batshit crazy must be stomped on immediately, or you end up with situations like North Korea, Iran, and SWMNBN.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sven and Paddy --

Thanks for your links.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I’m having a really hard time with the reality that our government has caved to the most dangerous terrorist state on the planet with -- effectively -- nary a peep.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

I guess now we’ll see just how long it really takes for them to get a nuke.

9 years ago

Does anyone here know anyone in Hollywood TV producer world? Because I have a message I would love to have passed on to one of their ilk: I would like for them to quit having multi-year villains, and lame heroes.

Wrap up those villains in under 4 (max) episodes, please. Please also note that a hero who is a trained national security assassin that can take out the most lethal bad guys in the world would probably not be beat up by an aging Bronx cop whose best fighting skills were learned on the streets of the lower West Side. Also, our hero’s gun skills should not be consistently superb except when he’s actually shooting at the top level villain, whom he manages to miss over and over and over and over…

Yes, I am currently engaged in a Person Of Interest-athon. Why do you ask?