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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Rise and shine…it’s teh start of another awesome week, GN!

need bigger chark photo need bigger shark_zpszlstxrma.gif


8 years ago

Mornin’ Greetin’s!

I hope everyone has a hap-hap-happy Monday!! If there is such a thing.

I don’t know nuthin’ about nuthin’,so I’ll see ya later.


Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, and Fatwa!

It’s another beautiful day in paradise! I take over a homeroom class today, but nobody has given me any content for the class (it’s normally announcements, reminders, etc.). While digging around on one of the document repositories this weekend, I found a calendar that listed recurring meetings -- two that are happening today. Gee, it would be nice to know about these things!

Just Sven
8 years ago

Happy Monday!

Good luck today, Paddy.

I’ve apparently developed some ungood side effects from surgery last week or am experiencing an odd coincidence in terms of body functionality. Imagine that today is going to be one f**king doctor after another.

But so it goes. One foot in front of the other and all that.

Just Sven
8 years ago

As I wait to make some phone calls, I’m reading the comments from some pro-Trump sites. These people are off the rails in their love for all things Trump, their hatred of Ted Cruz and the GOP, and their complete lack of critical thought or criticism or objectiveness regarding their hero.

These “Conservatives” have learned nothing after 8 years of Obama and are sucking the Make America Great Again teat harder than the Left did on the Hope and Change teat in 2008. It’s embarrassing.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Hey, Sven!
I’m sorry to hear about your medical troubles. I hope they get resolved quickly.

today is going to be one f**king doctor after another.

That’s a medical specialty I hadn’t heard of.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

I’ve begun to wonder, lately, if Trump isn’t just part of a conspiracy to get Hillary! elected.

Just Sven
8 years ago

OK, two doctors and done. Now for more drugs. Yee haw!

Just Sven
8 years ago

Looking for a book recommendation on the history of Christianity. Not looking for a religious tome per se, but rather something that discusses how exactly Christianity spread and why it was adopted throughout the Western world.

Any thoughts?

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’ll ask around.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Weather this week: tomorrow and Wednesday has temperatures in the 90’s and then it drops 25 degrees with rain. It’s like living in Texas without all the good parts.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, RabBeet, Paddy and Sven!

I take over a homeroom class today…

Armed takeover?

Given your new employer apparently expects you to train yourself, perhaps you can also give yourself a stellar employee review and a ginormous raise, too.

OK, two doctors and done. Now for more drugs. Yee haw!

Glad you were able to see the other docs so quickly; hope they gave you really good drugs. And that you recuperate pronto.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Good drugs. I’ll be in a fine shape to return to teh bestest place ever tomorrow.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Not a bad choice, Mr Schmoe. Just be careful with the drinking and peddling!

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven