Mrs. Paddy and I went out to a bar last night to hear a group called Beer and Hymns. Guitar, bass, keyboard, steel guitar, drums, and vocals. No proselytizing, just a good, old-fashioned sing-along, with alcohol. The place was packed.
I’m sure some asshole will start a wildfire today. CaliArsonists love this kind of weather!
Is it illegal to climb over the fence into somebody’s backyard and destroy an obnoxious, ridiculously loud windchime? Not that I would, I’m just wondering…
We used to have a really nice wind chime, but every time the high winds arrived, even if it happened in the middle of the night, I had to go outside and take them down. They just got too loud.
I’m watching video of President Not-my-fault’s press conference at the G20 conference in Turkey (one turkey in another -- recursive Obama). He spoke for 5 minutes, then over the course of another 45 minutes he evaded 6 questions, getting more and more annoyed as the press kept coming back to the same questions, since he kept ducking them. In one sense, this was his first press conference of his entire presidency.
Several times, he repeated that he met with his entire security staff every several weeks to review current threats. Every several weeks?! Maybe if you didn’t blow off your daily briefings you wouldn’t be so effing clueless!
[purely hypothetical situation]
Pres. Obama: Hey guys, at our last meeting, six weeks ago, why didn’t you tell me about this impending attack on Paris? You’re making me look like a fool.
Joint Chiefs of Staff: As to the former, we didn’t have that information six weeks ago, but it’s been in your morning briefing every day for the past two weeks. We take no credit for the latter, sir. That’s all on you.
[/purely hypothetical situation]
I’ve not seen Il Douchey’s presser, but I’ve been informed that he was far angrier at the GOP than the murderous Islamist bastards.
Cali --
Bummer about your neighbor’s vexing wind chimes; I’ve grown to dislike them for just that reason. However, if I thought some neighbor would bribe me with “okra” to take them down, I’d put some up behind CasaK. 😉
I’ve been informed that he was far angrier at the GOP than the murderous Islamist bastards.
Considering that he stated, quite clearly, that ISIL (I wonder what the first ‘I’ in ISIL stands for?) does not represent Islam and that equating the actions of ISIL with Islam is a terrible stereotype, and that he condemned (repeatedly) those who criticize his plan of (in)action without providing specific, detailed alternatives, yeah, I guess that would about sum things up.
Considering that Daesh (a preferred term, as they really don’t like it) claims to be Islamic, why does our Bunghole-in-Chief disrespect their self-identity? By doing so, he’s violating their human rights and simple human dignity!!1!!
It wouldn’t matter. At least one of the suicide bombers in Paris had a Syrian passport. He was granted admission to Greece because the only check on refugees is whether or not there is an international warrant out for their arrest. Unless someone is on our watch-list, there is no reliable way to screen out the refugees from the terrorists.
The Euroweenies have dug themselves into a rather bad hole by letting all of those “migrants” in. Glad to see that the governors of most southern and rustbelt states are saying “hell no!” to accepting Syrian refugees.
I think we should demand a five-day moratorium on performances of John Lennon’s “Imagine” after all tragedies…out of simple human decency toward the victims.
Did Obama remember to remind us that we are not at war with Islam and that the terrorists aren’t “really” Muslims and that Americans are better than this over something or other?
Happy Monday, GN!
Also: gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!
Mrs. Paddy and I went out to a bar last night to hear a group called Beer and Hymns. Guitar, bass, keyboard, steel guitar, drums, and vocals. No proselytizing, just a good, old-fashioned sing-along, with alcohol. The place was packed.
I’m sure some asshole will start a wildfire today. CaliArsonists love this kind of weather!
Is it illegal to climb over the fence into somebody’s backyard and destroy an obnoxious, ridiculously loud windchime? Not that I would, I’m just wondering…
We used to have a really nice wind chime, but every time the high winds arrived, even if it happened in the middle of the night, I had to go outside and take them down. They just got too loud.
Maybe you could negotiate for some okra?
Bwahahahaaa Mac!! No way! That would make him even lazier!! We have already renamed the house next door. “Yonke Andre”.
I’m watching video of President Not-my-fault’s press conference at the G20 conference in Turkey (one turkey in another -- recursive Obama). He spoke for 5 minutes, then over the course of another 45 minutes he evaded 6 questions, getting more and more annoyed as the press kept coming back to the same questions, since he kept ducking them. In one sense, this was his first press conference of his entire presidency.
Several times, he repeated that he met with his entire security staff every several weeks to review current threats. Every several weeks?! Maybe if you didn’t blow off your daily briefings you wouldn’t be so effing clueless!
[purely hypothetical situation]
Pres. Obama: Hey guys, at our last meeting, six weeks ago, why didn’t you tell me about this impending attack on Paris? You’re making me look like a fool.
Joint Chiefs of Staff: As to the former, we didn’t have that information six weeks ago, but it’s been in your morning briefing every day for the past two weeks. We take no credit for the latter, sir. That’s all on you.
[/purely hypothetical situation]
Hai, Paddy, Cali and Mac!
I’ve not seen Il Douchey’s presser, but I’ve been informed that he was far angrier at the GOP than the murderous Islamist bastards.
Cali --
Bummer about your neighbor’s vexing wind chimes; I’ve grown to dislike them for just that reason. However, if I thought some neighbor would bribe me with “okra” to take them down, I’d put some up behind CasaK. 😉
Considering that he stated, quite clearly, that ISIL (I wonder what the first ‘I’ in ISIL stands for?) does not represent Islam and that equating the actions of ISIL with Islam is a terrible stereotype, and that he condemned (repeatedly) those who criticize his plan of (in)action without providing specific, detailed alternatives, yeah, I guess that would about sum things up.
Considering that Daesh (a preferred term, as they really don’t like it) claims to be Islamic, why does our Bunghole-in-Chief disrespect their self-identity? By doing so, he’s violating their human rights and simple human dignity!!1!!
It wouldn’t matter. At least one of the suicide bombers in Paris had a Syrian passport. He was granted admission to Greece because the only check on refugees is whether or not there is an international warrant out for their arrest. Unless someone is on our watch-list, there is no reliable way to screen out the refugees from the terrorists.
The Euroweenies have dug themselves into a rather bad hole by letting all of those “migrants” in. Glad to see that the governors of most southern and rustbelt states are saying “hell no!” to accepting Syrian refugees.
I think we should demand a five-day moratorium on performances of John Lennon’s “Imagine” after all tragedies…out of simple human decency toward the victims.
And mandatory Yoko Ono concerts in the home countries of terrorists.
Most of the politicians are trying on their dhimmi outfits and trying to figure out what their share of the Jizya will be.
Heh -- heh.
She said ‘Jizya’.
Their energies would be better spent sorting out how they’re going to keep their heads attached to their necks.
Paddy --
Ya beat me to it. 👿
Did Obama remember to remind us that we are not at war with Islam and that the terrorists aren’t “really” Muslims and that Americans are better than this over something or other?
Hai, Sven!
Yeah…pretty much. He only got exercised when whinging about the GOP. Also characterized the Paris attacks as a “setback”.
I’m almost certain that violates the Geneva Convention; fortunately, it doesn’t apply to terrorists.
That f**king GOP, huh? And probably them Tea Partiers too. Like Hillary, he knows who America’s real enemies are.